What hides syndrome «frozen shoulder»


  • ShoulderPath Periatritis: What is it?
  • Why
    The shoulder-painting periatritis develops?
  • How to treat shoulder-paint periatritis?

  • Syndrome & laquo; frozen shoulder & raquo; or shoulder-painting periatritis
    This is usually happening
    Suddenly, although the disease develops so slowly that sometimes the true cause
    Set pretty difficult, just at some point you feel pain when all
    shoulder. Initially, the pain is not strong, pulling, but the unpleasant feelings are still
    make sparing hand. «Blurred, pulled, will pass» — You think you are I
    continue to live your usual life. However, pain does not pass, but gradually
    It is becoming more stronger. You limit the load on your hand and try to spare
    her — «Well, old age — Not joy». Ointment, balsams, vintage recipes taken
    from «Reliable» sources, — Everything goes to move, and evening, looked into the old
    Babushkin handkerchief, with a compress on the shoulder, it becomes as familiar to you,
    What ahead there was a trip with friends in bowling. Further — more. The pain becomes unbearable,
    And every attempt to take the hand aside sharply enhances it. Hand does not listen,
    movements in the shoulder joint are limited and, finally, someone tells you
    Contact, for example, in the center of Dikul. Holding the hand or toning it
    scarf, go to the doctor who sinks you the diagnosis «Plecelopathic

    ShoulderPath Periatritis: What is it?

    ShoulderPath Periatritis, He Syndrome «frozen»
    shoulder — This is a collective concept that specialists use for
    designations of a whole group of diseases similar to manifestations, but differing in
    reasons, mechanism for occurrence, changes occurring in tissues around
    Shoulder joint and directly in the joint.

    General symptoms for all these diseases

    • The pain in the shoulder area when the hand is assigned to
      side and lack of pain when flexing and extension hands in the shoulder joint.
      Strengthening pain when loading on hand, and afterwards at night.
    • Progressive restriction of movements in the shoulder
      joint (with even a decrease in pain).
    • Resistant tension muscles back and chest,
      fixing the shrew position.
    • Combined manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis, pain
      in the neck, shovel, headaches, dizziness, numbness finger numbers.

    The symptoms described experiencing 4% of all people aged 40
    years, by 60 each 5 appeals to the doctor with similar problems.

    The shoulder-painting periatritis develops?

    The reasons for the appearance of pain and progressive stiffness of movements
    There are quite a lot in the shoulder area, often to establish the true cause of the illness
    Reason for years.

    • Muscle microtraums, tendons, shoulder capsules
      Sustav, leading to the development of shoulder-punctuate periacrosis. Crunch
      Movements in the shoulder joint — just a signal on the development of this process.
    • Traams of shoulder articulation, back, chest
      Cells for long-term immobilization limbs. At the end
      treatment often arises a problem with movements in the field of shoulder joint, when
      The absence of adequate treatment of the shoulder-paint periatritis and proper perseverance
      from the patient, the problem may remain forever.
    • Load on the joint exceeding it
      Physiological capabilities leading to microtrams, especially in the medium
      Professional athletes.
    • Violation of exchange processes, aging
      Muscular system accompanied by degenerative dystrophic
      processes in muscles, bundles and bones, for example, osteochondrosis of the cervical
    • Tissue innervation violation in the joint,
      leading to nutritional shortage, muscle atrophy, ligaments, changing cartilage and
      articular capsule.
    • Pathology of internal organs leading to
      restriction of movement in the shoulder joint, for example, myocardial infarction, which often
      becomes the cause of pain in the right shoulder, or chronic cholecystitis, when
      which pain gives to the left shoulder and imitates the shoulder-painting periatritis.

    How to treat shoulder-paint periatritis?

    First of all, you should pass a full examination, eliminate
    Defeat of the shoulder joint and blood vessels of hand, injuries and diseases
    cervical vertebrae, the presence of pathology of internal organs. Basic
    Research are radiography, magnetic resonance and computer
    Tomography, ultrasound, blood tests.

    Immediately note if there is a diagnosis of a shoulder-paint
    Periatritis, treatment with folk remedies powerless, you need to go to medical
    Institution specializing in the treatment of musculoskeletal system.

    Treatment of the shoulder vapillary periatritis usually includes

    • Nonteroidal preparations that are boring pain
      syndrome and relieving inflammation of the occasional fabrics are prescribed as in
      injections and outdoor.
    • Physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis and
      blockades with painkillers, ozokerite, paraffin and mud
      Appliques, Various Baths.
    • During the acute peculiar movement syndrome in
      The joint areas are limited, but the joint is not immobilized — This
      exacerbates the flow of a shoulder-free periatritis and promotes the development of contractures.
    • As pain, pain is prescribed therapeutic
      Gymnastics, special exercises for the treatment of shoulder-painting periatritis,
      Massage, manual therapy, Osteopath. In some medical
      centers Using copyright treatment techniques, such as,
    The appearance of chronic pain is reflected in the psychological state. Absence
    Fast effect and imaginary incurability of the disease sometimes leads to a complete loss
    Interest in Exercise, Physiotherapy Procedures, Massage. IN
    resulting the reluctance to work on itself becomes caused by a rack
    Contractures and syndrome «frozen shoulder», And the shoulder-paint arthritis is not
    tolerates inactivity.

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