Catholic Christmas is replaced by the New Year, Merry Christmas on the Orthodox calendar and, finally, a series of festivities completes the old new year. Quickly recover after the holidays and return to normal life our advice will help you.

Resting with a swing. Catholic Christmas replaces the New Year, Merry Christmas
on the Orthodox calendar and finally a series of festivals completes the old new
year — even if not official, but still a reason for one more time.
And if somehow not help
The body is quickly restored
health after regular overeating and frequent relief, then with feeling
gravity, headache and fatigue will be held not only the morning and the whole day after the holidays, but also
All subsequent work week. How to quickly recover after the holidays and return to
normal life and labor weekdays? Our advice will help you.
Who falls early and rises early...
By the end of the holiday weekend, start compliance with the usual
Budnic mode of the day. Stop up with alarm call and go to bed no later
23 hours. Start planning your days. Even if there is no urgent,
Lock in your diary that tomorrow, in the first morning after the holiday, you will go walk in
Park, go to the store, arrange cleaning in the apartment. Ordinary everyday
Classes will be returned to everyday life.
We think seven times and only then eat!
It's time to stop
overeating and unload. But how to quickly recover after the holidays, if the refrigerator is full of residues
Culinary luxury?
All edible
perishable reserves remaining after the holidays need to be destroyed, but
not just «by eating». Treat neighbors, acquaintances, friends finally,
Spear homeless animals. In the refrigerator is not a place hearty fat festive
dishes, here should reign «Hungry» Subsidious atmosphere.
Nothing helps digestive
The system is quickly recovering
After holidays like a unloading day. Recommended for some
time to exclude fatty animals, sweets, flour products and
Leaves on fruits, vegetables, skim kefir and cottage cheese. Be sure to enter B
Film diet, for example, in the form of 30 g bran per day.
For those who are concerned not only to how to restore health after the holidays, but
and decided to reset the scheduling weight, it is worth noting the next fact. Lose weight
companies are much more efficient than alone. Find like-minded people
Among friends, finally, get the Internet blog, where to write down your notes,
Submitting to the results — This disciplines. Support and tips of others
The participants of the social network gives force on the way to harmony.
help liver after holidays?
Abundance of oily, spicy
Food and alcohol make the liver work on wear. To help her cope
With the detoxification of the body, in addition to the discharge diet, doctors recommend
Take Light Golden Fees.
Bring out of the body
Remains of poisons accumulated as a result of digestive disorders and alcohol,
Activated carbon, blue clay and other enterosorbents. Cleaners
Properties have such vegetables rich in rough vegetable fiber, like cabbage, raw carrots,
beet; quickly restore
After the holidays, simple water, green tea, acidic juices will be helped — not
less than 2 liters per day. Additionally, it is recommended to take
Vitamin Mineral Complex Preparations.
On bath, water and cosmetic procedures
Dusty dry flabby
Skin covered with small wrinkles, circles and bags under the eyes, reduced
Immunity and, as a result, cold — very frequent rapid results
endless fun. How
quickly restore skin health after holidays and strengthen immunity? In that
Rub Russian bath or sauna. Healing pairs and fragrant broom truly capable
Miracles to work «revive from ash».
Of course, Zima
It has to soak in a warm bath, but to recover physically, and after the holidays to return to
work in the bodiment of the arrangement of the Spirit, it is better to start a day from a cool soul. He
raise the tone of the body, improve blood circulation and will benefit
skin condition dehydrated by dry hot air heated rooms.
Those who prefer
Hardware methods of cosmetology and professional skin care, it's time
go with a spa. Comprehensive procedures, such as peeling, balneotherapy and thalassotherapy,
Massage, myostimulation, wraps will help you quickly restore skin health and returned to external
The appearance of the former losc. You can care for yourself and at home, cleansing
Skin over steam, face and hair masks from simple and inexpensive products
nutrition, which after the holidays are full-fully in the refrigerator, no one else
.....If still alive — gymnastics!
Quickly recover after holidays will help workouts. But if you did not do before this sport, not
stands too load yourself. Go to the pool, do sports walking,
Finally, just play snowballs or cabins, go skiing and sledding.
New Year — This
a peculiar point of reference, it's time to finally buy a subscription to
fitness club. Wake up the body after the winter hook will help and independent
Classes, especially, video tutorials training and fitness complexes can be found online
in free access — would be a desire to engage. Physical exertion not only
increase calorie consumption, but also contribute to the production of hormones of happiness, and
So, as
Natural stimulant help to recover after holidays.
To work like a holiday!
To first workers
day strained communication with the whole mass is not always pleasant people from which,
As a rule, you will dissolve on holidays, did not cause a nervous breakdown, psychologists
Recommended in the last holidays to expand the circle of communication and start visiting
crowded places.
The working atmosphere is better
dive smoothly. First day,
When the body has not yet managed to fully recover after the holidays, it is better to do small things, not
requiring nervous voltage and special concentration.
It is believed to be
fully «come to yourself», the body needs as many as three days on the star. Not
Forget about it, then the first labor weekdays will not be stressful for you.