The inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common human diseases. For some, especially in childhood, it's just some kind of punishment, for others - rarity; Third, such, unfortunately, not much, the inflammation of the lungs did not hurt, but the relatives and acquaintances were in sufficient quantities.

What is pneumonia?
The respiratory system is generally lungs in particular - very vulnerable to
infectious diseases.
With all the variety of ways of infection,
The airborne transfer path is most often.
It is not surprising that the advanced squad of the fight against many viruses and
Bacteria are the upper respiratory tract.
Under certain conditions -
Weakness of immunity, high microbial activity, disorders
high-quality composition of inhaled air and t.NS. - infectious process
not localized only in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynk, larynx,
Fuck), but applies down.
Sometimes the process ends
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchitis - bronchitis, but, quite often,
This is not limited to this. There is inflammation directly
pulmonary fabric is pneumonia.
Almost anyone
Microorganism may cause the development of pneumonia. What a specific one
- depends on a number of factors. From the age of the patient, from that place,
where the inflammation of the lungs will arise - at home or in the hospital, if in the hospital,
then in which department - in surgery alone microbes, in therapy others.
A huge role is played by the health status of the body as a whole and the state
immunity in particular.
At the same time, inflammation of the lungs
quite rarely happens primary, t.E. lived yes was a healthy boy vasya,
Suddenly, once, and sick pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs, as a rule,
recently and represent a complication of another disease.
these «Other diseases» It is safe to divide into two groups -
Acute respiratory viral infections (ORVI) and everything else. Wherein
Inflammation of the lungs, as a complication of ordinary ARVI (runny nose, pharyngitis,
Larygitis, bronchitis) is found much more often than pneumonia at all
other infections, injuries and operations.
This is not surprising at all and
is not explained by some special «Estimation» respiratory viral
infections, and their widest prevalence - «pick up» ARVI
Middle man 1-2 times a year succeeds for sure, and everything else
meets from occasion.
Signs of pneumonia
Some signs should be known, allowing to suspect the development of lung inflammation.
- Cough has become the main symptom of the disease.
- Worsening after improvement or any «Walled disease» lasting more than 7 days.
- It is impossible to breathe deeply - such an attempt leads to a bunch of cough.
- Pronounced Pallor of Skin Against the Background of other SMI Symptoms (Temperature, Rubber, Cough).
- Shortness of breath with low body temperature.
- At high temperatures, paracetamol (Panadol, Ehelevgan, Tylenol) does not help at all.
that knowledge of 6 given signs is not necessary for you
set themselves the diagnosis, and in order not to be drawn with the appeal
Medical help.
The doctor has sufficiently perfect methods
Detection of pneumonia. In addition to listening and tapping, in
dubious cases use clinical blood test and
X-ray examination - it almost always allows you to arrange
all points of NAD «I».
Choice of Treatment Place - Hospital or Hospital
- determined by a number of factors - ranging from the age of the patient and
ending with the qualifications of the doctor and his desire to run home every
day (despite the fact that the salary does not change from this).
Very significant
And the most fundamental point is the real severity of the pneumonia itself.
Complicated forms of the disease occurring with respiratory or cardiac
insufficiency, with obstructive syndrome (obstruction - that is just
There are blockage of bronchi thick sputum), with pleurrites - are treated
exclusively in the hospital. Uncomplicated pneumonia can be treated
at home.
How to treat pneumonia?
Everything that was important at the prevention stage becomes even more important in the development of pneumonia.
the use of pharmacological means can not do, and most importantly, and this
Definitely, the choice of antibiotic, its dose and method of getting
in the organism.
Regarding the method, it should be noted that the introduction
Antibiotic by stuck needles in the buttock is not at all
absolutely obligatory - at least 80% of all pneumonia safely
Heal with tablets and syrups.
In addition to antibiotics
Use drugs, expanding bronons, for example, eufillin, vitamins,
And, of course, the complex of expectorant means.
Once condition
begins to improve at least immediately after normalization
body temperature, actively use a variety of physiotics and
These events significantly accelerate the process of recovery. Sometimes
need repeated x-ray examination - in order to make sure,
that everything is finally «resolved».
Not a single concrete
I will not call an antibiotic in principle, in order not to have happened
wide masses of unhealthy desire to treat pneumonia
on one's own. And in general, to be honest, talking about treatment
Pneumonia is not only ungrateful, but also a risky.
The main thing
For us, just not in treatment - let the doctors think about it. Already Sami
the fact that you or your child moved lung inflammation is
reason for serious reflection.