What gives the diet Kim Protasov

What nutrition provides for the diet of Kim Protasov, which results can be calculated and can it be used at all - today our site will tell today. Note that, like any diet, it has its limitations, and whether they will be suitable for you, you decide, and better advocated with a doctor.

What gives the diet Kim Protasov
«Do not make a cult. Lucky cow is not a gazelle», - It was so rightly noticed by Kim Protasov in the title of the article containing the basic principles of the new diet. Since the publication of this article in the newspaper «Russian Israelis» It has been past for 8 years, and during this time, Protasov diet has managed to establish itself as simple, harmless to health and, most importantly, a highly effective way to get rid of extra kilograms.

What food is provided by the Protasov diet, which results can be calculated and can I use it at all - our site will tell about it today. Note that, like any diet, it has its limitations, and whether they will be suitable for you, you decide, and better advocated with a doctor.

What is the essence of the diet of Kim Protasov?

In the diet Kim Protasov there is nothing complicated. Its duration is five weeks. At the same time, in the first two weeks, you can, how much will fit, there are fresh non-private vegetables and dairy products of 5 percent fat (in our country the equivalent of the latter can serve cottage cheese, kefir and grainy cheese). All sorts of curd cheese, yogurters and fruit curders, even suitable for fat, fall out, because as additives they contain starch and sugar, so carefully study on the packaging a description of the composition of the product.

In addition, the daily menu should include a boiled egg, three green apples and at least two liters of water, tea or coffee; Naturally, the latter should be used without sugar. The main rule: follow the number of fats - there should be no more than 40 grams per day.

In the first two weeks you can, how much will fit, there are fresh non-private vegetables and dairy products 5 percent fat
Note from our website: you should not repeat the widespread error and eat the first two weeks with the dairy products alone! Then the diet is obtained by overloaded fat and protein on the background of an explicit lack of carbohydrates. This not only does not promote weight loss, but can really harm the body. So be sure to eat vegetables every day, which, among other things, is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Another error - lean on salty cheese or cheese. Salt delays liquid and makes quite likely edema.

On the third, fourth and fifth week of the seating on a diet, gradually reduce the share of dairy products in its diet, replacing them with lean meat, low-fat chicken or fish, the amount of which should be about 300 grams every day.

That's all, no special self-conformity is required! Most likely, extra kilograms will begin to leave you in two weeks of the diet, - in any case, it happens to the majority.

Advantages of Diet Protasov

Over five weeks, it is quite possible to get rid of addiction to sweet
Sitting on Diet Protasov, you can eat as much as you want, which is very comfortable psychologically. At the same time, it is impossible to argue using the proposed products, it is simply impossible, since the daily ration is rich for a long-digestible protein and fiber, but simple carbohydrates that quickly cause a feeling of hunger, there are no.

Another plus of the absence of simple carbohydrates. Refusing them, in five weeks it is quite possible to get rid of the addiction to the sweet due to the establishment of the normal operation of the pancreas, while the presence of fiber and dairy products in the food food almost excludes breakthirs.

Dairy products - Calcium storehouse, protein and dairy sugar (lactose), namely, this combination is natural incentives for fat oxidation at the cellular level. In addition, the high content of high-quality natural protein in dairy products and eggs and a sufficient proportion of this protein in a daily diet (about 30% of the total caloric content) also contribute to excess weight.

To get rid of overweight optimal is the reduction of fats, but not their exception. Diet Protasova, unlike many other fashionable diets, although it limits the use of fats, but does not prohibit them at all. This is very important, because the full rejection of fats is fraught with bad effects for the skin, heart, endocrine system. In addition, fat contained in dairy products is no more than 3-5%, by itself can also be useful for weight loss.

Basic rules of exit from the Kim Protasov diet

Start breakfast buckwheat, millet or oatmeal
To re-noted the dropped kilograms, after the end, the diet can not be right there, like a hungry beast, to throw on any food. Such an approval is true for any diet, including the diet of Kim Protasov. Go to the usual power mode should be gradually without hurry.

What exactly do? Our site offers the following options.

Start breakfast buckwheat, millet or oatmeal, the volume of portions - up to 250 ml. Porridge complement cottage cheese and vegetable salad.

Two apples from three replace other fruits and berries, of course, which are also not containing starch. You will fit the gooseberry, currant, all citrus fruits, kiwi, pears, cherry and much more, but, for example, from dried dates, mango or bananas will more correctly refrain.

In salads, we can gradually add vegetable oil.

The diet can be diversified with nuts, but remember that they contain a fairly large amount of fat, for example, in total in three large almond nuts 1.5 grams of fat. Output two: or eat nuts in very limited quantities, or reduce the fattyness of dairy products.

What gives the diet Kim Protasov
Leaving the diet, do not forget to constantly control the amount of fats! As already mentioned, they should not be more than 40 g per day, including fats, which are contained in dairy, meat and fish products, eggs and salad.

There are a number of contraindications for the use of the Protasov diet, and they will not even be remembered about them, otherwise, getting rid of the extension, in return can earn an aggravation of chronic ailments. So, Diet Protasova is contraindicated in those who have an allergy to the milk or intolerance to the prescribed products. Winners of cardiovascular failure, Hypertension, Kidney diseases should be limited to liquid, since it is possible to increase blood pressure from a large amount. If you have impaired metabolic processes, before you sit on a diet, you need to consult with your doctor.

Perhaps you do not get the first time to go to the food offered by this diet, especially difficult will be the first two weeks. But if you pass the line, not seduced and on a drip of sweet, the result will definitely please. By the way, Kim Protasov himself recommends applying its weight loss method only once a year. Therefore, our website for saving weights on the achieved level recommends: after leaving the diet, you are rationally, and as far as possible, avoid gastronomic temptations.

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