Post a year's outbreak of colds is gaining momentum, and the first one who threatens the cold - children. In some schools, classes are already canceled, but it does not fully solve the problem of morbidity - viruses are very inflated. Therefore, many parents are interested in what measures will help the child to resist the infection or transfer the cold in a light form.

It will be about Anaferon Children — Antiviral preparation with immunomodulatory action. The drug acts immediately in two directions: blocks the reproduction of viruses and maintains the work of immunity. The medicine accelerates the production of protective proteins and cells (interferons and macrophages), which destroy viral cells and toxins.
For several years of existence, the drug managed to earn trust and specialists, and consumers. The medicine is made specifically for children and it can be given even to such small patients as children of monthly age.
In what cases anaferon children's need
In any situations when the likelihood that the child will get sick, high. First of all, here are the first signs of colds — The child is already ill, and the development of the disease must be stopped. In this case, it is better to immediately give a medicinal dose, and the sooner, the better the forecast.
We do not accidentally talk with such an accuracy of the time of the disease — Influenza develops very quickly, literally in front of her eyes. The sick person sometimes with an accuracy of an hour can call the appearance of symptoms. After missing this moment, you give infections a chance to cause a greater «Disaster scale», than on the background of receiving an antiviral agent that allows you to pass in a light form. Therefore, it is so useful to have the necessary medicines in the first aid kit: this will allow one hour x not to waste time on the pharmacies (especially if the child gets into the night).
The probability of infected is quite high, if in a group or class, which is visited by your child, the children began to hurt ORVI and flu. In February, probably, you need to try to find a children's team in which no one is sick. And at this time, it will not be superfluous to protect the child using the preventive dose of Anaferon Children — enough 1 tablet per day. The duration of prevention on average is 2–3 weeks. During this time, peers manage to pass, and the risk of infection decreases.
What to do if the child does not get out of the cold
In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and seek the reason for frequent morbidity. Only learning the cause, the doctor will understand how to strengthen health. As a preventive measure, you can recommend Anaferon Children. He will force the cold; If necessary, receiving the drug can be extended to 3 months. However, the doctor will still have to turn — It is important not to just hold out the season without a cold, but also to figure out that it is not so if the child is susceptible to too frequent colds.