Nasal polyposis in matters and answers


  • Polyps Polyps Return
  • How to get rid of the nose polyposis
  • Complications and prevention of nose polyposis

  • It is difficult to say whether the writer Erich Maria Remarque suffered from the nose polyposis,
    But in his famous novels, he repeatedly described this ailment. One
    from heroes argues, for example, that almost every person «Sit» in
    Polyps nose. The writer, of course, exaggerated into something, but the disease
    This, striking the nose and its sinuses, is really pretty
    distributed, and it can develop at any age. Talk about polypose more. We asked the lead scientific
    Employee of the Clinical Department of the Federal Center of Otorinolaryngology
    under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Irina Arkadyevna Dipes.

    Polyps Polyps Return

    - What is polyps?

    - Polyps - benign neoplasms in the nasal cavity. The reason for their appearance can be allergic, changes in the immune system or chronic diseases of the nose and its apparent sinuses. The initial stages of the occurrence of polyps Most people do not notice - many believe that this is an ordinary runny nose. Laid nose, abundant mucous allocations, reduced smell, headache, feeling of fatigue, bad sleep and feeling of traffic jams appear later. Tumor-shaped neoplasms of pale-blue color, preventing freely breathing, are detected during survey (rososcopy). However, by that time they had already managed «strengthen» their position and acquired legs (by the way, the word «polyp» translated as «centipede»).

    - Polyps are all the same?

    - They are different. Only a smooth surface and a student consistency in all the same. More often they appear «Family». Movable, sometimes quite tangible sizes, polyps are capable «settle» All nasal cavity, even nasopharynk. The nose almost does not cope with its main function: everything is harder, the drops for the nose are no longer making relief.

    The diagnosis is set by the inspection of the nasal cavity. To calm readers, I repeat: the nasal polyps - tumors are not malignant, although malignant and other education may appear on the site of polyps, with them similar. To determine the true nature of the growing, we carry out a histological study of all removable polyps.

    How to get rid of the nose polyposis

    - What methods are treated polyposis?

    - In the early stages, good results are treated with hormonal drugs of local applications. In each case, a strictly defined dose of medicine is used. To create a favorable background in the treatment of polyposis, antihistamines are often used both local and general purpose. To reduce the edema of tissues and restore nasal respiration, apply gentle surgical methods using, in particular, surgical ultrasound, surgical laser and radio wave surgery.

    Polyps that cut to considerable sizes require surgical intervention. Operation to remove them known to humanity from time immemorial. True, this process was then reminded then torture: the polyps were pulled out, caught in a hot metal and t.D. Fortunately, already in the Middle Ages, a special loop was invented to remove polyps. An improved version of its surgeons enjoy today.

    However, the use of the loop has a negative direction: it does not open the sinus, of which the polyps grow, and the operations have to repeat. But now there are more advanced surgical methods.

    - Tell us about them.

    - Endoscopic surgery is considered the most promising in this area. It allows you to remove polyps, open the sinuses of the nose under the control of optics using modern surgical microinstructions. Treatment in this method is highly efficient and at the same time small-acting for the patient. Endoscopy prevents reproduction of polyps. In favor of the mentioned method, it also says the fact that he is associated with antiallergic therapy gives a completely satisfactory result.

    In recent years, with the development of endoscopic surgery in Moscow, Yaroslavl and Novosibirsk, specialized othinolaryngological centers were opened, where highly qualified doctors work.

    Complications and prevention of nose polyposis

    Nasal polyposis in matters and answers- What complications are possible during polypose? What preventive measures would you recommend to prevent the formation of polyps in the nose?

    - Polyposis of the nose and its sinuses, as a rule, is one of the manifestations of the pathological process flowing in the body. At the same time, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, intolerance of analgesics and aspirin are developing in a number of patients with polyposis. Joined against the background of polyposis, purulent infection can lead to the development of various types of intracranial and orbital complications accompanied by loss of vision. Polyps, and also appearing in polyposses, the swelling of the mucous membrane can lead to a violation of the function of the hearing pipe, which will entail a tangible decline in hearing.

    Therefore, I would like to warn those who have a nasal breathing for a long time. Do not get carried away by vasoconstrictor drops in the nipper (naphtizin, Galazoline and others.). Sometimes the long-term use of these drugs leads to an increase in blood pressure, fixing the pathological reaction of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of medication. With a tightened cold, do not postpone the visit to the ENT doctor. This will save yourself from many troubles.

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