What can I get sickly sushi


Raw fish - classic source of helminths (worms) - parasites dangerous for man. Pickiness attaches the fact that externally infected fish is no different from healthy. Today we will list the most running diseases that can be picked up by offering raw fish.

Taste and color, as you know, no comrade. Sushi's inventors - the Japanese - persistently believe that culinary processing spoils the taste quality of fish. But Helmithologists have its own truth. Asian cuisine lovers risk infected primarily by opisthorchosis and dithiilobotryosis.


What can I get sickly sushi

Opisthorchis «Guest» In the raw, weakly slash, low-salted and inoneable fish of carp breeds. The main foci of the disease are located in the pools of Dnieper, gums, Ob, Irtysh, Volga, Kama and their tributaries. In short, almost in all places where the fish come from.

I think gourmet-Japanists will be interested to know that adult opistorshis are parasitic in bile liver ducts, bustling bubble and pancreatic ducts. The average size of Helmint - 7–12 millimeters.

The main symptoms of the disease are general weakness, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, enlarged liver. If after a week-other after the gatherings in the sushibar, these ailments are overcome, I urgently write down at the reception in the office of parasitic.


Diffylobotryosis (wide tape) - the thing is not better than opistorhoz. This is helminthiasis, in which parasites are justified in the small intestine of a person. The source of infection in this case is the perch, pike, listed, but that the most unpleasant - Far Eastern salmon and (to a lesser extent) Sigovy. In short, our favorite red fish.

Wide Lentz

Wide tapes parasitis in the human body for 10-20 years, expressed up to 15 meters and more. Signs of such a guest - lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and periodic disheaval of part of the body of Helmint, sorry, with feces. If you don't notice this for a long time, you can earn a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is called a pale member. You have not lost the desire to eat sushi? Then another disease as dessert.

From the above examples it may seem that only freshwater fish are started with parasites. In fact, helminths feel great in the inhabitants of the sea. To the number of infection «Marine» Parasites include Anizakidosis - a disease that the larvae of round worms of nematodes are excited.

What fish live worms?

What can I get sickly sushi

These helminths affect almost all types of sea fish - Cod, herring, ocupal, salmon, as well as squid, octopus, shrimp and other crustaceans... Moreover, the contaminated fish is easier simple.

According to statistics, herring in the Baltic Sea are infected with nonmatods by 30 percent, and in Northern - in general, 55-100 percent. Cases of AniSakidoza are registered worldwide, but most often in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: It is in these countries that the traditions are prescribed to eat raw fish.

Acquaintance with nematodes can end tragically. These creatures can contribute to the development of sharp ulcers with perforation and necrosis of the stomach and intestine wall. Incubation period of the disease lasts 4–6 hours to 7 days. Clinical manifestations Standard - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, urticaria, diarrhea. Often the disease is detected by chance, during endoscopic studies or at biopsy.

What you need to do is not to become a living incubator for parasites?

Answer Banenal: Fish should be disinfected - freeze, salt and thermally well process.

So, for disinfection from the larvae, the Diffilobotria is needed to withstand fish at a temperature of minus 18 degrees for 36 hours, at a temperature of minus 27 degrees - 12 hours. With a gathering easier. With a sufficiently strong salt solution, it is necessary to withstand fish in it at least 14-16 days. Cooking fish should last at least 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, frying the fish should be 15-20 minutes.

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