9 main causes of death


Statistical studies of the causes of human mortality
are conducted throughout the world, the data differ significantly depending on the level
Society and Medicine Development. We were interested in the results of observations for
Situation in Russia, and they are similar to European and USA indicators.

Heart disease and vessels

9 main causes of death
«Honorary Championship» For many years has been owned by disease
of cardio-vascular system. In developed countries, they are the cause
death more than half of the cases.

In this group, ischemic disease
Hearts, in particular myocardial infarction, and severe heart rate disorders,
which make up half of deaths on heart reasons. Third patients
dies from cerebrovascular violations, that is, as a result of the defeat
brain and subsequent development of neurological disorders, such as
stroke or rupture aneurysm.

Why heart disease and vessels are in the first place? Wine
smoking, low physical activity, stress, lack of habit follow
blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and other satellites of our

Cancer and other neoplasms

Unfortunately, today in the arsenal doctors not
There is a means that heal cancer is similar to how antibiotics
Cool with infection. Severe illness still carries millions
Lives, 15% of Russians die from him. True, the positive dynamics all
The same outlined, and tumor diseases pass positions.

Today, doctors learned to fight cancer. Modern
The level of development of medicine allows you to diagnose tumors in the early stages,
When treatment gives good results. What cancer tumors hold
second place among the causes of death, researchers are not associated with bad
ecology, and with global aging of the population, because it is known that with age
The probability of cancer development increases many times.

Among «Tumor» The reasons in the first place is lung cancer,
in most cases associated with smoking. Women in the second plan is located
mammary cancer.

External reasons

Under external reasons understand those that are not related to
Diseases, in most cases, these are injuries and accidents, murders,
suicide. They annually carry lives about 9% of Russians.

The highest mortality rates for external reasons
Marked in the age group of 20-60 years, especially among men. From life
outgoing a working part of the population and it can not affect
demographic and economic situation in the country.

On the specified three
Groups account for more than 80% of deaths in Russia, other factors have a smaller
weight, but not mentioning them is impossible.

Pneumonia and chronic obstructive disease

9 main causes of death
Pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), in particular chronic bronchitis and lung emphysema, in Russia
there are 3.9% of deaths. And various types of lung inflammation took
Almost half of the lives of patients with diseases of the respiratory system. For
Compare: In 1995, this figure was significantly less and was only 27%.
In 1% of cases, the influenza and other ORVI became the cause of death.

The main factor with which you have to fight doctors, — smoking. Another way to reduce mortality — Timely vaccination
population, prevention of viral diseases during epidemic. Great
The value is controlling the use of antibiotics and warning
The appearance of strains of microorganisms resistant to their action.

Diseases of digestive organs

The share of digestive diseases among mortality causes
is 4.6%. The greatest contribution to the liver disease, from them
Half patients are dying, in second place — pancreas diseases even
ulcerative and bile disease.

Infectious and parasitic diseases

Infections and parasitic diseases in 2013 claimed life
1.7% of Russians. Special place is occupied by tuberculosis, it has to
Half death. The number of the dead from AIDS, viral hepatitis,
Significantly reduced the number of victims of intestinal infections.

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is the cause of senile dementia
in 40% of cases. It leads not only to problems with memory and thinking, but
And to the loss of self-catering ability, injury, exacerbation and heavy
The flow of chronic diseases.

Alzheimer's disease today suffers more than 5%
People aged 65-80 years and almost 25% of the population over 80 years. Tools
Prevention does not exist.

Increase the share of Alzheimer's disease among the main reasons
mortality Scientists bind first of all with the aging of the population of the planet. Forecasts
Disappointing: It is assumed that every five years the number of patients will
Doubt, and mortality due to Alzheimer's disease will grow. For instance,
Over the past ten years, the number of deaths from Alzheimer's disease in the US
increased by 68%.


In recent years, there has been an increase in developed countries
morbidity of diabetes. The share of the diabetes of the second type has
Basic Number of Cases of Disease. It is believed that with an increase in the average
Life expectancy up to 80 years will suffer from about 17%

Direct reasons for the death of patients with diabetes mellitus:
Diabetic and hypoglycemic coma, chronic renal failure and
Gangrene limbs complicated by sepsis. On average mortality among
diabetics is a little more than 6%, but taking into account the progression
morbidity can be assumed that the disease will carry everything every year
more and more lives.

Kidney disease

Kidney disease occupy a ninth place in the mortality structure
in USA. In Russia, 15 million people have kidney disease (jade, nephrisosis and
nephrotic syndrome), which are conjugate with the high risk of the development of hypertensive
Diseases, infarction, stroke and diabetes.

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