You are worried about headache and stiffness in the neck, when the head turns, dizziness appears, flies flashed before our eyes and reduced the rumor to one ear? Similar symptoms sign about the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

characterized by aging, reincarnation and destruction of intervertebral disks
followed by the involvement in the pathological process of the bodies of the vertebrals themselves.
Osteochondrosis is not an age disease and is even detected in
young age. Cervical osteochondrosis
85% of people are revealed and especially often at the secretary-typist,
«computerists», drivers and other owners «Sittyachy» Professions.
After 20 years in any person who does not pay
sufficient attention to your health, intervertebral discs start
Seal and crack. The distance between the cervical vertebrae is progressively
decreases that ultimately leads to their contact and squeezing passing
Near the nervous roots and vertebral arteries.
Cervical osteochondrosis
Begins to disturb the pain in the neck, «Crunch» With head slopes, numbers,
The appearance of an unpleasant feeling of burning, tingling, goosebumps in the limbs.
The movement of the hand is accompanied by painful sensations in the shoulder, forearm, brushes.
Sometimes pain appears even when coughing or sneezing. Arise problems with mobility
Brushes, in extremely pronounced cases, contracture is developing, fingers
twisted, pressing to the palm, and practically lose their functions. Everything
These symptoms are able to significantly shake human health, but special Danger of cervical osteochondrosis includes
that it may cause a brain circulation disorders.
Vertebral arteries passing between vertebral processes,
are large blood vessels that feeds a significant part of the head
brain, and blood flow violation is capable of changing brain
First signs Syndron
vertebral artery and violations of blood supply to the brain are becoming
Regular morning headaches when a person literally wakes up with
in the area of the nape, in the place of the connection of the head and neck. Head
pain pulsates and amplified when the head turns is accompanied by
dizziness, noise in the ears, decrease in visual acuity, sometimes nausea and
Vomot. Then it gradually spreads to the area of the pattern and whiskey and in
2-5 hours does not leave the patient.
Under development Shayne
migraine Headache is stubborn in nature, bottled and captures
half of the head, giving up. Attacks sometimes last up to 12 hours, forcing
Patient with packs to swallow pills, lying motionless and avoid foreign
Headache and cervical migraine caused by periodic
violation of cerebral circulation and an increase in intracranial pressure,
are early signs cervical
Osteochondrosis. In the absence of attention to the spine and progression
Diseases, Brain vascular
failure becomes constant, that is chronic. Brain
suffers from lack of oxygen, vegetative-vascular dystonia develops, hypertension,
blood pressure jumps are noted, periodic fainting and
Brain strokes. Chronic lack of oxygen leads to a rapid
deterioration of memory and integrative functions of the brain, to gradual development
Another formidable consequence cervical osteochondrosis is an cardiac
syndrome. Pain in the heart, behind the sternum, between the blades, amplifying with cough
And sneezing, arise as a result of squeezing spinal cord roots
bone-fibrous growths causing the reflex narrowing of coronary
Arteries. Even in the absence of heart disease, in particular angina,
The situation may become critical, and in adverse circumstances can lead
To myocardial infarction.
Osteochondrosis — not
such an innocuous disease, as many of us are accustomed to thinking by tying with
It is only pain and an unpleasant crunch in the neck. If not paying due attention
health and in time do not engage in your spine, close to trouble. BUT
After all, the only thing that is required of us is to be active physically, follow
those whether we are lying, sit, stand and work, and in case of occurrence
problems urgently run to the doctor.