Manifestations of emotionally unstable personality disorder


  • Manifestations of disorder
  • Options Disorder

  • The main feature of people with an emotional-unstable type of personality disorder is impulsiveness with a pronounced tendency to act without taking into account the consequences and lack of self-control, as well as the instability of mood and violent, arising from the slightest occasion of the outbreak of emotions.

    Manifestations of disorder

    Manifestations of emotionally unstable personality disorderIn people with an emotionally unstable type of personality disorder, an increased irritability is noted, excitability in combination with explosives, evilness, maliciousness, vitality, viscosity of emotions. They are peculiar to the fluctuations in the mood when longing and gloominess are replaced by stormy emotion explosions. Rates for irritation and discontent can be insignificant.

    These people are constantly dissatisfied with everyone, looking for a reason for the soldier. Usually such personalities are not enough for a calm cold assessment of the situation. Casual everyday troubles are perceived with a shade of misfortunes, they bring them to emotional tension, often on an insignificant occasion there are flashes of anger. Especially noticeable such incontinence with intra-daily conflicts, when the quarrel is often completed by an explosion of anger and is accompanied by anything. From beating dishes before the beating of family members.

    Emotionally unstable (excitable) personalities do not tolerate objections, they are extremely impatient, in disputes do not listen to someone else's opinion, do not agree with him. They are not considered to be the interests of others, selfish, because of this, conflicts with others often occur. At the same time, they are completely unable to realize their own role in frequent conflicts. Permanent quarrels accompanied by clarifying relationships support their conviction in a special role and significance. There are ideas about biased to them, that they are not appreciated and do not understand the team and family.

    Options Disorder

    There are two main options for emotional-unstable personality disorders: impulsive and border.

    People with a impulsive option is characterized by an unusually strong emotional excitability. The initial manifestations are revealed back in preschool age. Children are often screaming, angry. Any limitations, prohibitions and punishments cause them stormy protest reactions with evilness and aggression. Along with quick-temperedness and irritability, cruelty and disgusts are peculiar to them. They are vindictive and nonsense.

    In adults, the impulsive disorder is accompanied by attacks of anger, rage. At the moment of passing (especially easily arising in a state of alcohol intoxication) such people are capable of committing thoughtless, sometimes dangerous actions. In life, these are active, but unable to long-term focused activities, uncompromising, hard and vengeful people. However, with good conditions, violations of the behavior by 30-40 years are smoothed significantly, gradually decreases and emotional excitability. In the absence of psychological assistance, such people can become dangerous to society.

    A person with a border disorder is distinguished by increased impressionability, emotional instability, imagination ability, permanent «Inclusion» In events related to the scope of urgent interests or hobbies, extreme sensitivity to obstacles to self-realization, the reaction of such subjects, even on ordinary events, can acquire excessive, demonstrative character. They are too often experiencing those feelings that are usually found only in the situation of stress.

    In life, such people are inspired, supports of influence from outside, easily adopt not approved by the society of behavior, indulge in drunkenness, accept exciting drugs, drugs, may even acquire criminal experience, commit an offense (most often we are talking about small fraud).

    The life path of border personalities seems very uneven, replete with unexpected turns. The periods of relative clutter are replaced by various types of collisions; The transitions from extreme to extreme are easy - this is a sudden, overcoming all the obstacles to love, ending as a sudden gap; and passionate new things with objectively high professional successes, and a sudden sharp change in the place of work after a minor production conflict; This is a passion for travel leading to the change of residence.

    However, despite all the vital shocks, these persons do not lose sanity, hitting in trouble, are not so helpless, as they could seem, they can find an acceptable way out of the created position at the right moment. Inherent in most of them «Zigzagi» behavior do not interfere with good adaptation. Easily adapting to new circumstances, they retain the ability to work, they find a new life.

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