How to treat arthrosis of the spinal joints - osteochondrosis?


  • How to treat? Principles of therapy of the arthrosis of the spine joints
  • What is better, therapeutic gymnastics during arthrosis or immediate operation?
  • Methods for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints

  • How to treat arthrosis of the spinal jointsOsteochondrosis only in the initial stages proceeds asymptomatic or acts under the mask of incomprehensible pains emanating from the internal organs. As the disease develops, with the thinning of intervertebral disks and a decrease in intervertebral spaces, the disease acquires characteristic features. In the presence of a clinic, the treatment of arthrosis becomes necessary for the patient, since constant back pain and stiffness of movements abruptly limit the working capacity and simply interfere with living fully. How to treat arthrosis of the spinal joints? What benefit can therapeutic physical education can bring, massage with arthrosis of the spine? And what other methods use medical clinics, treatment of arthrosis in which is the main specialization.

    How to treat? Principles of therapy of the arthrosis of the spine joints

    • Load restriction on the spine during the exacerbation of the disease, wearing a corset or belt.
    • Physiotherapy In arthrosis, aims to increase mobility and improved blood circulation in the spine joints, to strengthen the muscular corset, stabilizing the vertebral pole.
    • Manual therapy and massage.
    • Physiotherapy To reduce pain and inflammation, harvesting.
    • Medical therapy, including blockades to eliminate pain.
    • Surgical intervention In the event of a disk protrusion or intervertebral hernia.
    • Spa therapy, As the treatment of arthrosis of the spinal joints in the remission stage and the prevention of its exacerbations.

    What is better, therapeutic gymnastics during arthrosis or immediate operation?

    Therapeutic massage in ArthrosisDepending on the clinic of the disease, the methods of treatment of arthrosis in the acute period are selected, but usually therapy begins with conservative measures aimed at eliminating inflammation and pain, restoring the function of the compressed nerve roots. In the future, in the absence of pain syndrome, it is processed to manual therapy, massage, physical education, with the arthrosis of the spine they are of great value. In the absence of the effect of the treatment and the availability of osteochondrosis complications, surgery recommended.

    The operation can be shown and immediately, for example, if there is a large hernia of an intervertebral disk, causing strong constant pain or spinal cord compression.

    Methods for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints


    This is the main method of conservative exposure, implying dosage loads in order to eliminate the compression of the nerve roots, increase the mobility of the spinal column, strengthen the muscular corset to prevent the complications of the disease. The movement helps to improve the blood circulation and nutrition of intervertebral disks, and ultimately restore them.


    This is the use of low frequency currents, ultrasound, magnetic fields, laser for removing pain syndrome and inflammation, for recovery after acute injuries and operations. The use of physiotherapy allows to reduce the drug load on the patient's body and speed up recovery.

    Manual therapy and massage course in arthrosis

    Manual therapy and massage make it possible to remove the muscle tension and spasm of blood vessels, accompanying pain syndrome, improve microcirculation and theft of the articular cartilage.

    Pullout of the spine

    This is an effective method for restoring anatomically faithful form of spine and eliminate pain syndrome caused by a decrease in distance between vertebrae and squeezing of nerve roots.
    What are the clinics of treatment of arthrosis exist?


    As a method of unconventional impact on the body, it is used along with other methods to relieve back pain, restoration of sleep, normalizing the mental state of the patient exhausted by the disease.

    Medical therapy

    It is used mainly during the exacerbation of osteochondrosis to relieve pain, inflammation, accelerating metabolic processes in the joints of the spine.

    The treatment of osteochondrosis implies the use of various combinations of the above methods, only comprehensive therapy can bring real fruits.

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