Mind games. What does the diagnosis mean «schizophrenia»?


Do not promise

Mind games. What does the diagnosis mean & laquo; schizophrenia & raquo ;?

About 1.5% of all people on earth schizophrenia. «From Sumy and from prison will not be registered» – This proverb is quite applied to mental disorders.

Unfortunately, this trouble can touch any – The exact causes of the development of schizophrenia are unknown. Heredity (especially on the side line – Uncle, aunt, cousins ​​and sisters), provoke diseases may also have a psychotrauma, stress, lifestyle. Where the warranty is that during the life of some of our loved ones will not face any of these provocateurs?

Alas, in our society a mentally ill person turns out, in fact, overboard life. Those around him turn away, relatives are in panic and despair, and the person himself does not understand what happens to him.

At the same time, it would be mistaken to share all people on mentally healthy and mentally ill. Everything is not so definitely. Who is the judge who is able to establish a clear framework «Normality»? There are no cases when the intellectual abilities of schizophrenia patients turned out to be much higher than that of average citizens. Schizophrenia is often diagnosed in people with an outstanding mind, a sensitive soul, thinly feel around the world. What actually sees and feel sick schizophrenia? What methods of treatment offers modern psychiatry? Are there any alternative ways to facilitate his mental state?

Reality. But other

Very good feelings and experiences of schizophrenia patient reproduced in the film «Mind games»: John Nash (performed by the actor Russell Crow) is absolutely confident that it is a freelance officer of the Pentagon. He actually sees his colleagues, hears their requests and instructions. The tasks of John enters the exposition of cunning terrorists who transmit each other messages with publications in newspapers. And the main character – Mathematician by profession – Central newspapers are monitored daily in search of secret ciphers and classified messages. All this really happens to him – but… only in his imagination.

Another feature inherent in many schizophrenia patients, – The ability to build incredibly complex and flawless logical structures. There is only one «but»: The initial, the starting point of their belief does not actually exist (the hero of the film developed around the actions of the Pentagon the whole theory – But no pentagon in his real life has never been).

John Nash failed to completely get rid of his visions, but he learned not to pay attention to them, live with his illness and be happy. And saved him not a doctor and not logical arguments. Feel the soil under your feet and return to reality helped love for a woman – Simple, very earthly feeling, which so lacks many schizophrenia sick.

Feelings do not disappear!

Mind games. What does the diagnosis mean & laquo; schizophrenia & raquo;?In a sense, schizophrenia can be compared with any other severe and incurable disease, such as rheumatism or diabetes mellitus. The disease makes it overrun the usual routine of life, imposes certain restrictions, changes relations with close people, the symptoms of the ailment are increasing, then weaken. But even with severe illness, you can live: love, continue to work, communicate with friends.

And schizophrenia is no exception! The further life of the patient and the success of therapy in many ways depend on relatives: whether they will understand and take a loved one in the new capacity, will they agree to share his experiences with him. After all, when schizophrenia suffers primarily of the reason, and feelings familiar to each of us - love, hatred, joy, sadness and jealousy – Not anywhere disappear.

Thin matter

Schizophrenia (this term is formed from Greek words «schizo» – Sleeping I «Franch» – intelligence) – The disease is incurable, according to classical medicine. Or, more precisely, to say that the full cure of those means that are recommended today and approved for use in psychiatry.

In general, division on curable-incurable is very conditional, since the main feasura is in the treatment of whatever disease – not a diagnosis and man. And life knows a lot of examples when a person managed to defeat his own illness contrary to the most disappointing forecasts of doctors. In each case, the disease develops individually, very many factors affect its course – So, the cure (or «Inconsulting») perhaps only in the only and individual, unique scheme.

This is especially true of everything that is associated with such a fine matter as a human psyche. The symptoms of the same schizophrenia are so diverse that with attentive study, most of us can detect almost half of them!

This is not a complete list:

  • closed;
  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • care;
  • inadequate emotional reactions;
  • Mania (for example, reassessment of his own person);
  • delusional ideas (for example, it seems to be a person that neighbors or colleagues are building a goat against him);
  • hallucinations (mainly auditory);
  • breaking speech;
  • Motor disorders (frosting for a long time in one posture, wax flexibility).

In this case, none of the above symptoms is strictly typical for schizophrenia. For example, hallucinations are also found with some organic brain lesions, alcohol delicacy (white hot).

Of course, with differential diagnostics, not only an assessment of external symptoms is used – If necessary, additional research (tomography, biopsy of brain tissues, cerebrospinal fluid samples) are carried out. However, some scientists admit that schizophrenia is still kinda «Secret box», in which «folded» All cases that are not suitable for the rigid framework of other mental illnesses.

The problem is that the symptom complex, on the basis of which you can make a diagnosis, in many cases there is already observed in the midst of the disease, and the presequest period often lasts for years. And at this time the sick person may not differ from others – except to make the impression of an eccentric personality. That is why psychiatrum is so difficult to establish a diagnosis correctly and not take dissent for painful thinking.

Close to the patient should be extremely delicately referring to the diagnosis set by their relative. The point is not that the competence of doctors can be questioned, but in the fact that for a person who already fades the soil under his feet, a similar diagnosis can be the last straw.

Meanwhile, the patient needs not «Labels», and in carefulness, understanding and adoption. It is very important that in his life there is an incentive who can pull out a person from a disease funnel. You can not talk: «Your disease is incurable, now you are disabled until the end of life». On the contrary, you need to maintain in a sick faith in a cure!

Treatment: not harm!

Mind games. What does the diagnosis mean & laquo; schizophrenia & raquo;?In schizophrenia there is a violation of the exchange of a number of substances in the tissues of the brain (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and T. D.). However, it is unknown, this violation is the cause or consequence of the disease. In fact, the absence of more accurate knowledge about the etiology of schizophrenia makes it difficult and developing effective methods of treating the disease.

In the first half of the twentieth century, biological, or actively. Of course, these methods can not be called absolutely harmless. And the lobotomy (surgical operation, during which the bond between the frontal parts of the brain with other parts is disturbed) and completely turned the patient in severe disabled.

In the USSR, this operation was banned in 1953, and in the United States with the help of lobotomy «Tried» Schizophrenia as well as 1970! But at that time, it was not necessary to especially choose psychiatrians: unfortunately, there were simplicable other treatment methods at their disposal.

Today, the number of psychotropic drugs is measured by thousands of names. In 1989, so-called atypical neuroleptics were invented (antipsychotics). They selectively affect the brain receptors: along with the braking of symptoms allow you to maintain the maximum possible level of cognitive and social functions of the patient. It is believed that these drugs, in contrast to the neuroleptics of the old generation, have minor side effects.

Nevertheless, any medication from the group of antipsychotics has its drawbacks: some contribute to an increase in body weight, others can cause tremor extremities, salivation. However, the competent selection of drugs reduces these manifestations.

Along with drug treatment, art therapy, behavioral and work therapy, holotropic breathing are actively used.

Happiness is possible!

Any disease – whether it is a runny nose or spiritual disorder – Cannot be treated separately from the whole body. In a hospital, a person can examine, relieve acute state, give recommendations for further treatment and social adaptation, but it is impossible to provide an integrated approach in hospital hospital.

The most difficult task – Find Savings «hooks» In real life, awaken the taste for ordinary human joy – falls on the shoulders of relatives and the most patient. It is very important to help the patient not «stack» in destructive experiences. If you notice that he became detached and indifferent, does not want to communicate with anyone and do something, you should not be offended or pretending that nothing happens.

Help the patient again feel the taste of real life: come up with such activities (hobbies), which will be interested in it and allows you to realize your need, if possible, ensure communication with those people who are pleasant to him. At the same time, excessive guardianship and control can cause irritation and even greater care.

It is important to find a specialist with whom you can discuss the problems exciting for you, because sometimes in stressful state relatives are difficult to objectively assess the situation and choose the right line of behavior in relation to the patient. With such a careful and not indifferent approach, many patients keep full-fledged family relationships, friends and even work.

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