All about Meniere's disease


  • Meniery's disease
  • Manifestations of Menieral disease
  • Diagnosis of Menieral Disease
  • Menieral disease treatment

  • Meniery's disease

    This disease presents an accurate group of symptoms discovered in 1861.
    French physician Menver. Symptoms of the disease are highlighted
    Menitor to such accuracy that even after the whole century was discovered
    Few new data related to signs of heuumperbular disorders.

    The main symptoms of Meniere disease:

    • Sudden dizziness accompanied by vestibular disorders,
    • One-sided decrease in hearing,
    • Noise in ears.

    Dizziness begins suddenly, with a completely healthy person, and
    At the same time, nausea and vomiting can be manifested. Usually dizziness
    accompanied by noise in unhealthy ear, a sense of congestion appears
    and reduce hearing. As an independent symptom of the disease occurs sharp
    Nistagm, but when the progress is completed normalizes.
    Dizziness is manifested by deflection of the balance, sometimes very strong and
    The patient is trying to get up, closing the eyes. If the patient is trying
    Change the situation, his well-being is broken and the nausea and exacerbates

    Symptoms can manifest themselves at different times of the day, but usually at night or
    in the morning. Calusing factor is busting of physical or mental
    Load. It happens that the patient feels the offensive of symptoms for
    Some time earlier, perhaps a few days. As a rule, sign
    The attack seems to exacerbation of noise in the ears or a weak deviation
    Balance. Possible unequal periodicity of symptoms.

    Often in patients there is a stepped syndrome: sequence
    Of non-essential seizures with the state of full health. In a period of more than
    One week Strengthening stage is detected by frequent occurrence
    Symptoms, and in the intervals between them the feeling of nausea and vomiting
    Reduced, does not disappear. During remission that can last about
    years, well-being is normalized and the patient is able to work. But S
    time, the emergence of symptoms is more serious and patient
    Feels depression and violation of equilibrium even during remission.

    Manifestations of Menieral disease

    All about Meniere's disease
    In case of Meniere's disease, the inner ear is amazed, accompanied by
    worsening hearing and dizziness. For Meniery's disease also
    characteristic of noises in the ear. Consider each symptom separately.

    Hearing deterioration usually happens on one ear. Bilateral decline
    hearing for Meniery disease is not characteristic. People suffering from this
    the disease, often notice that hearing is getting worse, then again
    Improves. Such oscillations last until the hearing becomes
    very bad. Full deafness with moon disease is extremely rare, but
    One-sided deafness to develop.

    Before the exacerbation of Meniera's disease, noise appears in the ears, which
    reaches its apogee during exacerbation and decreases or disappears
    immediately after the attack.

    As for dizziness, they often lead to the fact that the patient
    Breaks equilibrium and problems appear when walking. At
    dizziness even sit heavily. Disease dizziness
    Meniera is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, elevated
    Potting, pale and change in blood pressure.

    Dizziness may occur both several times a week and
    several times a year or even a few years. Attacks of dizziness
    Meniere diseases last an average of several hours, but it happens that
    Dizziness does not pass within a few days. After this
    the attack within 1-2 days in patients has a weakness that
    time passes, but again appears after an attack of dizziness.
    During the attack, the patient should be treated in such a position in which
    dizziness will be the least pronounced.

    Diagnosis of Menieral Disease

    Meniery's disease is diagnosed, first of all, on subjective complaints
    Patient. The main symptoms of Meniery disease are dizziness,
    Ears noise, Hearing. Next by the doctor (most often a surner)
    Special tests are carried out on the amount of endolymph in the inner ear.
    If her quantity is greater than the norm, it speaks of Meniere's disease. For
    The choice of optimal treatment of the patient is most often directed to full
    Inspection of the body, because Menielight's disease is often accompanied by
    Other pathologies that need to be considered when appointing a course
    Therapia. For these purposes, the patient must pass at the Cardiologist,
    neurologist and other specialists.

    Menieral disease treatment

    In the treatment of Meniere's disease, the doctor first of all must reduce
    The number of endolymph in the inner ear, in connection with which sometimes the patient
    Associated diuretic drugs. With strong and frequent dizziness,
    Patient prescribe soothing means to reduce unpleasant
    sensations. If the pulse disease is running, then recommended
    surgical intervention.

    Meniery's disease often arises against the background of another disease, such as influenza or ARZ. Therefore, before treating the Menietor's disease, it is necessary to cure the main disease, which caused the deterioration of hearing.

    In case of Meniere's disease, in addition to drug treatment, the correct nutrition plays an important role, which is aimed at reducing the volume of fluid in the patient's body. With this diet
    It is recommended to use as little salt and finished products as possible,
    eliminate alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, moderately consume fluid.

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