Treatment of misbelocation by folk remedies


  • Lyabiosa
  • The use of folk agents in the treatment of giardiasis

  • Lyabiosa

    Giardiasis is a diagnosing infection that occur as in the form of parasoid,
    both in the form of intestinal dysfunctions.

    The causative agent - Lamblia Intestinalis (Giardia Lamblia) - refers to the simplest.
    Exists in the form of vegetative and ciset forms. Vegetative forms parasitizing
    in the small intestine, going down to the thick, form cysts that stand out
    With feces in an external environment.

    Treatment of misbelocation by folk remedies
    The source of infection is a man invasive by giardia.
    Cysts of lamblies are highlighted with feces and can be kept for a long time in external
    Environment. In the wet fence they persist up to 3 weeks, and in water - up to 2 months, they are stable
    To chlorine (at a concentration of 1 mg / l, cysts die only after 72 hours). Switching
    with water from several to 10 cysts already leads to the development of invasion in humans.
    Most epidemic flashes of giardiasis are water. Broadcast
    can also be carried out through food products on which the cysts of giardia retain
    Viability from 6 h to 2 days. Possible transmission from person to man.
    This path of infection is especially widespread in children's preschool institutions,
    where the invasion of giardia is significantly higher than among adults.

    Giardiasis - dirty hand disease. So if you don't want your
    The children suffered to giardiasis - teach them often wash your hands. In men-homosexuals, giardiasis can be sexually transmitted. Manifestations of giardiasis are largely due to the worsening of the suction of fats,
    Carbohydrates and vitamins. Giardia cannot be the cause of severe liver disorders, cholecystocholangitis
    (diagnosed dyskinesia dyskinesia due to giardia contributes only to the layering
    secondary bacterial infection), lesions of the nervous system. Most of the invasive giardiasis proceeds without any manifestations.

    The incubation period lasts up to 1 to 3 weeks. The disease can begin
    Inside, with the appearance of a liquid watery chair without impurities of mucus and blood. Chair
    An unpleasant smell, oil impurities float on the surface. Pains appear in
    Plot area. Formed a large amount of gas inflating intestines,
    belching. There are decrease in appetite,
    Nausea, maybe vomiting, in some patients, the temperature slightly rises
    Body. This stage of giardiasis lasts 5-7 days.

    In most part of the disease, the disease disappears spontaneously for 1-4 weeks
    and the disease goes into a chronic form that periodically appears
    bloating, pain in the opposite region, can sometimes be liquefied
    chair. Characterized signs of insufficiency of vitamins - the pallor of the skin, blue
    Under the eyes, there may be snacks in the angles of the mouth, allergic rashes.

    The use of folk agents in the treatment of giardiasis

    Treatment of giardiasis by folk remedies is very important to comply with the diet.
    Giardia perfectly multiply in a sweet medium and feel bad in
    sour. Therefore, in the treatment of giardiasis, it is important to exclude sweet, and food
    whirl. For acidification every day you need to eat sour milky
    Products, meat (not sausage, namely meat).

    It is useful to make a fool (washing procedure). Children Tubage
    Conducted with mineral water (for example, Essentuki №17).

    In the treatment of giardiasis, folk remedies use one of the undercoming recipes:

    • Take the Kashitz from the horseradish and garlic in equal proportions. Quarter
      Glass of mixture pour 0.5 l vodka, insist 10 days. Strain.
      Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals,
      Returning in a small amount of water.
    • Flowers immortelle, nine root, saber grass,
      Mint grass - equally. Cooking: 2 tablespoons collection pour 0.5
      L. boiling water, insist night in thermos. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 3-4
      times a day. Course treatment - 1-2 months.
    • grass
      Rephetka, Grass Chisthela, Birch Kidney, Alder Corses, Root
      Heel, the grass of the gold masculine - equally. Cooking: 2 dining
      Spoons of collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist on the night in the thermos. Accept
      1 / 3-1 / 2 glasses 3-4 times a day. Course treatment - 1-2 months.
    • kidney
      birch, yarrow grass, herb chilli, dandelion root, grass
      Mint - Porovna. Cooking: 2 tablespoons of collecting 0.5 l
      boiling water, insist night in thermos. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 3-4
      times a day. Course treatment - 1-2 months.

    For children, it is recommended to cook infusions and decoctions in the next daily dose
    Dry medicinal collection: up to 1 year - 1/2 - 1 hour. Spoon, from 1 to 3 years - 1 hour.
    spoon, from 3 to 6 years old - 1 dessert spoon, from 6 to 10 years - 1 st. Spoon, older
    10 years old and adults - 2 st. Spoons of collection.

    Herbal fees can be used in combination with other medicines.

    Before taking one or another collection, it is advisable to get acquainted with the contraindications
    to herbs included in this collection in herbal.

    Before you take advantage of the recipe, consult a specialist.

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