Bronchial asthma: to anticipate, avoid acting


  • A bit of history
  • Allergens
  • Saving an attack
  • Medicinal herbs

    A bit of history
  • Bronchial asthma: to anticipate, avoid actingThis very common and painful disease is known for mankind for a long time. The very name of the disease, translated from the Greek meaning «suffocation», Entered the Great Scientist of Ancient Greece, one of the founders of scientific medicine Hippocrat. The causes and features of the course of the disease were then investigated by archer, galen and other outstanding doctors of the ancient world.

    In the era of the Renaissance, the Italian doctor Jerolamo Cardano, by defining asthma from one of his patients, gave him a number of reasonable advice on the organization of regime, diet and exercise. In addition, I recommended the patient to abandon the fluff period, on which he slept. Exactly perforing the prescription of the doctor, the patient recovered.

    In the XVII century, the Dutch scientist Jan Baptist Wang Helmont first described the attack of a suffocation caused by inhalation of home dust and fish consumption. Century later it was established that the cause of the suffocation is spasm in bronchi. Considerable contribution to the development of scientific knowledge about ASTME made Russian scientists with.NS. Botkin, G.AND. Sokolsky, E.O. Manunov and others. A classic description of the attack of bronchial asthma gave in the 1930s of the XIX century an outstanding Russian doctor g.AND. Sokolsky: «Asthma is always shown by attacks, more often in evening and night hours. Man who just fell asleep wakes up with a sense of constraint in his chest. It seems that some kind of gravity is put on his chest, as if they put it and linger the external force. Man jumps out of bed, looking for fresh air. On his pale face, the longing and concerns of strangling are expressed. The phenomena of this, then increasing, then decreasing, continue to 3 or 4 am, after which the spasm subscription and the patient can breathe deep. With relief, he flies off and falling asleep».

    From the standpoint of modern science asthma — Allergic disease, the main manifestation of which is the attack of a suffocation due to a violation of the bronchi passability. The development of the illness is based on the increased activity of the immune system when the alien substances in the body are hit by allergic. «Choice» Allergen organism can be quite whimsical and completely unpredictable. The course of the disease is cyclical: the aggravation phase with characteristic symptoms of chopping is replaced by remission with relative lull.


    It is customary to allocate two main forms of the disease: infectious-allergic and atopic. The first is provoked by allergens of bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, fungi and other infectious agents. The second caused household allergens: dust mites, wool or dandruff animal, dry food for fish, bird feathers, honey, coffee, strawberry, antibiotics (especially penicillin row), chemical compounds included in the paints, building materials, washing powders...

    With the infectious-allergic form of asthma, the fight against provoking her pathogenic microflora is put forward to the forefront, the choice of adequate therapeutic agents. If the disease proceeds to atopic type, it is necessary to correctly define an allergen and maximize contact with it. In these cases, it is enough to take the following measures.

    - Mercilessly struggling with dust in residential premises, systematically carry out wet cleaning. Do not climb the apartment with upholstered furniture, carpets and t.D. Pliers can be in drapering fabric, soft toys, under plinths.

    - Bedding from pen, wool and wool replace to made from synthetic materials.

    - Timely tired bathrooms, bathrooms, storage rooms and other raw rooms.

    - Read more to update the contents of a home aid kit, to throw out medicines on time, the shelf life of which expires. Such sealing chemicals can be a strong allergen.

    - If asthma attacks are provoked by the food product, it is useful to keep the diary. Entries in such a diary, if they are quite detailed, will help to easily determine which kind of food causes a painful attack.

    - Special exercises with the pronouncement of hissing and whistling sounds are well helped to strengthen the respiratory system. Astmatics useful water treatments, walking barefoot on the grass, sand and even the usual floor, but the sunlight — Not always: in hot weather it is recommended to be more in the shadow.

    Saving an attack

    If an asthmatic attack failed to warn, bronchological means are used to relieve it. These include adrenaline, salbutamol, ephedra and its derivatives (Ephedrine, theofedrine, Antastman, Solutan), as well as Belladonny preparations. A good supporting and enhancing basic therapy effect gives the use of medicinal plants. They are customary to share for three main groups.

    one. Broncholitics: Ammoni Toothbrush, Bagnik, Valerian, Dinner, Kalina, Labacker, Mint, Lattop, Chabret. These plants contribute to the removal of bronchospasm, expanding the vessels in the respiratory organs.

    2. Antihypoxants: Birch, Buzina, Nather, St. John's wort, linden, coltsfoot, chamomile, licorice, etc. This group of vegetable means increases the saturation of tissue with oxygen.

    3. Mukolitiki (expectorant): Air, Allas, Anis, Bukov, Veronika, Mednica, Plantain, Nine, Chabret. They are prescribed to help the exit of viscous sputum from the respiratory organs.

    Children more often encounters bronchial asthma due to allergies (atopic form). Often she is accompanied by diathesis, urticaria, vasomotor rhinitis, hay fever. The background for the development of asthma serve recurrent bronchopulmonary diseases. Attimes, choking often precede anxiety, irritability, sleep disorders, sometimes — Skin rashes. In child-asthmatics, whose parents smoke, are observed frequent exacerbations of the disease.

    With bronchial asthma and chronic asthmatic bronchitis in children, you can recommend the following simple and absolutely harmless tools:

    - 150 g root of hell skip through a meat grinder, add juice of two lemons, mix and put in the refrigerator. Take 1/2—1 C.L. 1 time per day or before attacks before improving the status.

    - Mix 100 g of carrot juice with an equal number of solid milk heated to 70—80°WITH. Drink in the morning instead of breakfast in small sips. A course of treatment — 1 month.

    - Prepare the following mixture: bars — 500 g, honey bee — 500 g, butter butter — 500 g, cocoa powder — 100 g, chicken eggs 10 pieces. Bring to boil, cool, stirring. Take 1 st.L. 3 times a day, drinking warm milk.

    With bronchial asthma, it is also recommended to rub the chest with a cashier from the grained garlic mixed with butter or pork fat mixed with creamy oil. Also popular Medicarian Medicaria Grass: 10 g Herbs Pour boiling water, insist for an hour, drink 1 st.L. 3—4 times a day.

    Medicinal herbs

    Effective assistance for asthma may also have preparations of medicinal herbs.

    - Grass Big Bolotnika — 15 g, nettle nettle sheet — 15 g. Brew 1 liters of boiling water, insist 1.5 hours, take during the day.

    - Sheet of coltsfoot, nettle grass, grass meadow, grass and inflorescences of the Donon, Veronika grass, plantain leaf. 1 Art.L. Mixtures of plants taken in equal amounts, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in closed dishes 2—3 hours. Take 1/2 cup in warm form 3—4 times a day 1 hour before meals. A course of treatment — at least 1 month.

    - Buccian grass, meadow clover flowers, Veronica grass, soul grass, hawthorn fruits, mother-and-stepmother leaves. 1 Art.L. Plants taken in equal quantity, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in thermos 8—10 hours, take 1/2 cup in warm form 5—6 times a day, you can and at night.

    - Grass etars — 1 g, licorice rhizome — 2 g, daisy flowers — 2 g, Hypericum Grass — 1 g, peppermint grass — 1 g, coltsfoot sheet — 8 g. 8 g collection to fill 250 ml boiling water, boil 3 min, insist in warm 2 hours. Take 1/4 cup 3—4 times a day after meals.

    - Chamomile flowers, plantain leaf, ninewood root, Anisa fruits, peppermint grass, Castob Grass. Mix porovna, 8 g collection to pour 250 ml of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist in heat 2 hours. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

    Well helps asthmatics also mummy dissolved in the decoction of the root of licorice naked (licorice). In 500 ml of branch of the laccic root (6 g of raw materials on 500 ml of water) dissolve 0.5 g mumy. Take 1 cup 1 time per day in the morning. Children portion to reduce twice. Decoction to store in the refrigerator, replace fresh every 2 days.

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