Treatment of adrenal crisis

Adrenal, or addisonic, crisis is an extreme complication of Addison's disease. The condition develops against the background of the hardest damage and dysfunction of adrenal cortex. Usually doctors make it difficult to answer if a person can recover from the consequences of this ailment.

Clinical Picture of Addison Disease

adrenal crisis, Addison disease, hormones, adrenal glands

To fully understand how and why an adrenal crisis occurs, you need to know where everything starts. The so-called bronze disease becomes the root cause of adrenal crisis - this is exactly the state of chronic insufficiency of adrenal cortex.

Addison's disease affects both adrenal glands, which leads to a partial or complete stopping of hormone production by these vital organs. There is talking about the disease when more than 85 - 87% of the tissues of the adrenal cortex were injured.

The most common cause of the development of Addison's disease is an autoimmune failure in the body, when its own immune system is opposed to the body. The second relevant factor that causes a bronze disease is called adrenal tuberculosis. Among the others «culnery» This disease, specialists celebrate:

  • Operation to remove adrenal glands;
  • dysfunction of adrenal glands after long-term treatment with hormonal preparations;
  • diseases caused by mushroom microorganisms, for example, histoplasmosis;
  • the formation of tumors in adrenal glands;
  • Systemic benign disease - sarcoidosis of the kidneys;
  • hemorrhage in the adrenal kour;
  • syphilis;
  • AIDS.

adrenal crisis, Addison disease, hormones, adrenal glands

Condition can develop for several days or several hours, which depends on the severity of the illness of the Addison and the factor, due to which the appropriate conditions appeared for the development of complications. Clinical picture Next:

  1. There is a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Cardiac appears arrhythmia.
  3. The patient feels that the heart works «not as usual».
  4. Excessive sweating begins.
  5. Well-tangible sharp pain appear in the stomach.
  6. Nausea appears, vomiting opens and diarrhea.
  7. The patient has very cold brushes and feet, while it is tormented by chills.
  8. Daily dose of urine.
  9. Extreme weakness: the patient does not hold legs.
  10. There is a dizziness and violation of consciousness (hallucinations, speech violations, loss of consciousness).
  11. Coma.

Our site notes that relatives and close people who suffer from Addison's disease must be familiar with the list of symptoms of this dangerous complication. If you have at least some of them, the victim need to urgently hospitalize and adjust its condition in resuscitation.

How do adrenal crisis diagnose

adrenal crisis, Addison disease, hormones, adrenal glands

The statement of the extreme form of Addison's illness implies urgent conduct blood test, which as a result of the study will show accelerated ESO, aggressive leukocytosis and a sharp increase in the number of red blood cells. Glucose level will be below the norm. The level of electrolytes (potassium, chlorine, sodium) drops, and in the urine there are proteins, blood and acetone.

Hormonal analysis of the patient's blood indicates a decrease in the concentration of corticosteroids, which are produced by the bark of the adrenal glands. With the help of ECG diagnose violation of the conductivity of the heart muscle.

Treatment of adrenaline cries

The patient is assisted in the conditions of separation of intensive therapy. The patient's condition is primarily adjusted by corticosteroids, all dosages are selected only individually. Concomitant treatment methods are anti-co-therapy, drip administration of glucose solution and electrolyte solutions.

adrenal crisis, Addison disease, hormones, adrenal glands

In addition to this treatment program, other activities can be distinguished, which indirectly contribute to the improvement of the patient's well-being, which is in a state of an adrenal crisis:

  1. Stabilization of blood pressure and body temperature. According to the results of the pressure correction, judge the stabilization of the patient's condition. Improvement, as a rule, occurs 4-6 hours after intensive treatment.
  2. Prevention and adequate treatment of diseases of infectious origin.
  3. Timely and competent correction of doses of hormonal replacement therapy, if the patient has a surgical operation.
  4. Intravenous administration of sodium solution of chloride 0.9% and hydrocortisone to eliminate Dehydration of the body.

The forecast after transferred adrenal crisis cannot be called good - rather satisfactory.

After the complications suffered and in the conditions of life with Addison's disease, the adrenal bark is irreversibly damaged, because of which a person will need to be on supporting hormonally substituent treatment. Competent experts appoint the course of therapy in such a way as to fully reimburse those functions that the patient's adrenal glands can no longer perform. A person will be for life on the doctor of an endocrinologist who will monitor its current state and, in case of needing, adjust the dose of hormonal drugs.

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