Oh afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid...


  • Not all fear - phobia
  • Symptoms
  • There is an exit
  • The instinct of self-preservation

  • Not every fear

    - phobia

    Fashionable word «phobia» Formed from Greek phobos, that translated means - fear, fear. But not every fear is a phobia. Can be afraid of anything — darkness, thunderstorms, mice, but to live completely calmly and happily. About phobias can only be said when the fear brings over the life of a person, prevents his normal existence.

    Oh afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid ..

    Psychiatric dictionary defines phobias (or obsessive fears) as intense and irresistible fear, covering the patient, despite the understanding of its meaninglessness. The real phobia is a kind of neurosis and turns the life of a person to hell.

    We give an example, perhaps somewhat simplified, but allowing you to visually demonstrate, what is the difference between the usual fear of phobia. So, a person is afraid, for example, dark. But if at the same time it can without any special oscillations to enter the dark room, walk along the poorly lit street and fall asleep without inclusive light, then no matter what disease does not go here.

    About the state of phobias can be said when the fear subordinates the life of a person. That is, afraid of darkness will not go out on the street in the evening, will never sit in the twilight, and if he needs to go to the room, where it is dark, and the switch is far away, then the sufferer is better than two hours to stand under the door and wait for help than overcomes your fear and will enter. And no arguments of reason, like «Well, it's stupid» will not help, because the horror will be stronger.


    In addition, a person suffering from this nervous disorder will experience unpleasant physical sensations. «You can list several basic symptoms, with which you can distinguish the usual fear of obsessive, — explains psychologist Olga Sorokina. — Among such signs, a feeling of suffocation, spasms in the throat, a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of weakness, a breaking of the body, the feeling that the fainting will come, the abundant cold sweat, trembling in the whole body, vomiting or stomach disorder, the body seems «Not mine», ceases to hear».

    But it is not worth confused by a phobia with another kind of fear, the so-called «post-traumatic stress disorders», arising as a response to a psychotracting event, for example, on an accident. Those who happened to survive the road accident Yes, while getting serious injuries, they know how difficult it is to sit behind the wheel of the car, go the street and so on. In the head, it is also the way images of experienced, and the person ceases to own: well, he can not force himself to turn the key in the ignition lock and go — fearfully. It would seem that such fear is not phobia? And the fact that it is not intrusive and has a completely concrete cause. That is, this type of disorder is a kind of expression of the instinct of self-preservation.

    There is an exit

    «The most reliable way to get rid of a phobia existing today, — This is psychoanalysis, — Approves Olga Sorokina. — The causes of such unconscious fears are often harnessed very far. The person himself will not be able to figure it out. Psychoanalysis — It is expensive, find a good specialist is not easy, but this is the most optimal option that allows you to identify the source of fear».

    Detection of cause — Moment is very important. The fact is that if a person has one or another obsessive fear, it means that it is necessary for his psyche. So, for example, fear of public transport can be anything other than the reluctance to ride in the morning to work. To confess that you hate your work, it is not so easy, so invents myself a phobia. They say, I would be happy to work, but only the subway (buses, tram and t. D.) afraid. Not everyone can be so insightful to guess to independently, from where the legs grow, especially since in relation to itself to be objective very difficult.

    However, even if the reason was found, it is possible to save neurotic on his problem only if he wants it. Otherwise, a new one will come to the place of the old phobia, because with its help he solves his problems.

    The instinct of self-preservation

    The topic of phobias is enormous, it is not dedicated to. Obsessive fears bother to live, spoil the nerves not only by the carrier of this disease, but also his surround. And, of course, it is impossible to let them take over their lives. However, it would be wrong to eradicate fears. «Reasonable» fear makes us be careful and prudent. Afraid of darkness, we will not tempt fate and climb among the night to an unlitted wasteland. Similarly, in the right mind, a person does not climb on a slippery roof of the house — Run to fall. And, by the way, know that the complete absence of any fears, the lack of real, not declared is a sign of severe psychiatric disorder.

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