Baby swimming

Even before birth, I solved firmly - my child will be healthy! How to achieve this? Many of my friends as a way to maintain the health of the baby engaged in swimming. It seemed to me that it was interesting, and I decided to find out more about it. And even more strengthened in the thought that swimming for kids is useful. So, it was decided - we will deal!

Even before birth, I solved firmly - my child will be healthy! How to achieve this? Many of my friends as a way to maintain the health of the baby engaged in swimming. It seemed to me that it was interesting, and I decided to find out more about it.

Why do breast swimming?

Having studied the available information, I further strengthened in the thought that swimming for kids is useful, since the load on the skeletal muscles of the child disappears with infant swimming, so, he can move freely. The baby begins to feel and realize his body, and at the same time he learns to manage it, which is extremely important for the active knowledge of the surrounding world. During swimming, the respiratory system is strengthened, the metabolism and blood circulation is improved, the nervous system, a sense of equilibrium, is strengthened, the body hardening occurs. So, it was decided - we will deal!

From what age you can go swimming?

Classes can be started already from the month after passing the first medical commission, since the possibility of playing and their content depends on the child's health.

Where you can engage in infant swimming?

Baby swimming
Possible options three:

  1. Explore the information in all sorts of sources and engage yourself at home.

The Internet is shot by informal swimming information, there are plenty of videos showing which exercises with baby can be performed at home in the bathroom. Personally, I, being a young and inexperienced mom, was afraid to deal with the baby, without having the necessary experience.

  • Invite an instructor.
  • Contact instructor's contact number prompted me familiar who have already worked with this specialist. If you have no such acquaintances, just call the children's swimming center and ask whether they are held at home. As a rule, they will be happy to offer you to work at home with a regular instructor of the Center.

    Classes in the water at home are held in a conventional bathroom (of course, a mother or instructor is outside the bathroom), filled with water, the temperature of which is about two degrees lower than the water temperature at which you usually bathe your treasure. The instructor coming to the house can either fulfill all the exercises with the child, or strive to teach mom so that she can do with the child herself. This moment, I advise you to clarify the readers of the MPSovets even before the start of your cooperation. As classes are held in a regular bathroom to do at home expedient months to 6, the child is just closely.

  • Attending a specialized center.
  • Contacts such centers you can easily find on the Internet. In the center of children's swimming with children, mothers themselves, and the instructor teaches them and adjusts. Classes are conducted either in large bathrooms or in the pool (here Mom enters the water with a child) - it depends on the age of the child. Typically, classes are held in small groups, which allows the instructor to pay attention to each child, and Mom - to communicate with like-minded people. Of course, before you come to the center, you will need to collect and submit the necessary medical certificates. Their list is better to know in the very center. Also do not forget to stock special diaper for swimming.

    How to take classes in infant swimming?

    Baby swimming
    I want to immediately tell the readers of peacets, which is applied to the kids term «swimming» Sounds too loud. In fact, it is rather exercises in the water - walking, jumping, various movements that makes either an instructor or a mother, and the baby simply allows (or does not allow) to do these exercises with you. And, of course, an important stage of classes is diving. This is a special moment for each mom. Survive the lowering of your chad under the water with the head is not every can. And, in my experience, the kids do not really like it, although over time get used to and perceive quite calmly, if not with joy. It should also be understood that on the water, children learn to keep on average in 3-4 years, until this age they can swim under water and perform exercises with mom's support.

    Classes is different for kids of different ages. Usually classes with babies up to 6 months are held in small bathrooms and begin with a common massage. Next comes gymnastics, and only then classes in water.

    Baby after 6 months Massage and exercises are no longer carried out - immediately into the water! Usually with children after 6 months they are engaged in a small pool, in which mother (or dad) is located with the child. Than a child older and more experienced, the exercises in water become more complex. For example, a two-year-old child can dive from the stern or shoulder mom, swim under water through the hoop, collect rings from the bottom of the pool.

    Pros and disadvantages of classes in infant swimming

    Baby swimming
    Summarizing, I can allocate the following advantages of practice breast sailing:

    • Baby swimming is a significant contribution to the health and development of the child;
    • Visiting classes in the specialized center of children's swimming allows mom to change the situation, chat with the same moms, as she, on urgent topics;
    • After classes in the water, the baby is usually firmly sleeps for several hours. And, as they say, sleeping child is not only cute, but finally;
    • self-esteem mother engaged in the child grows, because it is an excess confirmation that she «Good mother».

    Of course, there are cons:

    • Swimming classes require investments: financial and temporary.
    • Classes require self-organization - after all, you need to be prepared for classes in a clearly defined time;
    • When performing exercises in the bathroom on the back of Moms there is a significant physical exertion. Believe it, it is very difficult!
    • usually the first time kids cry. Approximately after a month or two regular sessions, it passes and the time of smiles comes, but, of course, at the sight of a crying baby, the heart of any mom is breaking.

    Now my baby is 6 months old and we continue to go swimming. To my great joy, my daughter is now absolutely healthy and is already crawling and sits, but I feel myself «Good mom». For all this, I can say thanks to baby swimming, which helps me to raise the child with healthy and inquisitive, what and you wish you.

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