When the middle-aged crisis


Middle age crisis

"40 years - Babi Age" - says the Russian saying.
She was born soon in those days when the average life expectancy
was hardly two times lower than now, and men live longer
women. In the habit and today, many consider a 40-year frontier
Critical. And someone even notes this round date. On any
The case is not to harm yourself.

Why in "Balzakovsky Age" a woman "get" depressed,
disappointment (by the way, and men too), in the door there are diseases? What
happens with human physiology? And how to cope with the crisis
magpie"? Psychotherapist is responsible for questions,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Researcher of the Department of Medical
psychology of the Russian scientific center of restoration medicine and
Resortology, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Institute of Enhancement
Qualifications of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail

- Mikhail Viktorovich, which means "Crisis of Forty"? What is he manifest, if we talk about the emotional state of a person?

When the middle-aged crisis- Painful disorders manifested
depression, anxiety, various fears and negative thoughts,
insomnia, worsening memory, - all these symptoms in one way or another
degree inherent in people "crisis period". 40 years is the middle
life and naturally desire to sum up. If man is pleased
achieved, then the so-called "crisis of forty" he may not notice.
And if "did not come true" (in personal life, in a career),
Psychological discomfort provided. What will it be with a specific
Human suggestion is difficult.

- But the physical condition of a person is changing.

- "The crisis of forty" in women may coincide with the preclimacterial period
from 40 to 50 years old: gradually fades the function of the ovaries, the products fall
female sex hormones proportional to female ratio and
Male in the body changes. And age-related changes as they say,
on the face. Woman changing outwardly: the face becomes more serious,
concerned, do not burn eyes, the first gray and wrinkles appear.
Even the gait, a beautiful sex representative in this
Aged more confident. Categorically in judgment.

- But it is at this time age of age begins to appear: problems
with eyesight, with teeth, hypertension, first signs of head ischemia
brain, especially those who work a lot sitting and moves little.
Man more often starts to tire. At best, these are only harbing
Diseases. But often at this age they overtake infarction, strokes and
Even oncological diseases - if a person "launched", in
work on all the pedals, seeking career, to the creation of material
Good. Little rested or did not resist at all. The consequences are accumulated
Harmful habits: smoking, alcohol.

- But often successful
In a career, a woman remains alone, without family, without children. And inevitable
Revaluation of values: For whom all the accumulated - Apartment, Machine,

- I am familiar to this type of women, they are my frequent patients.

- And as you, psychotherapist, help them get out of the crisis?

- After listening to the visitor, together with her I analyze her internal
psychological conflicts helping to figure out why this happens and
how to get out. I use cognitive behavioral psychotherapy.
Easier - psychotherapy of common sense, rational approach to life. On the
This account has special techniques, trainings. I use
Also receiving transactional analysis are one of the directions
psychoanalytic therapy.

I suggest to go down to Earth from your transcendental heights and rejoice
what is there. But not only. In principle, 40 years - the most productive
age. It's not too late to start all over first, in personal life, including -
get married, give birth to a child. You can change the job if you want, place
Residence. Learn what the soul is. After all, there is still a good
Half of life! And if a woman understands that the reason in it is her
herself begins to change himself.

- And if not starting?

- Then psychosomatic diseases will begin, which are based on these
Conflicts. Depression, hypertensive disease, ulcerative disease of the stomach
and duodenalist, ischemic heart disease, insufficiency
Brain circulation. Next Stage - Infarction and Strokes.

- Mikhail Viktorovich, but the crisis is and male. What is his difference from female?

- Men are also aging, there is no fatigue more often. Leather
becomes more dry, muscles are not so elastic. Libido falls, happen
Failures in bed. I want to prove to everyone, and above all myself,
What is an accident. What is still young and absolutely healthy. Catch
omitted and the body fails. Male care from family to younger
companions - this is an attempt to prove that it is not.

- A more young partner from a medical point of view for a man - good?

- There are advantages and cons. Psychological plan on the first pairs,
Of course, plus - the second youth: a splash of emotions, the desire to do
sports, even more. But only on the first pairs. Splash even
positive emotions to man, to put it mildly, not quite young can and
Eliminates: depletes the body, former to work at the limit of forces.
Consequences may not affect the best way. Most likely
Therefore, men are often returning back to the usual way of life.

- But there is a category of men who at this age from stress, disappointments, dissatisfaction with alcohol are saved.

- With long-term systematic reception of alcohol, persistent
addiction, and then addiction. First one bottle of beer (either 100
grams of vodka, brandy, brandy), then two or three bottles of beer and
300-500 grams of which are stronger. Few months later. IN
The problem is not solved, but only multiply.

- But how did the advice of some doctors drink exclusively "for health" on the day a glass of wine or 40 grams of vodka?

- I am categorically against the use of alcohol as medicines. If
It seems to someone that alcohol helps "removes tension" and he
The way it often uses - he has every chance to become an alcoholic.

-And that in this case it is better to do?

- Anyone in his childhood had a dream, some desire that not
managed to implement. Return to your origins, to passion. Read,
Write, dance, embroider with a cross, travel, finally. Hobby
helps to realize yourself, find like-minded people. Well if there is
the ability to meet people with whom professional
Interests or hobbies. Work - for money, and communication is out of work - for
soul. Communication in interest will give you a fitness club, car enthusiast club,
CUTBER CLUB, Diving classes. Someone is melted by boats,
Someone rides on horseback (skates, bicycles), someone starts singing
in chore. Yes, you never know around where you can go and do something?

to me
42 years old. On weekends and in the morning I ride a bike in the park.
I am a member of the professional community of psychotherapists. We are going nonsense
only to discuss things, everyone has the opportunity
share personal problems and get support.

remember that the crisis of forty, like any crisis, is not only problems,
But the opportunity. Having survived this crisis, a person becomes more
prepared for later life, sets real goals, with
To watch confidence in the future.

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