Communication with adolescents prone to membership


  • Find out the truth
  • Help the teenager cope

  • The problem of self-interest among adolescents is currently very relevant. Young people and girls apply cuts by any suitable objects, as a result of which their hands are covered with numerous scars. The reasons for such behavior can be the most different, however, regardless of the reasons, the habit should urgently get rid of.

    Find out the truth

    Communication with adolescents prone to membershipUnfortunately, many adolescents will be cut for a long time, before anyone notice and understand it. Some teenagers ultimately say to anyone about their problem - because they ask for help and want to stop, or because they only want someone to understand what goes with them.

    If you applied to such a request, remember that a lot of courage and trust is required to say about this to another. Most teenagers are confused to talk to others that they cut, because they are afraid to be misunderstood, or worries that someone could get angry, upset, disappointed, or just be shocked news. Some teenagers trust friends, but they ask them to say anyone. This, of course, can create a burden and anxiety for a friend who knows.

    If you try to learn from a teenager, he cuts, teenagers can answer differently. It depends partly from a teenager, and partly from how close to you. Some deny the cutting itself, while others are recognized in this, but deny that this is a problem. Some are angry or upset, but most adolescents feel relieved, realizing that someone knows, cares, and wants to help.

    Help the teenager cope

    Regardless of our attempts to help, many adolescents will be cut through for a long time before they try to stop. When for a teenager cutting itself becomes part of a normal existence, professional help is usually necessary. Sometimes cutting itself leads a teenager in a mental hospital, as it is a sign of another serious impairment of the psyche. Some teenagers take two to three visits to the clinic before they feel ready to accept help to get rid of themselves from cutting themselves or other problems.

    However, you should not worry too worry. Very many teenagers find a way to stop cutting yourself. It can happen if the teenager found a strong reason to stop. Such a reason, in particular, may be an understanding of how much it hurts a friend. When a person gets support, he finds ways to resist strong conviction to cut down. To stop cutting, a person should also find new ways to cope with problematic situations and regulate emotions when he feels depressed. It can take time and often requires help professional.

    It may be difficult to stop cutting, and the teenager can not always do it. Some people stop for a while, and then begin to cut again. To break this strong habit, it takes time, the power of will, understanding from loved ones, and a lot of patience.

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