Gastroduodenitis treatment starts with diet. What products can be used, and from what better to refrain? Read in this article.
General Food Rules.
In gastroduodenitis, it is recommended to adhere to the following power rules:
- Solid food is always carefully burned.
- Meals must be taken several times a day (at least 5), but in small portions.
- Food and drinks should not be very cold or hot.
In chronic gastroduodenites with increased acidity and ulcerative disease, diet No. 1 use.
Diet number1
Food must be cooked on water or pair, rubbed, with saved teeth, fish and meat can be consumed by a piece. Bake individual dishes, but without a crust. Take food 4-5 times a day in the same clock. Eliminate very hot and cold dishes.
- Drinks - fastening tea, tea with milk or cream, weak cocoa with milk or cream.
- Bread products - Wheat bread white, yesterday's baking, White crumbs, Cookies are non-free or gallery.
- Snacks - Cheese Non-Statched, Ham is low-fat and unsalted, boiled vegetables salad, meat and fish, doctoral sausage, dairy and dietary.
- Milk and dairy products - solid milk, dry or condensed, cream, cottage cheese.
- Fats - butter Crystrome, refined vegetable oils in finished dishes.
- Eggs and egg dishes - Eggs Skump, omelet vapor, no more than 2 pieces per day.
- Soups - Soups from the rubbed croup, puree soup made of boiled vegetables (except cabbage) on a decoction of cereals and allowed vegetables, milk soup with small vermicelline. Milk, cream, egg add in soups.
- Vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, early pumpkin and zucchini, limited - green peas, finely low dill - in soups.
- Meat and fish dishes - beef is low-fat, veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey, low-fat varieties of fish (pike perch, carp, perch and others.), prepare in the form of a steam kitlet, souffle, mashed potatoes, zaras, knails, boiled.
- Cereals - manna, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, porridge boils on milk or water.
- Vermichel or Pasta Melko chopped, boiled.
- Fruits, berries, sweets - Sweet varieties of mature fruits, berries in the form of compotes, jelly, mousses, jelly, baked, sugar, jam, marshmallow, grazing.
- Juices - raw from allowed vegetables, sweet berries and fruits, decoction of rose hips.

- Meat, Fish and Strong Vegetable Crails and Broths, Mushrooms, Fatty Materials and Fish, Sickle, Smoked, Marinades, Meat and Canned Fish.
- Dough, pies, black bread.
- Raw Non-Stuck Vegetables and Fruits, Ice Cream.
- Kvass, black coffee, carbonated drinks, chocolate.
- All sauces besides dairy.
- Vegetables - white cabbage, turnip, radish, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers, all vegetable snacks canned food.
If you have a strong pain, then the doctor will appoint in the first 7-8 days of treatment with large restrictions: fully the bread, any vegetables, snacks, all dishes - only in the witch form.
Diet number 2
In chronic gastroduodenites with secretory insufficiency, a diet is applied to the composition of which includes sealing substances.
The dishes can be boiled, stewed, baked, fried without the formation of rough crust (do not panic in crumbs and flour), products are preferably crushed.
- Drinks - tea with milk, cocoa, coffee on water and with milk or cream.
- Juices - vegetable, berry, diluted with water, risks of rosehip.
- Bread products - Wheat bread white and gray yesterday's baking, non-proper grade of bakery products and cookies, dry biscuit.
- Snacks - Cheese Non-Statched Used, Pushed Herring, Fish, Meat and Language, Fresh Tomatoes Salads, Boiled Vegetables with Meat, Fish, Eggs, Sausage Dietary, Doctoral and Dairy, Ham, Non-fat, Lady Jelly, Liver Pate, Vegetable Pate, Vegetable Chang sturgeon caviar.
- Milk and dairy products - milk with tea and other drinks and as part of different dishes, dry and condensed milk in drinks and dishes, cottage cheese, cheese, prostrochy, kefir, acidophilic milk.
- Fats - butter creamy, grained, vegetable refined, better olive.
- Eggs and egg products - Eggs Skump, omelet without coarse crust or prepare for a couple.
- Soups - Different Soups on weakless non-fatty meat, fish, mushroom broths and on a vegetable brave with finely chopped or rubbed vegetables, rubbed croups (soup, soups, cream), borscht, beetners, soup from fresh cabbage finely chopped, with finely disturbed Vegetables.
- Meat and Fish Dishes - Various products in the form of a boiler from low-fat beef, veal, pork, lamb, birds, chopped products from fish, you can fry without breading with breadcrumbs, in slices of meat and smoke.
- Cold and pasta - porridge porridges, semi-napic, puddings baked, cutlets from croup, roasted so as not to form a rough crust, pasta peeled, finely boiled, boiled vermicelli, porridge are prepared on water or with milk adding.
- Dairy products - kefir, Prostokvash and other fermented milk drinks, fresh cottage cheese in natural form and in dishes (souffle, pudding, cheesery, dumplings), grated cheese or slices, sour cream up to 25 g per dish, milk or cream add to dishes and drinks.
- Vegetables and greens - mashed potatoes from various vegetables, puddings, vegetable cutlets, boiled, stewed, puree, casserole or pieces, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, cauliflower; With tolerability - white cabbage, green peas, ripe tomatoes; finely globified greens is added to the dishes.
- Fruits and berries, sweet dishes and sugar products - mature fruits and berries in the form of rubbed compotes, mashed potatoes, jelly, jelly, mousses. Sugar, honey, candy, jam. Apples Liver, with mandarin, oranges, watermelon, grapes without leather.
- Sauces - on loose meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable permeals.
- Drinks - tea with lemon, coffee and cocoa on water and with milk, juices vegetable, berry, diluted with water, risks of rosehip and bran.
Food is fastened normal. Eva food is recommended four times a day in the same hours.
- Products from a warm tube dough, fried meat and fish, cut in breadcrumbs, fatty varieties of meat and fish, pickles, smoked, marinades, meat and fish, etc. Cable snack bars.
- Cold drinks, kvass, ice cream.
- Salo pork and culinary fats, mustard, horseradish.
- Chocolate, cream products.
- Figs, dates, berries with rude grains (raspberry, red currant) or rough skin (gooseberry), grape juice.
- From vegetables - onions, radish, radishes, cucumbers, trouser, garlic, mushrooms, sweet pepper, legumes.
Mineral waters are useful, but before consulating them, it is necessary to find out the nature of the gastric secretion (normal, elevated or reduced acidity). In case of diseases of the stomach and duodenum, the following mineral waters are used: «Borjomi», «Essentuki No. 4», «Essentuki No. 17», «Smirnovskaya», «Slavyanovskaya», «Narzan». With normal secretion, mineral water is drunk for 30—40 minutes before meals — Slow, small sips. Under reduced secretion — For 10—15 minutes before meals, slowly, small sips. With elevated secretion, it is important that mineral water is heated to 40OC, drink water needs quickly, big sips for 1—1.5 hours before meals. Baby is better to give natural vitamins, for example, in the form of tea from rose riding fruits or black currant. With strong "Hungry pain" It is recommended to drink a weak warm tea with white breadcrumbs.