By the way, this tool will be useful when windmill (they can be replaced by the well-known «Zelenka») and to warn ARVI, Angina, rhinitis, Influenza. About the composition of the drug and ways to use and will be discussed in our article.
Total Medicine Information

This drug is produced by the Russian company «Vector-medic». In pharmacies, this gel can be seen in tubes (tubes) of 10.5, 3 and 2 grams and glass bottles of 5 and 2 grams of gelling mass. The active substance of infogel - alpha-2b interferon (human recombinant). This substance is obtained by modern genetic engineering technologies. The structure of such a substance is as close as possible to the structure of the interferon, which is produced by special cells in the human body. In one gram, the gel is present 100,000 Interferon. Inteference for industrial purposes of culture of intestinal chopstick cells. Still in the gel there are alcohol polyvinyl and aluminum hydroxide. Thanks to these components, gel becomes thick, in color it is white, slightly grayish. After applying on the skin or mucous membranes, thin therapeutic film is quickly formed. Delamination is allowed during storage to two fractions: thick and liquid, so the manufacturer recommends mixing the contents of the vial or tube before you use it.
Infogel action
Infogel is recommended to be used to fight and warn viral infections. They need to handle the affected areas of mucous tissues and skin when:
- herpes on lips, under the nose, on cheeks, genitals, both primary and recurrent;
- Lishe shoes;
- intrauterine infections in newborns (for example, under herpese rashes, enterovirus, candidiasis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus);
- flu;
- wind pump;
- Gingivite and stomatitis of herpes origin;
- Treatment of sexual infectious processes in pregnant women (such as ureaplasmosis, garardnerelez, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, candidiasis, Mycoplasmosis, Papilomavirus, Trichomoniasis).
During epidemics of different ARVI, influenza infegel helps to avoid infection from sick adults and children.
How to apply infohal?

If suddenly notice the first harbingers of herpetic races, or they already appeared on the mucous membranes or skin, then immediately lubricate the amazed surfaces, distributing gel with careful circular motions, trying not to damage bubbles. Such apparent gel do two or three times a day for a week. Many patients report that they already have noticeable improvements on the second day of infragel. Some Herpes fully passes in 5 days, others - healing goes a little longer, it depends on what stage you started using gel. Of course, the sooner they did, the more effective will be the drug. After the gel is applied, for 15 minutes, leave the surface of the skin open, during this time the drug film can be formed on the skin. Fat layer of gel do not do, otherwise it will make it difficult for the formation of a film, from which the drug substance will be held in deep layers of epidermis. Employed will, cease to disturb itch. First, a crust will appear on the skin, in a few days it will disappear (one or two days).
If already sick orvi or influenza, then several times a day with a cotton wand, apply this gel on the mucous nasal moves. Course treatment - at least 7 days.
During mass epidemics of respiratory infections before leaving the house (to work, to a kindergarten, to school, clinic and other places of mass accumulation of people) Apply a gel with a thin layer on the mucous nasal moves. For preventive purposes, two applications are sufficient. These measures spend no longer 30 days, then a break is needed.
Many pediatricians recommend to parents to use infogel at the very first signs of colds in children, even newborns. It is important to immediately help the immune system of the child, then the reception of antibacterial drugs will not be required (sulfonamides, Antibiotics), it will be enough to take advantage of cough syrup and vegetable drops in the nose. Already in the first five days you will notice improvement in the state of the child. And if you use the drug with preventive goals, distributing it twice a day on the baby's mucosa, you will soon notice that he is less frequently picks up the infection, so attend the doctor and take the hospital sheet you will be less.
There is another pathology caused by viruses, it is a windshield (or simply a windmill) at the same time many red bubbles appear on the skin. They can not lubricate «Zelenka», and infohalem. Do it need three times a day using a cotton wand.
Pregnant women (as well as breastfeeding moms may externally use gel without restrictions, lubricating herpes herpes, «jumped» on the lips, in the nose or on the genitals. It is possible to use it with a cold or to prevent infection of respiratory tract infections.
Are there any contraindications?
Infogel cannot be applied to those people who have increased sensitivity or allergies to those components that are present in the composition of the drug.
Having an infogel at home aid kit, you can quickly activate inactive, «Castle» Cells of the immune system, «Shake» them so that they again remembered their duties and entered into combating viruses.
Store Infogel at temperatures from +2 to + 8 ° C (on the refrigerator door). If the medicine is stored in unsuitable conditions, it may lose its healing properties.