How to lose weight by 20 kg

Your weight exceeds normal by 20 kilograms? This, unfortunately, not only looks not aesthetically, but also threatens your health. In the current situation, you have taken the only right decision - lose weight. You need perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal. And remember: semi-dimensions - placed meters, so they will have to be laid out for a hundred.

How to lose weight by 20 kg
Your weight exceeds normal by 20 kilograms? This, unfortunately, not only looks not aesthetically, but also threatens your health. In the current situation, you have taken the only right decision - lose weight. Overweight went easy, but in order to lose his efforts. Our site will help you understand the subtleties of food, make up a slimming plan and consolidate the result. You need perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal. And remember: semi-dimensions - placed meters, so they will have to be laid out for a hundred.

So, the main reasons for excess weight are as follows: incorrect nutrition organization, daily daily daily (for a long time) excess of calorie vessels necessary for the body, lack of motor activity. However, overweight may have reasons for certain diseases, a visit to the doctor. If the doctor «blessing» You lose weight, then ahead.

Let's try to make a basic nutrition scheme and physical activity. I want to note that a sharp weight loss will wonder the deterioration of health and only a short-term result. Unfortunately, it is easy to go - it's easy.

Put the goal right

Optimally and useful for health will be gradual, but the steady weight loss with the simultaneous formation of a healthy lifestyle habits.

We will calculate: you have 20 extra kilograms, if you lose weight in half a week, then in a month you lose 2 kilograms, and from all 20 get rid of 10 months. As you can see, the goal is quite achievable, especially if you consider that you were our own «Excess» longer.

Of course, you can lose weight and for the month. My girlfriend did it by three weeks fasting, but in a specialized clinic and under the supervision of doctors, regularly passing tests.

Power circuit: What, how when

How to lose weight by 20 kg
Consider a detailed power scheme. First we calculate daily rate of calories required for weight loss. There is a simple formula: if you need to lose weight, then your weight in kilograms multiply by 25 calories. Example of calculating the daily norm: 85 kg x 25 kcal = 2125 kcal. Accordingly, if you lose weight, it is necessary to recalculate the norm of calories. So, when weighing weight by 10 kg, the norm will be as follows: 75 kg x 25 = 1875 kcal.

It is important to comply with its norm daily, and not on the principle of five days I lose weight, but for the weekend will take away. Such behavior will not lead you to the target, take patience. Consider calories daily, before you eat, not after. To do this, plan your diet ahead, decompose the prepared food through containers and eat only what you are in terms of.

You need to eat fractionally, small portions, five times a day, at the same time. In this case, there should be three main full-fledged meals, two snack fruit and at night you can drink a glass of kefir. Full feed meals - this is the choice of meat or fish with vegetables, porridge with vegetables (can with fruit) or cottage cheese.

Remember the correct combinations of products: carbohydrates categorically do not combine with proteins. There is a category of so-called neutral products, here they can be combined separately with proteins, separately with carbohydrates. Neutral group include all vegetables (except potatoes), fruits, mushrooms, fermented milk products. Also here are not subject to heat treatment proteins and fats - caviar, unsolved fish, sushi.

However, for those who seek to lose weight, you need to completely eliminate the harmful rapid carbohydrates and minimize the number of slow. Harmful carbohydrates include sugar, candy, confectionery, white flour products (bread, pasta). To useful - porridge, fruits, vegetables, bran bread.

All food must be low-fat - you have enough fat.

As you know, our food consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. So as not to undermine the health of diets, it is necessary to eat rationally and balanced. Menu on the day should include all the above components.

Significantly reduce calorie dishes by culinary processing. A much smaller number of calories in products that were dried or baked.

On the way to covenant weight, do not succumb to the advice «Eat what you want and lose weight», here or eat, or lose weight - the third is not given.

While you are in the process of weight loss, under the ban alcohol. Drinking, a person stops controlling his appetite, and the amount of food eaten exceeds all allowable norms. In addition, almost all alcohol is very calorie. If you can not resist, sometimes let yourself a hundred grams of dry wine.

Pey clean water

A man at 70-80% consists of water. Therefore, do not forget to saturate your body during the day. Take yourself a rule, every morning an empty stomach drink a glass of water, and after 15 minutes you can have breakfast.

Personal experience: when I'm not hungry, but I want to chew something, I drink water and helps. I received this advice from the doctor, he explained that so the body signals us that he was dehydrated, and we instead of drinking, we begin to eat.

Charging becomes!

How to lose weight by 20 kg
Unfortunately, physical exercises burn very little calories, so still the key moment in weight loss will be restricted in food. But exercise will help us strengthen the muscular corset and warn skin sagging. Plus is an invaluable contribution to your health and beautiful forms. The exercise complex should include a load on all muscles of the body. Lose weight in a separate problem zone is impossible. Effective charging should be at least half an hour every day, and if you do everything correctly, you take care. More walk or run a coward.

This does not work

Do not fool yourself: all sorts of weight loss belts, special simulators, strengthening press while you watch TV - it's all the useless waste of money. You know personally, to whom it helped? You have seen the result?

Be careful: all sorts of weight loss drugs can very much to undermine your health. The manufacturer does not always indicate the packaging the full composition of the drug. Hurting from its application is essential, but the benefit is doubtful.

Our site wishes you hard to go to your goal, losing extra kilograms.

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