Decoding HBS, HCV


Decoding HBS, HCV

Decoding HBS, HCV

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains RNA, multiply in blood cells and adversely affects liver cells.

Blood analysis on this pathogen diagnoses the presence of an antibody patient (immunoglobulins) of the class G and M. The process of acute hepatitis C is characterized by the presence of IgG and IgM. For chronic form, the presence of only IgG.

A positive results of the study speaks of a viral hepatitis from a sharp or chronic nature or about transferred in the past disease.

The negative result indicates the absence of HCV in the patient's body or the early stage of the hepatitis sernegative virus.

Hepatitis B virus (HBS) — DNA-containing virus, causing, as well as hepatitis C virus, liver damage. The blood test for the detection of microorganism is carried out in conjunction with HIV analysis due to the frequent HBS occurrence in patients with AIDS.

Laboratory research on HBS:

  • Immuno enzyme analysis (ELISA),
  • PCR diagnostics.

If IFA is detected by immunoglobulins of IgG (they say either about chronic form of HBS, or about immunity to HBS) and IgM (indicate the recent infection or at the acute course of HBS). The total indicator of these antibodies determines the viral activity.

PCR diagnostics reveals a quantitative indicator of the hepatitis B virus and its genetic material.

Ways of infection with HBS and HCV viruses:

  • through blood (syringes, piercing, tattoos, organ transplant and blood transfusion),
  • sexual act,
  • from mother to child during childbirth.

To deal with the results of analyzes and plan the treatment will help doctors with a specialty infectiousnessist and hepatologist.

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