What is leptospyrosis


  • Leptospirosis, paths of infection with leptospirosis
  • Symptoms and flow of leptospirosis
  • Complications of leptospirosis
  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leptospirosis

  • Leptospirosis, paths of infection with leptospirosis

    Leptospirosis (Vasilyeva-Weyl's disease, infectious jaundice, nanochny, Japanese
    7-day fever, water fever, constant meadow fever, dog fever)
    - Acute infectious disease characterized by fever, general intoxication,
    defeat kidney, liver, nervous system.

    What is leptospyrosis
    The pathogens of the leptospirosis are spirochetes of the leptospyr family. Known
    About 200 types of leptospyr causing a disease. They are adapted to life
    in water, continue to be kept in wet soil.

    The source of infection is animals (forest mouse, voles, water rats,
    Earthowing, Rats, Dogs, Pigs, Cattle and DR.) who transfer
    Disease without any manifestations and long time with urine allocate leptospiirs.

    Man infection occurs when damaged skin, mucous membranes
    with water contaminated by the secretions of animals, the use of this water or contaminated
    Selection of animal products.

    Sick man danger to others does not represent.

    In the human body, leptospira penetrate through the slightest integrity disorders
    leather, mucous membranes of oral cavity, nose, eyes, gastrointestinal tract.
    Finding into the blood, leptospira are spread to various fabrics and organs. There is going on
    their reproduction and damage to muscles, especially icy, kidney with impaired urica,
    liver, red blood cells (red blood balls) and nervous system.

    After the suffering disease, long-term immunity develops, but
    only to this type of leptospir. Perhaps re-infection with another type of leptospir.
    For leptospirosis, a pronounced seasonality is characterized with maximum morbidity
    in August

    Symptoms and flow of leptospirosis

    The incubation period lasts 4 to 14 days.

    The disease begins suddenly, among full health without any precursors.
    The chills appears, the body temperature quickly rises to 39-40 s,
    Worried strong headache, insomnia, lack of appetite, thirst. Very
    The characteristic feature is severe muscle pain (Malgy), especially in the calf.
    The muscles of the thigh and the lumbar region may be involved in the process, their feeling
    Very painful. Part of patients, Malgia is accompanied by severe burning pain
    Skin. Muscle pain is so strong that patients with difficulty moving or
    can not move at all (with severe forms). The face of the patient is hypereated
    (red), fined, hyperemic also leather neck and upper breasts
    Cells («Symptom of hood»). The amount of urine decreases. With severe flow
    Diseases from 3-5 days of illness appears jaundice, point hemorrhage into a sclera
    Eye and skin.

    Subsequently develops acute renal failure - the main reason
    The death of patients.

    Complications of leptospirosis

    Meningitis (cerebral inflammation), encephalitis (inflammation
    brain), polyneuritis, myocardits (heart muscle inflammation), Irites
    (inflammation of the iris eye). When attaching a bacterial infection
    arise: pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), otitis, pylits, couples.

    Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leptospirosis

    Diagnostics is sometimes difficult, especially with light shapes, t.To.
    often mistaken diagnosed «flu» or «Orz». Laboratory diagnosis confirm
    Detection of the causative agent in the blood, urine, spinal fluid.

    The main method of treatment is early (up to 4 days from the beginning of the disease)
    Purpose of antibiotics, penicillins are most effective (benzylпenicillin
    sodium salt, oxacillin sodium salt, ospamex), with their intolerance
    You can use the antibiotics of the tetracycline group (tetracycline hydrochloride,
    vibramicin). The later from the beginning of the development of the disease begins specific treatment,
    the worse the forecast for patients.

    Using the introduction of donor specific immunoglobulin; Applied
    Also, a complex of vitamins, necessarily comprising ascorbic acid and vitamin

    In severe cases, under acute renal failure, mannitol is used
    or Laziks. In the absence of effect from conservative treatment, hemodialysis is carried out
    (blood purification using the device «Artificial kidney»).

    Protection of water supply sources from pollution, disinfection
    water, banning bathing in open non-flowing reservoirs, strict control over
    carried out work on the construction of wells and plumbing systems, isolation
    Patients of animals, use in food only boiled milk.

    When working on a wetlands should be used rubber boots.
    It is impossible to use water from open water bodies. Food need to protect
    from rodents.

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