Etiology Dementia: General Systematization


  • Dementia Syndrome Various Genesis
  • Life expectancy during dementia

  • Etiology Dementia: General SystematizationAnalyzing the dementia etiology, it should be noted that there are many diseases with the lesion of the brain, which may be the cause of its occurrence.

    Systematize the etiology of organic dementia is not easy, but there are the main reasons, they will be discussed.

    • First of all, these are primary degenerative diseases of the brain: Alzheimer's disease, peak disease, senile amyloidosis, dementia with Levy Tales.
    • Brain vessel diseases as the cause of vascular dementia is a progressive violation of mental functions of varying degrees of severity and various origin. In the prevalence, this kind of paid dementia ranks second after Alzheimer's disease. Its frequency among persons over 65 is 4.5%, men suffer from this disease.

    Here in this classification can be drawn and go to other reasons for which the following types differ. Dementia — This acquired organic brain lesion, which can also occur on the basis of chronic intoxication, for example, alcohol or drug (toxic). Separately talking about metabolic disorders due to chronic diseases of the heart, liver, kidney, lungs.

    Such endocrinopathies as hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing's disease — Frequent causes of dementia. Folic acid deficiency, Vitamins B1 and B12 often provoke various types of dementia.

    In addition, the following types are distinguished among the causes of organic dementia:

    • infectious — Syphilis, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Toxoplasmosis.
    • Brain tumors — Meningoma, Matastases of other neoplasia.
    • Other diseases — Scattered sclerosis, epilepsy, cranial injury, subdural hematoma, hydrocephalus.

    Dementia Syndrome Various Genesis

    Dementia Syndrome Various GenesisCognitive Disorders of Various Genesis — The problem that psychiatrists and neurologists do not always solve. This is explained by the prevalence of diseases that can lead to the occurrence of dementia syndrome of various genes due to organic lesion of the brain of many different origin. In practical activity, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the initial stages of dementia and banal forgetfulness in normal aging, which is due to age-related memory impairment and the natural slowdown of mental processes. Such faces are usually characterized as «having benign elder forgetfulness». Otherwise it sounds like «caused by age violation of memory», However, sometimes further observation reveals the presence of a progressive organic dementia syndrome of various genesis. Pathogenesis of mental disorders is most different and sometimes it is extremely difficult to determine whether psychosindr is manifested by a decrease in mental and intellectual activity, the level of judgment, the decreement of memory and ideas, depressive mood.

    Life expectancy during dementia

    Life expectancy during dementiaIn Russia, more than 1.5 million people suffer from an organic mental disorder, of which approximately 10% — Face over 65 years. Modern medicine does not have effective treatment methods, and speaking of life expectancy during dementia, severe degree of dementia in 5% of cases entails an ambulance, and the frontal-temporal lesion of the brain, on average, is determined by 8-10 years.

    Patients aged about 70 years with Alzheimer's disease with a great percentage of probability will die in the next 10 years, because this disease cannot be cured or slowed down its development. It has been a predominantly latent beginning and a slow course of illness over several years and to assess the severity of cognitive violations there is a common deterioration scale. With its help, the doctor is able to determine the possible forecast, including for a lifespan at deep dementia. Reversible dementia is rarely found, and the life expectancy is directly related to the age of a dementary patient than younger than the patient, the more likely to achieve with a potentially reversible disease of the possible partial regression.

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