Pneumonia - Lung Inflammation


  • What causes pneumonia?
  • What is dangerous pneumonia
  • Symptoms of pneumonia
  • Treatment of pneumonia

  • What causes pneumonia?

    The culprits of this disease are microbes. Them
    Many and called they are intricate: Sineznaya wand, pneumococci,
    Streptococci, staphylococci. Also pneumonia is called different
    influenza viruses and fungi. The process of the disease, its gravity, symptoms and
    Laboratory studies differ depending on what
    Microbe caused pneumonia. Naturally for each form of pneumonia –
    Special treatment.

    Not infectious disease. It can't have a flu
    air (airborne droplet). And the manifestation of pneumonia depends on
    Conditions of the body, immunity. That is why most often happens that
    Influenza is complicated by pneumonia. Why? Because the body during
    influenza is weakened, and the flu viruses themselves can cause pneumonia.
    Several factors are distinguished that most often provoke disease.

    • Factor of reduced immunity.
    • People with various chronic diseases.
    • Weakened people, due to the transferred operation.

    What is dangerous pneumonia

    Fortunately for today pneumonia is no longer
    Nightmare, how she was in the Middle Ages. Then there was no antibiotics,
    able to cope with pneumonia and people died thousands already on the third
    day after the start of the disease.Pneumonia - Lung Inflammation

    But, nevertheless, today there is
    Dangerous side of pneumonia – Her hidden current. So in this case
    Even the armament of antibiotics and other means does not give
    Favorable forecast. And in other cases when pneumonia proceeds
    Especially hard – There are deadly outcomes.

    And doctors beat
    Anxiety, - in recent years, mortality from pneumonia has grown. Not
    It is worth confused by mortality from atypical pneumonia. Statistics
    shows that «Old» well-known, non-registered journalists
    Pneumonia much more often leads to death. And if you judge by
    The number of cases, pneumonia after sharp respiratory diseases
    and viral infections ranks first.

    On average a year in Russia
    sick pneumonia about 1.5 million people. Most often lethal
    Exodus happens in the elderly. What is it connected with? The fact is that with
    A person has different chronic diseases. AND
    Immunity in the elderly is not the fact that in youth.

    Also on the mortality rate from pneumonia
    affects the attitude of people to their health. For some reason in Russia
    self-medication is so everyday phenomenon, and nothing is not
    prevents. After all, in our pharmacies today you can buy any
    Antibiotic without prescription doctor. And the rapid use of strong
    antibiotics produces persistent resistance in microbes.
    It turns out that even with the use of strong antibiotics in conditions
    the hospital is not always able to save the sick pneumonia – his
    Microbes no longer surrender.

    Symptoms of pneumonia

    As it is not sad, but pneumonia does not have the main
    Signs. They, one way or another, are like signs of other diseases.
    Judge for yourself: a sharp resistant increase in temperature, long dry or
    Wet cough, sword, rapid heartbeat, weakness, sweating,
    headache. Many take these symptoms for influenza or Orz and not
    Torch to the doctor. The most bright reflective pneumonia can be called
    Is that such a symptom as a cough with purulent sputum or with streaks

    Diagnosis «pneumonia» can be put only after
    Special examination in the hospital. According to the results of X-rays
    snapshots and other studies of the patient doctor will detect pneumonia and
    Appoint treatment. The sooner it happens, it is easier and faster
    Cure pneumonia.

    Treatment of pneumonia

    Where to treat pneumonia – in hospital or in
    domestic conditions can solve only a doctor. It depends on complexity
    Diseases, the age of the patient and the presence of chronic diseases. To
    Treat patient's houses with pneumonia must be related conditions:
    Well ventilated room, bedding, round-the-clock care,
    the ability to perform the appointment of a doctor.

    If it came to ambulance, and expected
    the arrival of the doctor, the patient must be put and hiding. To put the harrant.
    Giving hot tea with raspberry or lemon. Do not apply
    antipyretic drugs before the doctor's arrival if the temperature is not
    exceeds 38.5 degrees. These procedures can be performed if not
    Hemochokanya. If it is, then no thermal procedures.

    Preferably after treated pneumonia to strengthen his health in any sanatorium – on the sea or where there is a forest.

    In compliance with all rules and appointments of the doctor, the forecast for pneumonia is favorable.

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