What is the legal protection of the doctor


  • Responsibility of doctors
  • Example from life...

  • Responsibility of doctors

    The problem of poor quality medical care and
    unprofessional actions of doctors, medical defects in
    Mainly closed on one problem - increasing responsibility
    Medikov. However, along with this, another, - the need to protect
    their themselves from unreasonable accusations from patients, that is
    Legal Safety Professional Work of the doctor. Article 63 Basic
    Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of health care along with declarative
    Contains an important right to insurance professional mistake, which
    In practice, for a number of reasons is not implemented. However, the number is growing
    civil lawsuits in connection with the requirements of compensation for physical and
    compensation of moral damage caused by the medical worker that
    causes anxiety, often unreasonable. This is evidenced
    Practice of the Rostov Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Here are several

    However, medicine is so complicated that mistakes are allowed,
    Objective and subjective causes of which are numerous. Medical
    Errors - this is a consequence of a conscientious misconception of a doctor when performing
    They are professional duties. The main difference from other defects
    medical activity is to exclude negligence negligence
    And ignorance of medic. Wonderful clinician, excellent diagnostic
    Academician I.BUT.Cashier wrote: «No matter how well delivered
    medical case, you can not imagine a doctor already having
    shoulders big scientific and practical experience, with beautiful clinical
    school, very attentive and serious, which in their activities
    Could unmistakably determine any disease and just as unmistakably
    treat it». This is not only achieving medicine, you should know
    the patients. Therefore, for such defects with an unfavorable outcome
    can not punish the doctor, no matter how bitter take it
    The victim. This doctor itself is experiencing a mistake and tries to her
    Take into account for the future.

    What is the legal protection of the doctorI would like to dwell on your doctor
    harm to health, which, however, due to special circumstances,
    eliminates his guilt. And it is important that the Criminal Code, which is usually
    establishes a specific socially dangerous act (that is
    Crime and criminal liability for it) Meanwhile, it contains
    such articles that, despite the obvious signs of a crime,
    eliminate the blame. The law provides such an opportunity when there is
    The impact of certain conditions and a host of random circumstances on
    the nature of the actions or inaction of the face to free it from
    criminal responsibility. Such circumstances are found in
    representatives of a number of professions, including medical. Especially that
    concerns such specialties as surgery, traumatology, obstetrics and
    Gynecology, resuscitation and other.

    So, in medicine for
    eliminating the main danger and the achievement of the goal - the salvation of life or
    causing harm to the health of the patient sometimes have to act in
    Currently needed. This is provided for in Article 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
    «Extreme need», in which it is directly noted that causing
    harm in a state of emergency, that is, to eliminate
    dangers of directly threatening personality if this danger is not
    could be eliminated by other means is not a crime.
    Sources of threatening danger in medical practice can be a doctor
    or other medical worker, guilty or innocent behavior
    which leads to dangerous consequences. Extreme necessity
    excluding unambiguous civil liability,
    Provided and civil code. This is Article 1067 «Causing harm
    in a state of emergency».

    To the conditions of legality
    The act of extreme necessity may relate besides the true state
    extreme necessity, timeliness, it should not exceed
    limits of necessity, because the harm caused should be less than

    No less often in medical practice
    Another circumstance is found in which the guilty causation
    Harm health is not a crime - this is a reasonable risk.

    - This is a human right to creative search, to receive the most, with his
    points of view, reliable and advantageous result of achieving your goal.
    It is peculiar to some professions, the tactics of the necessary actions or
    inactivity of which is often conjugate with a certain risk when and
    decision making and refusal to be dangerous for the patient.
    However, in the case of the risky behavior of the physician, it should be
    reasonable, for the risk in such areas as medicine, pharmacy,
    genetics, ecology can cause harm to human health.

    risk in medicine always had supporters and opponents caused
    Spore. The inevitable need to apply new non-executive
    methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, the use of new
    unresolved to the use of medicines and immunological
    Preparations actually there is a risk, for the sake of rescue of human life. IN
    medical science and practice The constant implementation of the new is necessary and
    It is found very often. Undoubtedly, it concerns new methods
    diagnostic manipulations and operational interventions.

    use of the right to risk guaranteed by a doctor or another
    health worker who is a source generating a danger of causing
    Harm to the law enforceable interests of the patient, article 41 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
    «Reasonable risk».

    Often, doctors, consciously and reasonable
    risking to save the patient and harm him health, do not know
    that the law frees them from criminal prosecution, even when
    the occurrence of serious consequences and does not consider damage,
    Crime. However, the justification of the medical worker in
    a concrete situation, according to this article, may be
    legal only if certain conditions are followed,
    Condimizing the legitimacy of risk.

    Risk is recognized
    reasonable if the specified goal could not be achieved
    associated with the risk actions (inaction) and the person who admissible,
    adopted sufficient measures to prevent harm protected
    Criminal Law of Interest. The risk is not recognized as reasonable if he
    Obviously was conjugate with the threat to the life of people. Risky actions
    should be directed only to achieve a socially useful goal,
    to which in medical practice include the preservation of life and health
    patient or causing him less harm to health compared to
    existing. Risk is legitimate if the goal could not be achieved otherwise
    a risky way and the doctor used this opportunity without receiving
    desired result.

    The degree of competence and
    Professionalism of the doctor who has decided. In addition to this vertical
    incompetence highlight horizontal incompetence when
    The specialist does not know the necessary rules, rules, instructions guiding
    or restricting his behavior in such cases. True, worth it
    note that we have, unlike Germany, England, USA, not legally
    stipulated the degree of informative about the risk to which is exposed
    the patient, agreeing or refusing to intervene, that is, no
    «Legal Standard» Informed consent. This non-specificity
    leads to the fact that everything depends on the opinion of the group of experts and their
    influence on the adoption by the court decision.

    Example from life...

    Here is an example of our
    expert practice, in which the evidence of harm caused
    suspicion of the unlawfulness of the doctor's actions and substantiated the complaint and
    Appointment of forensic medical examination. However, circumstances,
    which were proven by the expert commission allowed the investigator
    refer to Article 43 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to prove the validity of the risk and thereby
    Exclude a crime.

    In a rural district hospital in
    A drunken state delivered gr., who got at the wedding
    Ensure to acute subject. When arriving, the victim had sharply
    Pale skin and mucous membranes, pulse, blood pressure 80
    at 60. Detected a bean-cut wound of the inner surface of the right
    Hips with damage to the femoral artery. From the wound flowed pulsating
    Stowing blood. By this time, the pulse on the right foot is not determined by
    Sleepy artery was a filamentary and weak. As it was not in the hospital
    specialist and any medical drugs for urgent infusion
    Therapies, therapist after the initial processing of the wound and the imposition of a harness
    The patient was sent by an ambulance in the CRH. Here was
    Installed extremely difficult condition, numbness in the right leg, stop
    Cold on the touch of a marble. In this regard, was amputated
    Top-third shin.

    What is the legal protection of the doctorRelatives of the victim filed
    a complaint about the prosecutor's office for non-professional actions of the CRH doctor, which
    Immediately did not sew a damaged vessel, but a long time (for the time of transportation
    Patient) Immobilization led to the amputation of the limb. Was appointed
    forensic medical examination in which participated
    Highly qualified specialists. Experts found that actions
    The doctor was correct. The delay was unacceptable, since threatened
    general infection of blood and death and he went to the risk that was
    reasonable, as it prevented a greater danger - the offensive
    of death. The risk was justified - the life of the patient was saved. This is a conclusion
    was the basis for refusing to initiate a criminal case.

    In medicine there are so-called accidents (incidents) in
    the form of various complications that cannot be foreseen and
    prevent. And often they occur unexpectedly as a sudden
    stopping heart or allergic reaction, despite the adoption
    necessary measures, such as the preliminary sample. Casus,
    having all signs of intentional or careless action, in contrast
    They are taken innocent and not entails criminal liability.
    Article 28 of the Criminal Code provides for innocent causing harm if the person
    His committed did not conscious and could not be aware of the public
    The dangers of their actions, or did not foresee the possibility of the offensive
    socially dangerous consequences and, according to the circumstances of the case, should not
    or could not foresee. Reason to recognize the lack of guilt
    is the fact that the face, although foreseen
    the possibility of the onset of grave consequences, but could not

    GRN A, 34 years old entered the hospital about
    one-sided pneumonia in satisfactory condition. After
    Surveys are prescribed treatment, but on another day he suddenly died
    with anaphylactic shock phenomena. Investigation of this case
    showed that death occurred a few minutes after
    intramuscular introduction to him 500 thousand.elf. Penicillina. And injection
    was performed, in accordance with the instructions, 25 minutes after
    Podium sample not revealed signs of intolerance. Yes, and at
    The patient's survey noted that allergies for the introduction of drugs do not have.
    Following reasoning «After that means due to» relatives
    accused the doctor in causing death by negligence.
    Forensic examination in the study of any signs
    improper healing did not notice, although it was concluded about direct
    causal connection between the introduction of penicillin and. on the onset of death.
    It was found that such a complication was impossible to foresee that
    It should be regarded as an accident with innocent causation
    Harm, which provides for Article 28 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    It should be noted that in all such cases at the stages
    preliminary investigation and legal proceedings
    To establish the apparent causation of harm at a conscientious and
    Professional fulfillment of their duties or innocent
    causing harm to the health of the patient is the conclusion of commission
    forensic examination with the participation of highly qualified
    specialists. Doctors should remember that the object of such an examination
    are the materials of the case and, above all, the medical card is important
    Legal document, source of evidence in the case. Protection of the doctor Ot
    unreasonable accusations is also its legal literacy,
    Knowledge of the fundamentals of medical legislation and, if neither paradoxical,
    Separate Articles of the Criminal Code.

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