Human papilloma virus (HPV)
HPV can be bolden by one of the most common viruses in the world. A person can be a carrier of this virus for years, not even representing his existence, and in one of the moments the disease makes itself felt. And there is a huge amount of HPV species, some of which can lead to cancer development.
Often there are situations when papillomas, appearing by themselves, disappear, say, after six months. It does not mean that man cured. Rather, about short-term decline in immunity and exacerbation of infection for this period. Anyway, it should be consulted for a doctor.
The virus can be infected equally both men and women. And this happens at any contact with an infected area of the body, as well as through the handrails in the vehicle, in the gym, in the bath, sauna. Very frequent variation of the transmission of the virus is sexual intercourse, and therefore the presence of a papilloma on the sexual penis or sexual lips is not.
The highest risk to get into people who are not particularly monitored in their lifestyle: it is, in particular, a messy sexual connection, non-harmony consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, overeating and t. NS. Most often, Papillomirus is activated with sufficient emulsion fall. If a person often sicks the flu, suffers from the problems of the gastrointestinal tract or transferred a long-distance operation - risk «Attachment» Papillomas rises several times.
Symptoms of the disease
Today there is no single treatment scheme for HPV. Much depends on what kind of disease has infected the patient and what tactics the doctor chooses. However, the obligatory therapy includes the adoption of immunomodulating drugs and deletion of papilloma.
It should be understood that the emergence of papillom says that the body is not all right and he needs help. Therefore, along with surveys at a dermatologist and a gynecologist, it is best to go through additional surveys from the gastroenterologist and from other doctors. This will help rapid your health in order and get rid of the virus. True, it's not a secret for a long time that the virus can only be muffled, after which it remains to maintain their immunity.
The diagram of the treatment of infection often proceeds from what organ was affected. The patient is prescribed antiviral drugs, preparations that increase immunity, and the local removal of external manifestations of HPV is carried out, that is, by papillom.
Remember, if the virus nature of the disease is revealed, one only remove the papilloma here is not to do. Effective will be only an integrated approach to the treatment of this disease, as well as its prevention in the future.
The prevention includes hygiene compliance, maintaining its immunity in order. With sexual contact, it is best to use a condom, although it does not give 100% warranty, since infection can occur when contacting infected parts of the body.
Papilloma removal
If during the treatment of papilloma did not disappear by themselves, that sometimes it happens, the doctors resort to several ways to remove them.
- Electrocoagulation - the most efficient and proven way to remove papilloma forever, not leaving no trace.
- Laser therapy is not the most popular method, since after it increases the number of relapses (compared to electrocoagulation), as well as poor wound healing.
- Radio salve Surgery is more suitable for removing single papillom.
- Cryotherapy also has high efficiency and small number of recurrences.
Along with these methods, there are a number of folk ways to remove papillom. But remember that it can be used solely after agreeing with the doctor, as well as when receiving antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.
Folk remedies for papillom
- Celest has colossal healing properties, and removal by papilloma with its help is no exception. To do this, you need to take a fresh plant, break it with a stalk and highlighted white milk to lubricate the affected areas. The procedure must be done 2-3 times a day to completely disappear by papillom. But remember that the healing milk stands out only at the very beginning of the ripening of the plant, that is, in May.
- Garlic is not inferior to Cleaner in its properties. The easiest way to use is to cut a clove and allocated to smear the juice on papilla.
- You can smoke garlic, add vinegar and flour to it until the mixture becomes like sour cream. Then impose it to an infected site, fix with polyethylene and leave the compress for the night.
- Softening propolis and fix it in the affected skin plaster. Skin first quickly sprack.
- Of course, nowhere without calangean. This plant is also effective in fighting papillomas! Lock the leaf sheet with a leakoplasty space for the night, remove in the morning. The procedure can be held for several days.
Along with folk removal methods by papillom, procedures should be carried out to strengthen immunity. After all, drugs are good, but immunity - a thing that nature presented us, therefore it is better to strengthen it naturally. Start hardening, just should not be leaning with icy water. Try to reduce the temperature of the air in the room, more often do it, easier dress. Very strengthens the body a contrasting souls, just to do it right. Do sports, let it be a common charging in the morning, but she should bring you pleasure. And, of course, it is important to include vegetables and fruits in your diet every day, especially green.