The effect of noise on human health


Noise and Health

Man always lived in the world of sounds and noise. Sound are called such
Mechanical oscillations of the external environment that are perceived by the auditory
Human apparatus (from 16 to 20 000 oscillations per second). Oscillations
more frequencies are called ultrasound, less - infrasound. Noise -
Loud Sounds Flashing in Non-Strong Sound.

For all living
organisms, including a person, sound is one of the impacts
ambient. In nature, the loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak
and non-portrait. The combination of sound stimuli gives time to animals
and the person necessary to assess their nature and the formation of response
Reactions. The sounds and noise of high power are striking the auditory,
nervous centers can cause pain and shock. So act
Noise pollution.

The effect of noise on human health
Quiet rustling foliage, murmur stream,
bird votes, light water splash and the noise of the surf is always pleasant to man.
They calm it, remove stress. But the natural sounds of votes
Nature is becoming increasingly rare, they disappear at all or drown
industrial transport and other noises. Long noise
adversely affects the hearing body, lowering sound sensitivity.

Noise is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure, -
Decibelch. This pressure is not perceived irrelevant. Noise level B
20-30 decibels (dB) almost harmless to humans
Natural noise background. As for loud sounds, here
The permissible border is approximately 80 decibels. Sound in 130
decibelov already causes a pain of a painful feeling, and 150 becomes
For him intolerable. No wonder in the Middle Ages there was an execution «under
bell». The rumble of the bell ring tormented and slowly killed the convicted.

high level and industrial noise. In many works and noisy
industries he reaches 90-110 decibels and more. Not much quieter and
We have at home where all new sources of noise appear - the so-called

Currently scientists in many countries
peace leads various studies in order to clarify the effect of noise on
human health. Their studies have shown that the noise is tangible
harm to human health, but also the absolute silence scares and oppress him.
So, the staff of one design bureau who had a beautiful
Soundproofing, after a week began to complain about the impossibility
Work in the conditions of oppressive silence. They were nervous, lost
Performance. And, on the contrary, scientists found that sounds
definite force stimulate the process of thinking, especially the process

Each person perceives noise in different ways. Much
Depends on age, temperament, health status surrounding
Conditions. Constant impact of strong noise may not only
adversely affect the rumor, but also cause other harmful effects
- ringing in ears, dizziness, headache, increase fatigue.
Very noisy modern music is also dulling the rumor causes nervous

The noise is cunning, its harmful effects on the body
It is invisible, imperceptibly. Violations in human body against
Noise almost defenseless. Currently, doctors talk about noise
Diseases developing as a result of the impact of noise with predominant
damage to hearing and nervous system.

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