When you need a psychotherapist help?


Help in crisis and long-term stressful situations
Help patients with severe somatic diseases
Correction of disorders of edible behavior

When do you need a psychotherapist help?In what cases and under what states it is necessary to seek help from a psychotherapeutic profile specialist and what directions exist in this area, the head of the psychotherapeutic clinic of the European Medical Center, Psychotherapist Natalia Rivkin, tells.

Help in crisis and long-term stressful situations

Often strained lifestyle, bigWhen do you need a psychotherapist help? Responsibility, excessive emotional loads and long-term stress leads to psycho-emotional deadaptions, depression, feeling of constant fatigue, the inability to relax. Such states may interfere with work, creating difficulties in family life, and sometimes lead to alcohol abuse. At the same time, social status or external circumstances do not allow a person to significantly change the situation. In such cases, with the help of special psychotherapeutic support, you can learn to withstand emotional stress without «breakdown» and dezadaption, «build» New system of behavior in stress, find internal supports and resources to overcome complex situations.

Another important direction is to assist patients experienced acute stress due to the loss of loved ones, emotional injury or any unexpectedly emerged traumatic events. It must be remembered that the emotional reaction on the mountain has its own patterns and can cause complications. The most serious of them is the deferred stress reactions when a considerable time after injury «Return» obsessive memories of what happened, depression, apathy, fear.

Children are most susceptible to the development of post-stress disorders. The death of someone from relatives or loved ones, the divorce of parents, adoption, as well as severe diseases - reason to handle the child to the psychotherapist.

It is known that the sooner the necessary psychotherapeutic support will be provided, the less likelihood of the development of pathological reactions to stress.

To assist in stressful and crisis situations, the most effective is the most effective approach, combining both special psychotherapeutic techniques, and complementary medicine, including different types of massage, reflexology, yoga and relaxation. An individual approach and individually designed psycho-emotional support programs are important depending on the patient's needs.

If we talk about psychotherapeutic approaches in working with stress and crisis situations, the most justified is the use of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Children and adolescents are otherwise experiencing stressful situations, they have a higher risk of developing deferred reactions due to stress, so they require special attention and special approaches in treatment. Special importance is paid to gaming psychotherapy, which can be combined with elements of bodily and cognitive therapy.

Help patients with severe somatic diseases

When do you need a psychotherapist help?Adopted in the global medical community the standard for assisting patients with severe somatic diseases is a comprehensive approach with the obligatory inclusion of the psychotherapeutic support program of the patient and his family members

This accompaniment implies work with post-stress disorders, with patient reactions on the news of the disease and is aimed at overcoming stress and maintaining the quality of life of the patient

Studies show that psychological support that is in the framework of treatment, not only reduces stress, emotional overload, helps the patient and its family «understand» disease, emotionally easier to transfer the possible side effects of treatment, but also significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy. For example, without psychological support, high-quality assistance is impossible for patients with oncological, cardiological and severe endocrine diseases.

Very many somatic diseases that represent a real threat to human life cause various mentally disorders and social disadaptation of the patient. Moreover, any disease itself is stress. Therefore, in order to eliminate the development of post-stress disorders, it is necessary in a timely manner as soon as possible from the moment the patient learned about his disease, to provide him with specialized support. To do this, there are programs aimed at assisting in overcoming stress and post-stress reactions that are carried out by certain technologies and help restore human resources in a severe life situation.

We build an individual program for the patient and his family, thanks to which, even on an outpatient stage, after the end of treatment in the clinic, the patient and the family can continue to independently cope with the disease.

Correction of disorders of edible behavior

Scientific studies show thatWhen do you need a psychotherapist help? The root cause of violations of food behavior are psychological factors. Therefore, psychotherapeutic assistance programs as part of the correction of violations of food behavior are developed taking into account both emotional disorders of food behavior and disorders due to the presence of mental disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

The main purpose of such support is not easy to teach the patient to limit yourself in food and get rid of excess weight, but to help him cope with tension or stress by an alternative way, while maintaining a comfortable weight.

Currently, anorexia and bulimia are a serious threat to health, and sometimes women's life. The situation is also complicated by the fact that patients often do not recognize the presence of a disease. Such patients require long psychotherapeutic and drug accompaniment.

Our clinic provides assistance in violations of food behavior in early childhood (from 0 to 8 years old, which are often associated with the wrong approach to the feeding of the kid. The problem may be like in «False» submissions of parents about the rational nutrition of the child in the first months and years of life and distorted opinions about how a child at a certain age should weigh and look.

After the elimination of somatic diseases that could serve as the cause of the problem, specialists help parents learn everything about the needs of the child, about the rational care of the baby, teach the right receptions. Similar training Parents can go through the pregnancy planning stage. The program is designed not only for family members (Pope, Moms, Grandma and T.D.), but also on the nurse.

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