Crohn's disease: symptoms and treatment


Crohn's disease: symptoms and treatment
Crohn's disease — Very rarely occurring
The disease that can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract: from the mucous
mouth to the mucosa of the rectum. All intestinal layers are susceptible to inflammation,
The disease begins in the ileum, gradually spreading to the whole
intestine tract. You can get sick in the interval from 20 to 40 years, sometimes in childhood.
Men are more susceptible. Crohn's disease was open 82 years ago.
American Gastroenterologist Barill Croon, along with two colleagues
Presented to the Medical World The first description of the disease based on research
History of the disease 14 patients.

The disease is not easy to differentiate. Symptoms are similar to
attack of acute appendicitis, so krone disease is often diagnosed on
operating table. It is similar simultaneously on ulcerative colitis, lymphoma,
Tuberculosis of the intestine, Mekkel Diverticulus and other diseases.

Direct causative agent of medicine is not known.
Factors contributing to the development of the disease, consider:

  • Transferred
  • Allergies
  • emotional
    overvoltage, frequent stress;
  • smoking;
  • heredity.

The disease may occur in the interval from 15 to
35 years and after sixty. Most often it is diagnosed with residents of the North
Europe and North America.

Signs of Crohn's disease and its clinical manifestations

Symptoms of the disease are multiple,
But it is amazed, as a rule, the intestine. Nonspecific granulomatosis
Inflammation, covering all intestinal layers, leads to education
Deep Yazv. They are gradually frozen, causing a narrowing in these places
Summer gum — Stricture. The wall of the intestine resembles a blocking or «Bouwly
Bridge». Possible fistula and abscesses. The pathological process breaks trophic
Intestinal tissues, depriving it necessary nutrients, trace elements,
Vitamins. Due to the length of the plots of inflammation in the intestine arises
Violation of metabolism, which leads to weight loss, osteoporosis, calculous
Cholecy and kidney disease. Symptoms depend on the plot
The gastrointestinal tract, where the focus of inflammation was localized, divided into:
General, extraordinary and local signs of Crohn's disease.

Primary can be abdominal pain that are not
pass within six hours. General manifestations are characterized by problems with
Immunity and signs of body intoxication: temperature, weakness,
nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weight loss, gases in the intestine, chills and
General lubrication. If the disease was complicated by purulent inflammation, then
Temperature can rise to 40°WITH.

Crohn's disease: symptoms and treatment
Locally observed grabs pain in the area
belly, more often on the right below. She is accompanied by a chair disorder — Visit
toilet is possible up to ten times a day, feces with blood. After emptying the pain

In addition, Crohn's disease can cause:

  • anemia;
  • inflammation
    lymph nodes;
  • inflammation
    large joints that limits mobility and cause pain;
  • inflammation
    a sacratling and iliac region with strong pains;
  • Reduced
    vision and eye inflammation;
  • Skin
    rash, including gunnow;
  • Orately
    mucous mouth.

Special diagnostic methods of crown disease giving
Complete confidence in the diagnosis, no. Standard Research Set: Clinic and
Blood biochemistry, general urine analysis, blood sugar, hentgen with baryium and endoscopy
intestine. If there is an opportunity, the biopsy of the gum mucosa takes
Colonoscopy. With inflammation of the stomach and duodenum shown
Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The presence of complications of the disease helps to see ultrasound and
CT scan.

Treat Crohn's disease

Any inflammation implies medication
Therapy. Depending on the testimony and form, the krone disease is treated with antibiotics,
glucocorticoid hormones, antispasmodics, immunomodulators
and immunosuppressants. With bleeding — Hemostatis. High-calorie
Diet without alcohol, fresh vegetables, spices, sauces. In complications are possible

Frequent complications:

  • bleeding
    in the intestines;
  • increase
    lumen of a certain intestinal site — Toxic dilatation.

Complications requiring an urgent surgery:

  • Intestinal
  • perforation
    intestinal ulcers with subsequent peritonitis;
  • infiltrate,
    Abdominal abscess;
  • Cracks
    Anus, fistula, paraproititis.

Prevent the development of crown disease not
It seems possible due to the lack of prophylaxis as such. Healthy
lifestyle, rational food, full sleep and rest, smaller stress and
Volatos — Here is a universal recipe from all ailments without exception.

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