Baby fractures of bones


  • Fracture of the Child
  • Fracture of the shoulder bone in a child
  • Fracture ribs in a child
  • The fracture of the spine
  • Fracture bone pellets in a child
  • Fracture of femur in a child
  • The fracture of the tibia in a child

  • Fracture of the Child

    Very often children meet clavicle fractures. Name­they are in the fall on the side surface of the shoulder or on the stretch­Thus hand. Determine the fracture of the clavicle is usually not difficult, as it is located directly under the skin. In children of the first 3 years of life, most often there are incomplete fractures of the clavicle. Parents may not notice them or symptoms of the fracture (a child of 2-3 days does not raise the sore hand) explain otherwise - simple injury. Only when on the site of the growing fracture by the end of the 7-8 days there is a dense swelling - bone corn, baby so far­call a doctor, he sends a child to X-ray examination­and only then is diagnosed - fracture.

    If a fracture has occurred with a displacement, a child with­Nimatas forced position: his body is tilted aside by­He supported the injured, movement in the shoulder joint, is dramatically limited due to pain. When first aid, it's enough hand to hang on a bow­ku or what is better to feed her to the body.

    Fracture of the shoulder bone in a child

    Baby fractures of bones Fracture of shoulder bone in children - serious injury, she is­kayt when falling on the elbow, on an elongated arm or when you hit the shoulder. Distinguish fractures of the upper end of the shoulder bone, media­her third and lower end. When a fracture with a displacement­bones are observed: deformation, abnormal mobility, crunch, swelling and hemorrhage. Hand hangs along the body, «like a whip», It is impossible to move it. However, with substitute ne­Relomes are not expressed by all the symptoms, and it can lead to­Gnostic error.

    The most severe injuries occur during fractures in the lower end of the shoulder bone. Frankings are often shifted to a big races­Standing, the articular bag is damaged and quite often vessels and nerves. With an increasing edema, blood circulation in the injured limb is disturbed, which can end its exfigure­Lessa and death. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently shy the hand, over the next hour to the place of the fracture, impose cold and transport the child into a traumatological hospital.

    From the fractures of bones of the forearm in young children, the most typical of the dorms and substitute fractures. Can break through both both bones (radiation and elbow) and one of them. When fractures in the middle third of the forearm, more often can be seen an angular deformation, with fractures in the lower third with the displacement of fragments - «pine-shaped». Most convenient transport tire for pre­Shoulder in young children is cardboard. Tire can only be superimposed on forearm and navigate, it is desirable to­Sonka.

    Fracture ribs in a child

    Fractures of ribs take place rarely because of the elasticity of edge­Frame and good depreciation during the impact of the chest. With isolated fractures, the child complains of pain in the place of injury, sharply amplifying with cough, deep breath, sneezing. Kid spares damage damage, takes forced­position reluctantly moving. With a significant displacement of the broken rib, light fabric may be damaged. For Oka­First Aid Warming Tight Bintuten Chest (Suitable and Towel). Byspetion allows you to reduce its movements when breathing. Carefully, urgently, in a half-visit the situation of the child should be delivered to the hospital.

    The fracture of the spine

    Spinal fractures in infants are not found, at an early age they are possible when falling from a high height (from ok­at home, from the balcony) or in road accidents. Spinal­The nickname of a small child is more than 30% consists of cartilage cloth. It gives him great flexibility, and when trauma is well absorted. In cases of accidents, the chest spine suffers mainly, and the compression (due to compression) is a fracture of one or two vertebrae. The main symptoms of injury are: constant moderate pain in the area­damage, restriction of the mobility of the spine, and in mo­Ment injury - difficulty with breathing (within a few­Kund child can not sigh). The patient must be urgently delivered to the hospital in the position of lying where the renew­General Study.

    Fracture bone pellets in a child

    The fracture of the bones of the pelvis is one of the most severe injuries, often with­accompanying shock and damage to internal organs. The pelvis in young children is very durable and elastic. In order to break it, a very strong blow is needed. That is why such ne­Reliems are found mainly during road traffic accidents, when falling from a high height. From internal op­Ganov Most often suffer from the urethra and bladder. The child after injury is in serious condition, contact with it is difficult. He often accepts forced polo­so-called «Pose Frog» - Feet divorced and bend­You are in hip and knee joints. Characterized by symptom «stuck heels» - The kid is not able to lift the leg with the post­Lie. Pain in the bone of the pelvis, bruises in the groin area or above the pubic, the inability to obey independently - typical­Signs of severe pelvis injury. Victim in no way­Tea can not be turned on the side, plant and put on his feet. Best Type of Transportation - On Shield. Under bent and divorced cola­Neither put a roller made from a folded blanket. This is polo­Valves ensures the relaxation of the pelvic muscles, reduces pain in­Lissel fracture and prevents further displacement of fragments. To weaken the pains you can give analgin. In winter, the child­ka need to wrap well because cooling aggravates shock.

    Fracture of femur in a child

    Baby fractures of bones Fracture of the femur in young children most often­kayt when falling from height or during mobile games (skating on sledding, swings, bike and t. D.). With displacement fractures­We have all signs of damage: pain, impaired limb function, abnormal bone mobility, crunch, deformation, swelling. However, in the case of a donom, all these signs are smoothed - the shape of the leg does not change, there is no crunch and mobility of fragments. Rebbe­Nok can even lift the leg, but does not come to her. When providing first aid, immobilization of all three large Su­stakes of the lower limb-hip, knee and tower­stop. Short tire imposition only in the length of the hip is­a rough mistake, since it does not possess rest for the injured leg. For shining take two thin boards width 5-6 cm. The length of one - from the axillary depression to the heel, the other - from the crotch to the heel. Tires wrap with cotton and fix bin­Tami. The long bus is placed on the outer surface of the leg and the body, short - on the inner surface of the leg. Convenient plywood smells. Cardboard cannot be used - it does not provide­Locking fracture. In cases where no auxiliary­no materials are not, you can navigate the victim to the head to healthy. Remember: When transporting a child with a fracture of the femur without shining, shock is possible. Winter patient need to warm. During delivery to the hospital, the child does not follow­blows to feed, as it can prevent anesthesia when applying stretching.

    Fracture of the femur (as well as the shoulder) in an infant may occur with rude swarenia. Such fractures most often occur in children, rickets. Child screeching­marks pain, becomes restless, refuses the chest. It ceases to move the leg, in place of the fracture appears­Dullness due to hemorrhage. After fixing the injured feet of the child should be delivered to the hospital.

    The fracture of the tibia in a child

    Among the fractures of the bones of the leg, the fracture of one is more common­Noah tibia, less often - both bones. In early age children, the fracture of the Tibial bone is usually sustained-stiction. Parents pay attention to the fact that the child is not on­Steps on the leg. And it is often the only sign of the fracture. Kids do not always specify a sore place and just complain about pain in the leg. Only with careful and careful feeling can be detected damage. In such cases, necessarily about­water radiographic research - otherwise put­Wile diagnosis fails. When fractures with displacement observation­Deformation, swelling, abnormal mobility, loss of limb function, as well as hemorrhage and pain.

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