Treatment breakdown

In short «Proleside» In medicine, it is customary to call the death of the skin of the skin, which appears due to the long squeezing. This disease is most susceptible to staying patients, the will of fate, for a long time chained to bed. In this article we will look at what they are lying and how to deal with them.

Causes of disease

Patient hygiene, underlying patient, treatment of bedside, breakdown, prevention of laying out, care for lying patients

MirSoveto found out the three main reasons for the occurrence of such a phenomenon:

  1. Squeezing the skin area for a long time. Soft man fabrics, long lying in bed or sitting in a chair in one pose, are undergoing permanent pressure. As a result, the cells that are not supplied with blood and necessary oxygen, die - so appear lying.
  2. Friction of epidermis about various surfaces that can occur at a time when the patient changes the position in bed and in contact with the bed. It is easy to be injured overly dry and sensitive skin.
  3. The displacement of the skin arising in the case when two touching surfaces shifted in different directions. For example, when picked up the back of the bed, the patient slides slightly down. In some cases, his skin remains on the spot, as a result of which the blood circulation in this area deteriorates, and the epidermis is injured.

It should be added that some patients are more than others at risk of formation. The factors contributing to the development of the disease can be attributed:

  • poor and irrational nutrition;
  • Insufficient amount of liquid consumed;
  • Commitment of harmful habits: smoking, alcohol use;
  • Skin humidity due to abundant sweating;
  • The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • overweight or, on the contrary, excessive thinness;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • Allergies to a variety of creams and ointments;
  • diabetes;
  • Availability in bed or on native linen of any objects irritating skin: crumbs, folds, seams, buttons, etc.;
  • Impact on urine epidermis or cartilage, which is a consequence of their incontinence.

Stages of the disease

Patient hygiene, underlying patient, treatment of bedside, breakdown, prevention of laying out, care for lying patients

Consider ways of treating the disease at various stages of its development.

Stage I Stage.

If you have noticed the first signs of the disease, begin to take therapeutic measures immediately. Seeing redness on the skin, which, when pressing, do not change colors, make them daily processing. It includes wipes with camphor alcohol or sea buckthorn oil. Remember that massaging the affected area is contraindicated.

Stage II.

In the case when the patient has the first ulcers, it is important to protect them from the penetration of infection and the development of further inflammation. Several times a day, the wounds need to disinfect chlorhexidine and lubricate healing means. This can be attributed to Levomecole, Aktovegin, Salcossuril. Now in the treatment of layers, special hydrogel and hydrocolloid bandages are actively used, contributing to healing wounds as soon as possible.

III and IV Stages.

The third and fourth stage of the disease require immediate appeal to the doctor. He must carefully inspect the affected area for infection and bone damage. Treatment should be started with wound cleansing, this is done using a solution Chlorhexidine. During the processing, it is desirable not to touch the ulcers, so you can simply pour on it fluid from the bottle. Thoroughly inspect the affected area, is there no dead skin or pus. If you identify something like that, the wound will be necessary to treat the preparation of proteoks-TM.

After the wound will be cleaned, you can apply on it a tampon impregnated with an oil. Instead, you can also use a means based on syntomicine or streptocide. In the event of inflammation as a wound-healing drug, you can select multifers. After the main swelling comes up, this expensive drug can be replaced cheaper, such as Comfil Plus. A bandage with this tool can not be removed from the wound to 5 days. Do not forget that before each change of such a bandage should be reinted with chlorhexidine.

A good option for healing an ulcer is declared decantenol, to handle the affected area need not less than 3 times a day. Doctors are not recommended for a long time to close the surface of the wound wound with a marry bandage, because it does not receive enough air through such a fabric, and too tight tied bandage, besides, worsens blood circulation. But in some cases, for example, in the process of rejection of dead cells from the surface of the proligene, you can use a gauze bandage impregnated with special enzymes.

Not so long ago, a new effective remedy for varieties appeared in pharmacology - alginates. They are sterile dressings made from seaweed, which are perfectly disinfected wound.

I would like to recall once again that it is not recommended to treat a similar disease independently. It is best to visit the doctor who, on the basis of the surveys conducted, will give all the necessary recommendations and prescribe the necessary drugs.


Patient hygiene, underlying patient, treatment of bedside, breakdown, prevention of laying out, care for lying patients

As you know, prevent the development of the disease is much easier than to deal with its consequences. Let's consider the basic rules for the prevention of bedside:

  1. Periodically help the patient to change the position of the body, while observing the accuracy and trying not to damage the epidermis.
  2. Follow the hygiene of a lying person, do not allow that its skin is dirty or sweaty.
  3. After cleansing, apply a special cream or powder on prolipening space.
  4. Specify the skin of the patient as often as possible.
  5. Provide a balanced nutrition and sufficient drink.
  6. Do not smoke in the presence of the patient and do not let it do to him.
  7. If possible, spend a special medical gymnastics.

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