Secret Causes of Monthly Cycle Violations


Secret Causes of Monthly Cycle ViolationsWhich of us did not communicate with women who are friendly, workers and smiling… which suddenly, without a visible reason, become irritable, disturbing, complain of insomnia (or, on the contrary, drowsiness)… At the same time, they all fall from the hands, they do work through strength… It is felt that they are bothering some pain — they are from time to time to be frozen and at the same time, even as if sticking the bottom of the abdomen. Yes, of course, we all had to meet such women…

It is known for certain that the most frequent reason for appealing to a gynecologist is precisely the syndrome of painful monthly. Doctors refer to this kind of painful condition «Algomenorea» («Syndrome of painful monthly»), either «Dysmenoroei» (that with Greek translates as «Difficult menstrual expiration») and in modern interpretation seems to be a combination of painful manifestations that many women are susceptible to menstruation. Why does it happen?

Studies have shown that a considerable role in the origin of painful monthly (as, however, some other women's «Dysfolotic») Playing flatfoot… How flatfoot docks to female problems, you ask, dear women? But what…

Note that not every gynecologist who met on the life path of a woman suffering from dysmenorrhea will tell her about this connection…

Secret Causes of Monthly Cycle ViolationsSo what is it — flatfoot, which is increasingly referred to as the root cause of many diseases? Few posing that the feet take over the colossal load at every step, especially if these steps are carried out on a solid surface (asphalt, for example). Impact shock loads reach up to 20 g acceleration. Who remembers the school course of physics, or rather her most important section — Mechanics — That will work…

In order to reduce the strength of this stack of foot are endowed with two crops — Longitudinal and transverse. And when any of them is compact — arises flatfoot.

As for female problems (the same painful menstruations, we started our conversation: With a rigid walking, which is inherent in the plane people, the muscular diaphragm of a small pelvis (muscular «Hammock», on which the uterus with appendages, bladder and sphincter fixture of the rectum). Each step of a woman, the arches of which are not adjusted by orthopedic insams, leads to the weakening of this muscular diaphragm… In other words, flatfoot can lead (and almost always sooner or later) to omitting the uterus, losing the walls of the vagina, disruption of the menstrual cycle, the weighting of the premenstrual syndrome, to the painful month, to frequent urinary urination, to urinary incontinence… and then gases…

Secret Causes of Monthly Cycle ViolationsIf when walking a person feels fatigue or pain in the footsteps — It's time to seem an orthopedic doctor. After all, such sensations — One of the first signs of flatfoot. If this is neglected, it will soon be possible to notice the swelling of the stop (closer in the late afternoon). And this is the initial manifestations of varicose diseases — Also a consequence of insufficient work stop like shock absorbers… In this case, an exercise that improves the outflow of lymphs from the feet, as well as venous blood flow in feet and legs is useful: starting position: lying on the back, legs to raise 40–50 cm above the floor level or other surface where you decide to do this exercise: Stop's fingers as possible for you quickly bend and instill, while, from time to time, in contact with the footsteps. Session Duration: 40–45 seconds.

Do it 3–4 times a day and it will benefit… If the exercise is done on a special massage rug, the effect will be even stronger, as it will actively massage and stimulate important points.

The flat-grade of one or another severity suffer more than two thirds of people living on Earth (and the women due to a number of reasons suffer many more often).

Flatfoot happens congenital or acquired… Let's say that appeared due to pregnancy — After all, during this period of life, the load on the arches of its stop is incredibly increasing by virtue of both the increasing weight of the body as the fetus and the number of accumulating waters, and by virtue of serious hormonal changes in the body of a woman. This leads to strain stop, in particular, to flat-stand.

Secret Causes of Monthly Cycle ViolationsThat is why experienced gynecologists doctors all women recommend using orthopedic insoles that corrective changes in stop.

One of the reasons for the development of acquired flatfoot is unsuccessful shoes. High heels, narrow noses in shoes, in which legs are not based on the entire surface of the stop, and the center of gravity supports shifts on the heads of tie bones — Here is one of the most common reasons for the development of flatfoot and, as a result of many other diseases that develop as a result of flatopy. High-heel lovers are highly recommended to use the stop corrector — a round gel insert that will avoid the deformation of the thumb, in the people called «Cones on her leg». If the end of the day the legs get tired and swell — It is also necessary to see the phlebologist, T. To. In this case, the initial stage of varicose.

Secret Causes of Monthly Cycle ViolationsFlatfoot in adulthood is not fully treated completely, but it is corrected by wearing orthopedic stelks, various proofreaders for the stop, wearing orthopedic shoes at the same time a person feels comfortable.

How to avoid all of what was discussed? Go to Orthku! In any Salon Ortecta, you will be preventing you, will offer a free Consultation of the doctor, who, if necessary, will give you a computer scanning of a stop or proskopia, in your problems and tell the way to solve them.

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