Arthrosis of the jaw joint? To the dentist!


  • Dental assistance in the arthrosis of the jewish joint
  • Methods for the treatment of jaw arthrosis
  • Sentifying teeth with arthrosis of the jaw
  • Orthodontics, orthopedics and jaw arthrosis
  • Arthrosis Jaw: Training Muscles

  • Arthrosis of the jaw joint, what is it?Arthrosis of the Lightwely Sustav — The disease associated with defects of teeth occlusion, leading to an increase in the load on bone articulation. Reducing the adaptation capacity of the joint on the background of inflammation, impaired blood circulation, hormonal shifts and metabolic pathologies contributes to the development of the ailment. Musuals, or rather the temporomandibular arthrosis is an indication for consulting a dentist and subsequent orthodontic and orthopedic treatment, complemented by conservative therapies aimed at improving metabolic processes in the joint.

    Dental assistance in the arthrosis of the jewish joint

    Arthrosis in general and the mandibular arthrosis in particular requires comprehensive treatment, including drug, physical, surgical and other methods.

    The main condition for effective disease therapy is to reduce the burden on the joint. The volume, content and sequence of orthodontic and orthopedic interventions determines the dentist. The main goal of the treatment of arthrosis, the elimination of jaw overloads, is solved by restoring teeth, eliminating dentition defects and correction of their relationships.

    Methods for the treatment of jaw arthrosis

    Depending on the purposes, they can be divided into groups.

    • Normalizing occlusal contacts of individual teeth.
    • Restoring normal closure of dental rows.
    • Replenishing defects of individual teeth and dental rows.
    • Normalizing movements in the mandibular joint.

    Sentifying teeth with arthrosis of the jaw

    Dental assistance in arthrosis of the jawThe normalization of occlusal contacts during arthrosis is aimed at unloading the maxillary joint and provides for the improvement of chewing surfaces by selective sealing, during which the points of premature tancing of teeth are eliminated. After eliminating the obstacle and creating new physiological points of contact of the dental rows, conditions are created for the further treatment of arthrosis.

    Sentifying the teeth is absolutely harmless to the health of the dental system. Chewable surfaces of teeth covered with varnish, resistant to caries, subject to careful oral care.

    Orthodontics, orthopedics and jaw arthrosis

    Orthodontic measures in arthrosis of jaws are aimed at reducing the load on the temporal lesible joints by normalizing the shape of the dental rows. Various types of prosthetics, implantation of teeth contribute to the elimination of defects and uniform redistribution of load on the lower jaw.

    Methods for the treatment of arthrosis of the jaw and their classificationTreatment begins with the normalization of the anatomical ratio of the heads of the lower jaw and the articular pits. For this, removable and non-removable devices are applied: plastic kappa, fuseum plates, mouth opening limiters, sky plates with inclined plane, kappovy and crown apparatus with inclined plane. In the pathological erasability of the teeth to increase their height, plastic kapps are used for the entire dental row. The correct position of the position of the lower jaw heads is controlled by radiography. After 2-4 months of such treatment, pain, chewing muscles are adapted to the newly formed dental rows, then the final prosthetics are carried out.

    Prosthetics with crowns, installation of bridges, bureaucratic prostheses, taking into account the new intervalolar height, the restoration of the shape of the chewing surfaces, the ratios of the grooves and tubercles on the teeth contributes to the normalization of occlusion of dental rows and creates conditions for the normal operation of the jaw joint.

    Arthrosis Jaw: Training Muscles

    Arthrosis of the Mine Administration is accompanied by a violation of the funny muscle function. Therefore, treatment of the disease provides for therapeutic physical education. The exercise complex is aimed at normalizing chewing muscular cuts and is individually compiled for each patient.

    Therapeutic physical education is complemented by physiotherapy procedures and massages. In the complex all activities contribute to the attenuation of degenerative-dystrophic processes and lead to the restoration of cartilage tissue.

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