How not to view the problem of closets? What to do if a child has signs of closet? What exercises can be done with a child if he has a closer? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
But it is a serious work, and first of all for parents. You have to create a miracle, only your sincere desire and perseverance will be able to help your child. Get ready for what to do with the child is not one month. Age about which I write (from 7 to 15 years old) has a number of advantages. At this time, children are already conscious personality, able to think and reason, understand that it is necessary to cope with closure, first of all, they themselves. The main difficulty is the already established habit of putting the legs wrong. With this habit we will fight.
How not to view the problem
The easiest way to look at the traces that leave your child on a shallow snow. In a child who does not suffer in trenchability, traces will be parallel to each other, only slightly divorced mysteries.
Note that in the morning your half a child «Sleeping» in the bathroom, as it stands when it cleans the teeth. At this time, it is absolutely relaxed and does not follow himself.
Carefully look at him in the game when it is passionate and natural. For example, during the game he fled, and then stopped sharply. How to stand his legs? What you need to know?
- If a child when walking «Zagrebet» foot (one of the stop is turned toward another foot) or it is worth like a closing teddy bear, is not only an ankle problem. The problem may beSound in the cervical spine (scoliosis) and even in impairment of sight.
- Spine and joints - these are hinges driven by muscles. As a rule, in the presence of closures, muscles are developing incorrectly, asymmetrically, uneven. Some muscles are overwhelmed and clamped, they must be relaxed (by the way, as a result, there may be a lot of problems: headaches, poor sleep and t.NS.), and poorly developed muscles need to be drunk, stretch, make it work correctly. In 7-15 years, the body continues to grow, the bones and joints are formed, and the deformations and curvature occur where there is no muscle resistance or they decrease unevenly.
- Kosolapy children often when walking not only incorrectly put a foot, but they make the wrong promise legs from the hip. As a result of the knee «Watching» in the inner side and it seems that when walking legs «ikey».
Remember that closure, flatfoot, scoliosis is all the links of one chain.
If a child has signs of closet...
- Discuss the problem in a family circle. Try to come up with a game that will help the child to pay attention to the footage.
- Talk to the child, explain and show his mistakes. It is desirable that this man does, whom the child respects, listen to whose opinion.
- Now try to feel the problem. Try to walk as your child walks, feel the feeling that he is experiencing when walking.
Determine the muscles that make the child closer. To do this, you need to lie on the stomach so that the legs are beyond the bed to the middle of the leg. Make the movements of the man's legs from the correct leg statement to the wrong. In the position lying all your body is relaxed, changing the position of the foot, youfeel what muscles work especially strongly. These muscles you should find a child and start relaxing them. From my practice I can say that most often this back muscles in the lumbar department. In the untrained children, the problem muscles are particularly tense, and you easily fasten them.
- And most importantly - consult with orthopedic doctor. Kosomility may be congenital or acquired. A massage therapist can cope with congenital closets, and it is necessary to deal with acquired closets, using the work of a massage therapist, coach, psychologist. But the main in this struggle you will remain, parents.
Suppose the child has a myopia, because of this, he appears a number of unconscious habits. Looking at the child pulls the neck forward. Now try to become smoothly, straighten your back and repeat the actions of a myruk man, namely: pull the neck a little ahead. With a normal rack, you will start to lose balance and fall. And in order not to lose the balance, you will be forced to change the position of the legs - turn the thoughts of the foot inside. This is a classic rack of a closure man.
The same applies to scoliosis and other curvatures. The point is not that the child does not want to put his leg correctly, smoothly keep his back, - he just can't do it. After all, due to a number of reasons, his muscles are already developed so that they do not give him the opportunity to sit, stand and walk differently.
Even if the child with your help or independently keeps his feet and corrects their position, this is not enough. As soon as he distracts, thinks, his muscular memory will immediately destroy all your efforts. But this does not mean that you lost, by no means. Need a very strong motive, stimulus. Cure a closure child - how to win a fight with an unequal opponent and win beautifully, slyly. Let's start sick! Deceive the habits and together work out new ones, and the muscles of the straightened and eat.
The child must be joining the passion process. He must understand that in the first place he needs to be healthy and beautiful, and for this he must follow himself for his gait. I offer the child a game for attentiveness, for example, as soon as he sees a red car, it immediately looks at his feet. If at this moment it goes or is wrong, the position of the legs must be changed on the right. And you turn into this game. The child will know that you too follow the cars, and therefore, and for his legs, it disciplines it.
You explain to the child that you will help him follow the correct exercise. As soon as the child permits a mistake, you clap into your hands, and it should, for example, spray five times. But, if he himself noticed a mistake and slapped, push-ups are canceled. In such a simple way, you can wean a child and chakli, squat, say the word «pancake»...
Reception is very effective, just do not let the slack. A bargain is a bargain. Explain to the child that pressing is not a punishment, but additional exercises that will help him become stronger, but performs their child only for inattention.
Exercises for closure
Well, if you have the opportunity to engage in the gym, but this is not a prerequisite. You can do on the street, in the woods, in the country and, of course, at home. You must develop exercises, systematize them and gradually increase the load. You can talk to a physical education teacher at school, and he will tell some exercises for the child.
When you understand what you need to do, and clarified this to the child, start doing exercises with him. On the second occupation, take the camcorder and remove the awkward movements of your child.
After 5-7 classes, you will receive the first results. Show your child video recording. Typically, children like their successes, they are proud of themselves and with great zeal seek forward. But do not share, you only at the beginning. Do not forget to praise and stimulate a child.
So you started engaging. It is desirable that the child is most focused on what he does. First, I will try a few more circles, it will warm up the muscles, and most importantly - will help you see the problem again, especially on turns. From this day your child will no longer run, how it is comfortable. Now he will learn to run and walk in a new way.
When running does not need speed, the main thing is to correct legs. In the next lesson you enter the system «Additional exercises» For inattention and improper leggings (remember those chosen and push ups). For the first few weeks you have to carefully watch what the child does, rubbing the palm from readiness to clap them.
When you notice that the errors have become less, offer the child the following exercise: raise your hands to the chest, squeeze the fists and take the fists during the run. To begin with, the fists can be twisted only in one direction, for example, on ourselves, and after several exercise classes are complicated and alternate - 10 times in one direction, 10 times to another. At the same time, you will see that all previous successes achieved in the fight against closets, have sunk in the fly. Not trouble, several classes - and your child will cope with the task set in front of him - the reluctance.
Running, walking around the hall you dilute with thoughts. Stopping legs should be in the style of Chaplin. In this position, the legs should be broken from the floor and in the same position land. Well such a walk to climb the stairs, preferably higher and regularly. Add to walking exercises «goose step», Jumping out of the position «Sitting squatting» etc. Or offer the child to imagine that he carries a big and heavy watermelon. Watermelon is so heavy and big that the child is forced to go what is called, «On semi-bent», And until the end of the hall he needs to convey watermelon to quickly, but not run.
Include the exercise on the rotation of the foot of the bed in any options. Excellent corrective posture - «Sitting between heels». The child is on the knees, the feet are divorced to socks apart. It is necessary to slowly fall and sit down between heels.
It is necessary to include stretching exercises, as well as static exercises, for example, such as «Rider stand»: Legs put a little more than on the width of the shoulders, and with a smooth, straight back the child goes back to the half-sidet position, the hands can be stretched forward, and the feet should be parallel to each other. Duration of the exercise: 15 seconds - Zamiyat in the horseman's posture, 5 seconds - rest. We repeat five times. Any of your acquaintances engaged in karate or other martial arts will show you this exercise and stretching exercises.
It will not be superfluous to turn on the exercises for pulling the spine, thereby unloading the back. Stand, heels together, socks apart, back straight. Hands lower down, crush your fingers and turn the brushes so that the palms look down. Do not squeeze your fingers, lift your hands up. Now imagine that you are a plant that seeks to the Sun, and, slightly swinging, without taking off the heels, start stretching up. Through how much it is possible. Then slowly begin to tear the heels from the floor and pull further. Reaching the limit, alternate the heels alternately, while the hands continue to stretch up. All this is done leisurely, slowly. Try yourself and turn on this exercise in your classes with a child.
I will reveal your corporate secret. Baby bike frame Tie a plastic bottle so that it is at the knee level. Then when the pedals take the pedals, the bottle will interfere with it. Simple and efficient.
Pay attention to the shoes in which the child walks, it is precisely it forces her legs wrong.
If you have the opportunity, get involved in a child with a skateboard or snowboard. These sports will not give a chance of closure.
So, you have achieved success. Now take the child to the sports section or dance circle. Any result must be consolidated.
My formula of solutions is: you noticed the problem, consulted with a doctor, coach, a massage therapist, began to produce new habits, relaxed the tense muscles and loaded the muscles-antagonists, forced a child to believe that he did everything perfectly. Now you have opened your chad the road to sports and healthy life.
Let your children always be healthy, beautiful, strong!