Help with membership


  • Help yourself
  • Help a friend

  • Oddly enough, the habit of inflicting wounds, or a member, takes a threatening scale among adolescents and young people. In Canadian Newspaper «Nashnl post» It says that this habit «scares parents, confuses teachers and requires considerable effort from doctors». It also notes that a member «can become one of the most detrimental habits known in medicine». Have you or any of your familiar slave of this habit? If so, what can be done in such a situation?

    Help yourself

    Help with membershipFirst try to determine the cause. Remember that a member is more than a sign of excitement. As a rule, this is a way to cope with stress. The one who causes damage seeks to facilitate his soul suffering. Therefore, ask yourself: «Why i do that? What thoughts pushing me to it?» What causes you anxiety? Furnishing in the family? Relationships with friends?

    Of course, the courage is required to spend self-test. However, it is worth. Often self-test - the first step towards getting rid of the habit of inflicting wounds. But that is not all.

    If you fail to cope with this problem, contact your mature friend, to whom you can tell about your experiences. During the trust talk, you will hear the words of support and consolations in which you need so much.

    Help a friend

    How to help a close person who affects itself damage? Since he extremely needs another, you can take advantage of attention and listen to him. Try to be a friend who supports in misfortune». Perhaps first you will cover confusion, and you will need to immediately terminate such actions. But it is most likely, only gives a person who has such a habit. In addition, it is not enough to simply say a person so that he stops bringing his wound to himself. Insensitivity is required to help him learn in a different way to deal with life difficulties. No need to hurry. Be patient.

    If you are young, then perhaps you have a close to you need additional help, in addition to yours. Do not forget that this problem may be related to the disorder requiring treatment. In addition, the application of the Russian Academy of Sciences is very dangerous, even if the one who causes them does not manifest suicide. Therefore, it would be wise strongly ask him to seek help to mature and attentive adults.

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