Teenage suicide


  • Causes of adolescence suicide
  • Hospitalization after suicide

  • Suicide ranks fourth among the causes of death in the younger
    adolescent (10-14 years old) and the third - in the late adolescence and young
    Age. Since 1970. The number of suicides has increased most among youth
    15-24 years old. Suicide is relatively rare to the puberty period, after
    16 years old they are rapidly achieving maximum prevalence in 18-24
    years (especially men, whites and indians). Large prevalence
    suicide in men correlates with drug use. For each suicide
    accounts for 20-50 suicidal attempts, the latter are more common
    Among girls. That young men are more likely dying as a result of suicidal
    Attempts, apparently, due to the different ways of suicide among girls and
    Junior. Gunshot wound, hanging, jumping from height, usually,
    deadly. Suicidal attempt by receiving drugs rarely
    leads to death; This method is most common among

    Causes of adolescence suicide

    Teenage suicide
    Often adolescents coming to suicide,
    have relatives or acquaintances who have committed suicide, abuse alcohol and
    Drugs, they are characteristic of syndrome
    attention violations with hyperactivity and
    Other behaviorals
    Disorders, Depression, Alarm State. TO
    predisposing factors include acute experience, collision with
    law, absenteeism and conflicts in school, drug addiction, pregnancy or fear
    pregnancy, hypochondria, social
    insulation. Girls have an additional reason for increased requirements for
    yourself and their academic performance (with medium abilities) or changes in life.
    At the time of committing suicide, the victim is often under the action
    Alcohol or drugs.

    whether teenager for suicide is difficult. Usually depression is preceded by suicide, the teenager feels unhappy,
    suffers low self-esteem, despair, complains about poor well-being.
    In younger teenagers, depression can manifest conflicts at school,
    causing behavior, sometimes offenses. At this age teenagers
    Often it is difficult to express your feelings. Senior adolescents in such a situation
    often resort to drugs . With the aim of
    Identifying suicidal attempts for every teenager who has injured,
    need to know her cause. Suicide risk is higher in adolescents with mental
    disorders, with preceding suicidal attempts
    Teenager or his relatives. As a rule, a teenager who fell into
    depression and thinking about suicide, glad to share their

    Hospitalization after suicide

    Teenagers with high suicide risk require
    Exceptional attention. Should talk in detail with himself
    teenager, his family and with everyone together. About the danger of suicide
    immediately warn parents or teen guardians, because
    Preservation of medical mystery in such a situation loses meaning. Mortality for
    suicide depends not only on the decision of the teenager to make it, but also
    from the method of committing, and most adolescents are not aware of this
    Communication. During the survey, you need to pay special attention to
    mental disorders in the family and the most adolescent, learn, was not
    teenager victim of sex crimes leads sex life, including
    including in homosexual contacts, since homosexuals
    The risk of suicide is higher. Teenagers trying to commit suicide need
    Urgent consultation of psychiatrist.

    Upon admission to the reception office
    Teenager after a suicidal attempt the doctor must decide whether it should be
    hospitalize. After providing emergency and stabilization
    The patient's states must be advised by the psychiatrist. With initially
    stable condition needs to be solved whether the danger remains
    suicide. There is an opinion that it is necessary to hospitalize all adolescents,
    Come on his life.

    Explicit readings for hospitalization:

    • Decisivity to commit suicide;
    • severe depression;
    • drug addiction;
    • suicidal
      an attempt committed by the most dangerous way (firearms, jumping from height);
    • lack of support in the family;

    After discharge of the patient, the doctor must follow the execution
    prescribed treatment. Need to know if there is a firearm in the house and
    Is it safely hidden. Teenagers in depression and those who tried
    commit suicide treated reluctantly, and better so that they are constantly
    Observed doctor. If the patient does not come to the reception, he needs to remind
    This is by phone.

    Depression is the most frequent mental
    Disorder in adolescents who have suicide.
    The prevalence of depression in adolescents is 4-6%, girls
    suffer a little more often. Diagnostic criteria for depression in adolescents
    the same as in adults, and include a change in mood and relationships with
    surrounding, mental performance and physical condition. Hopelandria, alcohol abuse,
    Drug addiction, decline in school, tendency to
    offenses, severe conflicts in the family - all this indicates
    Depression in a teenager.

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