How to treat obstructive bronchitis in a child? What you need to remember when treating the disease? Read the answers to questions in the article.
I want to share the experience of treating obstructive bronchitis. AT 5.5 months we and my daughter fell into the hospital with obstructive bronchitis. Could not fall if I were more competent in childhood diseases, and our pediatricians more honestly approached their duties.
It all started with light curves for 2-3 weeks. Yes, and trying to call it, so GM-GM 1 time in 2 days. At first did not pay attention to it, and in vain, help me the body at that time, perhaps it would not be painful at all. I want to note that Lizonka on breastfeeding, and this particular factor gave the body additional forces to combat the virus we picked up. Antibodies, like hedgehog, collected everything, so there was no temperature, no runny nose, no red throat, no other signs except cough. It was necessary to help the body already then, but they would know where the straw would notice.
Obstruction - spasm. Bronchi - department in the lungs. Obstructive bronchitis - spasmodic bronchitis, is a spasm of bronchi, in which the mucus can not go out and accumulates in bronchi. The purpose of the treatment is to remove the spasm of the bronchi, sneak the wet and bring it out. Orvi infection can affect any part of the body. When infection gets into the body, it enters into the fight against the body's protective forces responsible for suppressing the virus. At this stage you need to support the body's immunity with such means as «Interferon
How to treat obstructive bronchitis
Once at night, after Lizonka, she was silent and almost immediately looked at it, he had breathing hard, I became very scary for my baby. AT 5.30 in the morning difficult to figure out what is happening, but I remembered that hot steam in the bathroom helps with the criterion, and made steam inhalation in the bathroom. Intuitively I did right, and therefore after 15 minutes everything went. Our doctor, when I came, did not hear anything and discharged to us an antifreeze. Dica breathe hard, but no obstruction was.
I didn't do anything like this, and the doctor did not advise. The only thing we came up with is to make a breather with coniferous extract. Well, ride, provoking a new attack of obstruction. It turns out that the coniferous extract helps only 50%, and the remaining 50 is very harmful. No doctor who listened to us did not say what you need to fear what to pay attention to, and even when I called an urgent, the doctor put it obstruction, but did not mention the word about how to remove it, wringing us only the antihistamine drug. And only the duty officer who came the next day urgently sent us to the hospital, in order not to earn pneumonia.
Thank God, not earned, but now we know how to treat such things. I want to give general recommendations based on such a sad experience.
If the virus still won, he begins his impact and can hit any part of the body (complication). When coughing you need to keep in mind that it is of different nature, and the existing drugs are so solubular that it is necessary to ask the doctor what kind of cough your child in this case. And be sure to read and analyze annotation with side effects before buying, and not after, in order to avoid the auction and unsuccessful experiments on their diet.
The course of treatment is appointed, of course, the doctor, but you should be no less aware of this issue than the doctor himself, otherwise you can miss precious time and do not have to help your child.
- The course of antibiotics is not necessary to be afraid, the microflora can be restored with the right approach. But the effect is fast and reliable. Doctors have certain standards for each sore for which they try to act. Not always your situation may come under this standard, so doctors doctors, and think and decide for your child anyway.
- Since in bronchi mucus accumulates, the child scrolls. Need a mucus to light up so that the child can flip her. Inhalation applies for this. Through the cough drugs do not need to drink. Well helps inhalation on the device «Nibulaizer». This is a spray method. Pour 1 ml «Lazolyvan» and 2 ml of saline and ingalize 5-7 minutes. Effect stunning. Also very help «Pulmikort», For inhalations: 0.5 ml on 2 ml of saline. Borjomi or his analogue helps perfectly, 3 times a day 3 ml. I sincerely recommend purchasing a house with children «Nibulaizer», costs 2460 rubles. Very simple in circulation and suitable for the whole family, but especially for young children.
- Do not forget about the nasopherler. «Aquamaris» Perfectly shears infection, Borjomi, saline - all these natural remedies helps well with the prevention and treatment of ORZ and ORVI. Means containing silver stand in a honorable place in the fight against a runny nose. From vasoconstricuating drugs I would like to celebrate Swiss drops «Vibrosol». It also has antiallergic and anti-ethnic effects.
- Antibiotics are treated, more cripples, so during and after reception you need to rehabilitate the stomach. Biopreparations with alive bacteria help well help - «Bificik», «Lactofilm», «Bifidobacterin» And others need to be taken to the complete restoration of the intestinal flora.
And the most important advice. Unfortunately, in the clinics we have weak patients. Not always your doctor has those knowledge and skills that need for your child here and now. Therefore, feel free to and especially do not be afraid to ask the opinion from at least three doctors. Go to the head, call an ambulance (they have a big experience), call in the end of a paid specialist in this disease. The child should not coat, nor hoarse. If this is observed - there is always the reason, and your task is like mommies to reveal this reason and try with the help of medicine, your own intuition and huge love for your child - Delete. Love in your heart, think your head, trust the doctors and your child will be healthy!