In the microflora of the vagina, the protective function is performed by lactobacilli. Under the influence of various factors, the number of these useful microbes can decrease, and the number of dangerous, on the contrary - to grow.
According to experts, in the period of monthly microflora is even more sensitive to various infections.

According to experts, in the period of monthly microflora is even more sensitive to various infections.
But do not worry, it is only necessary to comply with simple and useful recommendations that will help women to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Funds for intimate hygiene
Purity – the most important. Ordinary toilet soaps containing glycerin, do not suit personal hygiene, however, as the shower gels. Particular components can destroy the acidic medium of genital organs, thereby making a woman defenseless before infections.
The means for intimate hygiene should be soft and hypoallergenic, so as not to expose mucous irritation and depletion, do not cause itching and dry. Gynecologists recommend using means for intimate hygiene, which are presented in pharmacies, for example, lactagel.
Use pads
It should be remembered that any gasket, whatever «Super modern» And it was neither safe, it still needs to be changed after four or five hours of use. If we are talking about abundant monthly – after two or three hours. Only in this case you get rid of the risk of infection.
Water procedures are recommended to spend two or three times a day without using washcloths and sponges. If the conditions do not allow to take a shower, you can use wet napkins for intimate hygiene.
Before and after the end of menstruation, many women tend to abuse daily gaskets. The use of them is possible, but only in reasonable limits. Even SAMIA «Breathable» The gasket is inevitable «Enterprise» pathogenic microorganisms.
For intimate hygiene, a woman should have their own towel, preferably made of soft cotton fabric.
We care about yourself right
Is it worth leading an active sex life during menstruation? This question is a woman often asked at a gynecologist's reception. As a rule, a unambiguous doctor does not give.
Each woman has their own preferences: someone considers it extremely nonhygienic, for someone menstruation – no reason to deny yourself the pleasure. However, you should know about the most important minus of sex contacts in «critical days» - high probability of infection, and for both partners. Blood – This is a favorable reproduction environment of bacteria.
For those who cannot resist the temptation even these days, there is a simple recommendation: Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene before and after sexual intercourse, always use the condom.