Varieties of cervical cancer and process stage


Varieties of cervical cancer and process stageCervical cancer — Malignant tumor from epithelium cells, which, unfortunately, is usually diagnosed already in the later stages of the disease. At the same time, the prejudice period lasts for quite a long time, and the detection of a cancer process at this stage gives high chances of recovery. The leading role in the development of cervical cancer is disposed of oncogenic strains of a person's papilloma virus.

Depending on the type of cells, which are transformed into tumor, the cervical cancer is divided into flat-milk and adenocarcin (iron). By type of growth, it can be an exofic (growing dust from the cervical channel) and endophytic (growing inside from the lumen of the channel). Endophytic cancer has the worst forecast.

According to the degree of prevalence of the tumor process, 5 stages of cervical cancer are distinguished:

  • 0-Ya — «Cancer in place»;
  • 1-J — tumor is limited to the neck;
  • 2nd — tumor outside the neck, but does not reach the lower third of the vagina and the pelvis walls;
  • 3rd — The tumor germinates the lower third of the vagina and the pelvis wall;
  • 4th — Tumor sprouts adjacent organs (bladder, rectum), distant metastases.

Complaints and symptoms of cervical cancer with an objective examination

At the initial stages of cervical cancer, clinical manifestations of the disease are almost always absent. Patients do not bother neither pain nor violation of the menstrual cycle, no allocation. Invasive cancer of the 1st stage typically correspond to contact bleeding. The appearance of sall, blood-purulent discharge occurs when the tumor is collapsed. Fever, weight loss, back pain and bladder accompany running, non-cultural cases. In the study on the mirrors, the exofite cancer looks like growth in the form of cauliflower, a reddish or whitish, is easily bleeding when touched. With endophyotic cervical cancer has a barrel-like, a bug surface.

Symptoms of cervical cancer with additional research methods

Cervical cancer symptomsAdditional research methods help put the diagnosis of cervical tumors in the early stages. This includes instrumental methods and laboratory studies: colposcopy, hysterocervicoscopy, cervical biopsy, cytology. Informative signs in colposcopy are focal color changes, pathological vessels, uneven surface, white color epithelium. Sleeping sample (cervical staining with a solution of lugola) Negative (epithelium does not change color).

To determine the prevalence of the process, rectoromanoscopy, cystoscopy, MRI, angiography use.

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