Hysteria. Disease or game?


  • What is hysteria from a medical point of view
  • How can the disease be distinguished by real and painful manifestations caused by hysteria?
  • Do I need to treat hysteria?
  • How to behave close people of man, sick hysteria?
  • What needs to be taken to prevent hysteria attacks

  • What is hysteria from a medical point of view

    Hysteria. Disease or game? Hysteria — Neriva-mental illness that belongs to the group of neurosis. The tendency to this disease depends on the psychological warehouse of the personality. The person who is characteristic of the superficialness of judgment, suggestion, a tendency to fantasy, the instability of the mood, the desire to attract attention, theatricality of behavior is determined by psychiatrists as a hysterical psychopath.

    If a healthy person has difficulty and mental injuries cause more constructive reactions, then a person with a weakened nervous system occurs a mechanism «Fleets in the disease».

    External manifestations of hysteria can be the most diverse: cramps, fainting, attacks of angina and bronchial asthma, intestinal spasms, epilepsy and t.D. All these manifestations of various diseases differ from real diseases by what they «Fundaver» For hysterical. Acting in this way, the man, sometimes unconsciously, is trying to escape from the unbearable life situation or unacceptable living conditions for him.

    The situation is aggravated by the fact that, a person who received the benefit of his painful state, which could put in the fact that those surrounding went to meet in the resolution of his problems, in the future it continues to continue to act in the same way. That is, a conditional reflex is formed. This is the phenomenon and underlies the hysterical fixation of the painful symptom.

    How can the disease be distinguished by real and painful manifestations caused by hysteria?

    To do this, careful observation of the patient, studying the conditions of his life and the peculiarities of his personality. The main postulate of hysteria – Demonstration, the desire to attract attention. If it fails, the hysterical fit loses the meaning. As psychiatrists say if Robinson Cruzo was a hysterical psychopath, he would have ceased to be such on the desert island, since it would not be before to demonstrate his suffering.

    A sick hysteria man, on the one hand, emphasizes the unbearability, the exclusivity of his suffering, and on the other – It does not illuminate the symptoms of his illness. It is even disappointed when these symptoms are not observed and willing almost not to join the hand-to-hand with those who will say that his health is amended.

    Do I need to treat hysteria?

    Of course, you need. If there is no appropriate treatment, negative changes are increasing in the nature and behavior of the patient:

    • Irritability;
    • Selfishness;
    • The desire to attract attention at any cost;
    • Instant mood change;
    • Deputy Emotion, not logic.

    These symptoms say that the disease has passed into the chronic phase, and for its treatment, considerable efforts both relatives of the patient and a psychiatrist will be required.

    How to behave close people of man, sick hysteria?

    • It is unacceptable to contact him with the words: «Get a hold of yourself», «You are not sick, it's all nerves» etc. This will only aggravate the state of the sick person, since you deprive him of psychological protection.
    • Not denying the fact of the disease (heart attack, epileptic seizure, asthmatic suffocation and t.D.), calm the patient, put in bed, remove from the premises of the unnecessary people, make the light less bright. Show as much care as possible and attention.
    • At the same time, it is unacceptable to exercise an excessive alarm and anxiety, discuss the severity of the patient's condition, the action of physicians.
    • Cut out soothing conversations. Bring the patient to the idea that he is tired and passed. Emphasize that, since the causes of its painful state are known, it can be cured.

    What needs to be taken to prevent hysteria attacks

    • Eliminate factors adversely affecting the nervous system.
    • Provide a patient is not tedious, but systematic work.
    • Cultivate in it sense of responsibility. The most beneficial effect affects such patients the need to take care of someone who is weaker than his.
    • Stimulate a patient for sports, walks, various strengthening activities.

    With the appearance of hysteria symptoms, please contact a psychiatrist. Self-treatment or layout of sickness on samonek in this case is unacceptable.

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