To whom worms in the intestine? New Treatment Method - Parasitotherapy


Increasingly, scientists lead evidence that relieving humanity from many ailments can… ordinary worms. Inquisitive scientific minds have long noticed that in backward countries, where the local population is almost 100% infected with parasites, people do not suffer heavy immune diseases.

For example, a person lives in harmony with the occasion of his intestine ascarides or sharp, but the bronchial asthma or rheumatism is not threatened with him. Picked up other worms (strongiloids) - and hepatitis is definitely not sick.

At first, the researchers tried to write off everything on the misfortunes of civilization: our immunity is cut into constant stress and bad ecology with which residents of developing countries are unfamiliar. But…

Infection to the grace…

Who worms in the intestine? New method of treatment & mdash; Parasitotherapy

Much more convincing was another explanation.

- Parasites are somehow eliminated once balancing in the immune system, "says Professor Alexander Bronchstein, the head of the office of parasitic and tropical diseases in the infectious clinical hospital number 1, head of the department of modern methods of treatment of the Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine. E. AND. Marcinovsky. - Perhaps specific substances that enhance the protection of the body. Therefore, an idea arose to use parasites for treatment. But not all in a row, but those not only easy to get infected, but also easily expelled from the human body.

New parasitotherapy method now passes the last «rolling» in international clinical trials. Challenger Number One on the title of Contemporary Medication - Vlasman. This is not too dangerous and fairly common parasite, which prefers to live in a man in a blind intestine.

Infected them in ordinary life easily - sometimes enough to eat unwashed vegetables or fruits. And in everyday life to be treated from him necessarily, because it can provoke the development of appendicitis. But if you suffer, for example, ulcerative colitis - it is worth inflated specially. Irrefutably proven: the prosecution of the disease significantly makes it easier, ulcers begin to delay, and the patient will soon almost recover what to achieve, using traditional medicines, it is impossible.

Diagnosis «ulcerative colitis» means lifelong use of tablets, which nevertheless have little help from painful pain. For an ordinary person, it seems to be horror - to know that the worms crawl somewhere inside it. But patients are ready for this - just to get rid of the torment. Especially since it is elementary - one tablet. And infect patients not by human parasites (they are hard to obtain in laboratory conditions), and pork, which are even less dangerous for people.

In the struggle under the conditional name «Worms against hay fever» victory, apparently, also won the first. Researchers found that with the appearance in the body Anquitles - so called these useful parasites for allergic, living in a 12-risen intestine - pass dryness, tearing and other allergic reactions.

Chervy drink

Of course, no one has canceled harm from parasitic worms. They delay the growth, mental and physical development of children, some provoke the occurrence of tumors, make a more real infection with tuberculosis and AIDS, prevent the development of good immunity during vaccination. That is, vaccinations, with these «Surrive» in the body turn out to be almost useless. The same Anquitles can cause iron deficiency anemia.

Do not confuse: no hygiene (dirty hands, unwashed fruits and t. NS.) does not have a relation to treatment! The procedure for adjusting parasites in the body looks like. The patient drinks a special drink in which the eggs of worms swim. In the human body, these parasites do not multiply, and as soon as they do their job, their «Again» to the exit.

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