Boric Acid - Medicine for Adults


Boric Acid & Mdash; Medicine for adults
The acid is associated with children's otitis. But in the light of the last
studies of her recognized dangerous for children under 15 years. The article will respond to
Questions for what and who should use boric acid.

acid. Application in medical practice

Acid has a weak antimicrobial action. Under local application helps to get rid of lice. Restriction of its application is explained by the ability of boring
Acids are well absorbed through mucous membranes and damaged skin. But because
Even little scratch — This is already damage. After suction born in blood
Acid begins to postpone in various organs. Boron that is released
When splitting it, — Strong poison. Boric acid with kidneys from the body
very slow. It turns out that with long-term use of boric acid
accumulates in the body in significant quantities. And in our body formed
Tank poison. In children, the kidney is still not formed enough. Therefore, the drug
easily delayed in their body. It turns out that even drinning boric acid
In the ear, we paint the child.

modern medicine boric acid is rarely used. On the recommendation of the doctor
2% aqueous boric acid solution can be used to treat conjunctivitis.
3% aqueous solution is applied with mocking eczema and dermatitis. Born alcohol
0.5% -3% of concentrations treat ear inflammation (otitis). 10% solution on glycerin use
For the treatment of inflammation of the vagina (collision). 5% will help in the fight with lshami
Boric ointment.


Children, apply boric acid drugs can not people with patients with kidneys. After all
The accumulated drug is derived from the body through these organs. And if they are
Do not fully work, boric acid is delayed in the body.

It is forbidden
Assign these medicines to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Even one-time
The use of boric acid by future mothers can lead to pathological
Embryo development. In no case impossible «by older» Processing nipples
Boric acid before feeding. At the time when such a mother's procedure
carried out everywhere, deaths of poisoning by boric acid among
babies were not rare.

Acid in the fight against unwanted guests

Boric Acid & Mdash; Medicine for adults
that boric acid is a strong poison, actively use in the fight against
cockroaches and ants. And, probably, it is the best application for it on
present day. The method cannot be deepened in efficiency, but if there are
Animals or children, it is better to resort to it. Assurance of authors of articles about
Boric acid safety for humans and animals are not justified.

Acid against Tarakanov

Get rid of
From cockroaches you can try this method. Wake up a piece of egg with powder
Boric acid and form balls. Dry them and decompose in your loved ones
«Pleasure places» Taraakanov. Remembering that this is poison, we work with a powder only in

You do not have a powder, but there is a solution of boric acid, eggs need to boil.
Let's get yolks from them, add boric acid and roll out of the mixture
balloons. We are alleviating and expanded by the same principle. Again do not forget about
Individual protection products.

Boric acid
and ants

Muravievs more attractive mixture of boric acid with honey and sugar. In 200 ml
Water dissolve 1 teaspoon of the preparation, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 1-2 tea
Honey spoons. Mix well and pour into small containers. For this purpose
Caps from cans and bottles. Put the bait on the way of the form
Walkway and waiting for the result.

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