How cigarette smoke kills female beauty


  • Face smokers — not myth!
  • Wrinkles of the smokers
  • Dry, Different, Cooperoz
  • Hair and nails

  • What harm brings smoking, everyone knows, but often stories about the influence of tobacco on the health of smoking women remain empty sound. We will not list diseases arising from smoking and say that damage to the broncho-pulmonary and cardiovascular system is irreversible that the probability of infertility and the birth of a sick child increases with each tightening. Let us dwell on an extremely important moment for the woman — destructive influence of smoking on female beauty.

    In the article you will find photos of the twins, on the left there is a non-smoking sister, right — Smoking. This is not a fashion model, but the most ordinary women, therefore, their appearance is appropriate. But pay attention to how large the difference in the state of the skin and hair. Sisters were born on one day, one of them smokes and, look, — The result in the literal «on the face».

    How cigarette smoke kills female beauty

    Face smokers — not myth!

    Have you ever set a question as «Arrows cigarettes and light» Eliminate smokers from the crowd? Everything is simple, people with predilection to nicotine — Special faces.

    The first mention of wrinkles arising from smoking appeared in the second half of the XIX century. In the 60s of the last century, the term appeared «Cigarette leather» — Gray, dry, with varying degrees of pigmentation. Look around, such a skin is 80% smoking older than 35 years. Later in 1985. The term has been fixed «Face smokers», Exactly and in detail describing the changes in appearance associated with a detrimental habit. Literally two years after the first «acquaintance» with a cigarette in a person, the features of the face are exacerbated, typical appear «nicotine» wrinkles, swelling, pigment spots. Women's skin is thinner and gentle male, so smoking much earlier leaves an indelible imprint.

    Finding into the body, nicotine acts on the respiratory tract receptors and brain, as a result, the work of the nervous center, which controls the tone of blood vessels and the work of the external and internal secretion glands. During smoking, central blood vessels are narrowed, and the peripherals in the tissues of the organs are expanding. Blood pressure increases, metabolic processes and blood circulation in the skin slow down. A few minutes after the cigarette is spent, the tone of the vessels changes, the blood pressure decreases, the peripheral blood circulation is hampered by the tissues, including the skin, are in conditions of pronounced oxygen starvation.

    The cigarette smoke contains not only nicotine, its composition includes more than 400 toxic chemical compounds, therefore the effect of smoking on a woman is not limited to pathological vascular reactions, smoking leads to accumulation in tissues of toxic substances and total organism poisoning.

    How cigarette smoke kills female beauty

    Wrinkles of the smokers

    The destructive effect of smoking is manifested in the rapid aging of the skin. The appearance of wrinkles is associated with the formation of a large number of free radicals, damaging the fibers of the collagen-elastin skin frame, with a violation of the processes of self-healing of the dermis.

    • Radial wrinkles around the mouth are considered typical for smokers.
    • Cigarette smoke makes pure, leading to the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.
    • Smoking provokes premature deepening of nasolabial folds, omission of corners of the mouth and education «wrinkle comedians».
    • Lained full nutritional skin becomes a flabby, covered with a grid of small wrinkles.

    How cigarette smoke kills female beauty

    Dry, Different, Cooperoz

    Each female smokers has a dry thinned skin, a shortage of nutrients, vitamins A, C, E causes dehydration of the dermis. The destruction of collagen and elastin fibers leads to a decrease in skin tone and its sagging.

    Nicotine and resinous substances in cigarette smoke breaks the work of the sebaceous glands. Thick skin tapping their ducts, the skin becomes dry, covered with eels, acne. The lack of vitamins A and E affects the lack of a large role in self-purification processes.

    «Nicotin Games» Weaken blood vessels and lead to their resistant expansion, a vascular grid appears on the face of the smokers and «asterisk», Cookerozom nameable.

    Smoking leads to a violation of pigment exchange, uneven distribution of melanin in the skin and the appearance of pigment spots. Moreover, under the action of sunlight, pigmentation in smokers appears much faster than non-smoking women.

    How cigarette smoke kills female beauty

    Hair and nails

    The harm of smoking for women is not exhausted by the influence of nicotine on the skin, hair and nails suffer. Resistant narrowing of the skin blood vessels and the effect of toxic substances of tobacco smoke leads to a disruption of nutrition and «poisoning» Hair Lukovitz. Hair becomes dry, brittle, thinned, weaken, sew ahead of time. The slowdown in hair growth and their loss becomes the reason for noticeable breaks of the chapels. Permanent itching of the scalp, dandruff, desired, dull and naughty hair — indispensable attribute nicotine addiction.

    The irritating effect of cigarette smoke on the mucous eye and the nose leads to increased tears and to the appearance of dry eye syndrome. The development of atrophic vasomotor rhinitis complements the painting of red eyes with mucous discharge from the nose. Dental enamel darkening, dental deposition and caries give a smile smokers special «Charm».

    Of course, modern medicine and cosmetology have in their arsenal a mass of funds capable of riding the smokers from «nicotine seal», But this is a short-term effect. To preserve beauty and youth as long as possible, you need to abandon smoking — There is no other way.

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