How are marketing research on the Internet? As related medicine with a worldwide Internet network? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Medicine on the Internet
Modern health care is increasing confident in the Internet. Since the initial purpose of using the Internet in civil practice was the creation of a network to ensure the relationship between US universities, it laid a huge number of scientific and technical, in particular medical, information. For Russian medical and preventive institutions with their limited access to fresh information sources on paper Internet can be the only real source of new data.
Together with Internet pharmacies, there are now more than 20 thousand. nodes related to health. Unfortunately, instead of solving information objectives, many servers are directly traded with medicines or medical equipment or send users to electronic stores of their partners, and then receive a percentage of sales. In some cases, this practice suffers the binding of recommendations.
The methods and techniques for conducting marketing research on the Internet can be attributed:
study of the branded and commodity structure of the market by Web servers of various companies of the healthcare profile;
- Study of Internet users as current or potential buyers.
The Internet can be divided into more or less visited, specialized and non-specialized, and advertising - on text, banner and linking. The most visited are the least specialized pages. Advertising on such pages is usually cheaper, and return can be quite high. The success of such an advertisement is that the information is posted in the place that the user is looking for, and it only needs to be at the right time in the required place.
Let us give the following example. It is necessary to sell a batch of medical equipment - for example, test systems. This is a specific product, and advertising on the medical pages of large catalogs for 400-1000 dollars. per month will give as many buyers as the message posted for $ 40-100. On pages «Medical equipment».
One of the online advertising directions is the active marketing, which is to promote goods and stimulate sales to the large-scale appearance of goods in the market. The task of active marketing is to determine the effective demand for advertised goods. For this, the advertiser provides an outsourcing Internet company materials about the product in the form of instructions, annotations, scientific and advertising publications and.NS., which are structured and posted on the Internet on one or more specialized sites with a target audience (for example, on medical sites), the attendance of which is compared with the circulation of popular medical journals. Due to the simplicity of feedback on the Internet on customer issues, such as the place and terms of sales, about additional information and T.NS., A database of effective demand for goods and potential consumers is formed.