What is strondhyloidosis


  • Strondhyloidosis
  • How strongiloidosis proceeds
  • Treatment and prevention of strongiloidosis

  • Strondhyloidosis

    Strongiloidosis - Helmintosis (nematodosis), a glitstic disease that flows with the damage to the gastrointestinal tract and allergic manifestations.

    The pathogen is a small threaded round worm (nematode)
    Strongyloides Stercoralis
    (intestinal industry). Male 0.7 mm long, female - 2.2 mm. Oval eggs,
    Transparent, size 3-5x3 m. The life cycle proceeds with shift
    free-live and parasitic generations. During the migration of the Thrits
    reaches puberty; fertilization of females occurs in lungs.
    Female individuals parasitize in the intestinal mucosa (usually
    in the librinkuine glands of the duodenum), with
    Massive infection may be penetrating into the mucous membrane
    Pilrory of the stomach, thin and colon, horizontal and
    Pancreatic docks. From pending eggs come out
    Radititoid (non-invasive) larvae up to 300-400 microns long
    With feces. In adverse conditions in 1-4 days of larvae
    develop into violelide (infected) forms, and in favorable - in
    adults that are able to give rise to a generation of both rabitoid, so
    and frayed larvae.

    Wide widespread. Most cases are registered in
    tropical countries. In countries with temperate climates, the greatest risk
    represent mines and tunnels with warm and wet climates. Source
    infection - sick person. Main paths of infection - fecal-oral
    and contact.

    How strongiloidosis proceeds

    What is strondhyloidosis
    On the
    Early stages are characterized by allergic lesions of the skin and lungs, on
    Late prevail the lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. With minor infesses, the asymptomatic flow (30% of all patients) is observed. Migration of larvae B
    The body causes fever, papulese rashes (small
    Flat papules, nodules), skin itch, urticule and edema.

    Intestinal stage is accompanied by stomach pain
    Various intensity (in heavy cases - sharp pains with the rise
    body temperature, anemia, cachexia (body depletion)), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
    mucus. In severe cases, stools - with a grinding smell, contains blood,
    mucus and untapped food residues. Light lesions resemble
    Such with ascariasis and anklestomose.

    Risk group -
    Patients with immunodeficiency states. Characterized
    Enterocolitis, lesion of liver, hearts, lung and central nervous system. Symptoms:
    strongest abdominal pains, diffuse light infiltrates,
    intestinal obstruction, meningitis, shock, sepsis.

    Research methods - In the early migration phase, the larvae of parasites in sputum are found.

    On the
    The intestinal stage of Helmint larvae is detected in the contents and
    Freckled feces (after receiving laxative) by Bermann.

    suspicion of strondhyloidosis in the case of the first negative result
    Research is repeated 3-5 times with a weekly interval.

    Treatment and prevention of strongiloidosis

    • Furniture of 200 mg (100 mg children) 2 p / day for 3 days.


    • Compliance with personal hygiene rules
    • Disinfection of mines and land
    • Sanitary and educational work among the population of endemic areas
    • A month after treatment, control coprological examination is carried out.

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