How to treat arthrosis of an ankle joint?


  • The basic principles of the treatment of ankle arrode
  • Medical treatment of arthrosis of ankle joint
  • LFC with arthrosis of ankle

  • How to treat arthrosis of an ankle joint?The ankle joint is one of the most functional and most loaded in human musculoser. Discomfort, pain and mobility restriction in this area almost immediately affect its gait, on the ability to move and work, which involves the load on the lower limbs. Arthrosis of the ankle joints — The most frequent problem with which you have to face orthopedic doctors. What includes the treatment of ankle arthrosis? What is his features? A little about it.

    The basic principles of the treatment of ankle arrode

    Therapy of the Arthrome Ankle Sustav — The process is painstaking, treatment requires a special interest of the patient, his desire to scrupulously fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor. The basic principles of the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint, in fact, differ little from the treatment of arthrosis and include the following provisions.

    • Compliance with the mode of loads on the joint, the use of crutches, wearing convenient orthopedic shoes, special orthopedic ralk for correction of flatfoot and other foot defects.
    • Therapeutic physical education in arthrosis of an ankle referring to the activation of blood circulation, an increase in movement volume, strengthening bundles fixing the joint.
    • Physiotherapy.
    • Medical therapy, including «Shows» Sustaines.
    • Surgical correction of disorders in the joint in order to prevent the development of arthrosis, and as a solution to the problem, arthrosis in the final stage of the disease.
    • Sanatorium-resort treatment for the prevention of exacerbations and consolidation of the effect as a result of intensive therapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

    Medical treatment of arthrosis of ankle joint

    Medical treatment of arthrosis of ankle jointMedical therapy with arthrosis of the ankle — Treatment that implies both the elimination of acute symptoms of the disease and the restoration of the destroyed cartilage in order to prevent further destruction of bone joint.

    Under the inflammation of the joint, the development of synovite, the appearance of swelling in the field of ankle and permanent pain is usually prescribed non-steroidal drugs or glucocorticoid drugs that have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Similar therapy contributes to the rapid building of exacerbation and opens up opportunities for the use of other techniques. Therapeutic physical culture and physiotherapy during arthrosis in general and osteoarthritis of the ankle joint in particular are appointed by 4-5 days, which contributes to the preservation of the volume of movements in the articulation.

    IN «Cold» The period of the disease treatment is aimed at preventing the destruction and recovery of cartilage tissue with drugs — chondroprotectors. Inside the joint, hyaluronic acid-based drugs are introduced, high-qualityly improving the articular liquid feeding the cartilage, moisturizing it, restoring its elasticity and elasticity, suspending arthrosis of the ankle joint. Hyaluronates treatment is possible only in the absence of synovitis, in order to avoid their inactivation with inflammatory enzymes.

    LFC with arthrosis of ankle

    LFC with arthrosis of ankleTreatment and prevention of ankle arthrosis is impossible without exercise. They are simple and accessible to everyone, for classes it is not necessary to visit the Cabinet of the Flamm, they can be held at home.

    Exercise 1st running lying on his back with elongated legs. Not straining, easy, with minimal amplitude of movements, alternately turning the feet on yourself and from ourselves.

    Exercise 2rd called «Rotation of footsteps» and is performed alternately in one and the other.

    Exercise 3rd — «walking sitting on a chair», Since it is running exactly sitting on a chair, and the movement stops remind walking.

    The time of classes is recommended to increase once from the time, bringing their total duration to 3 hours a day.

    The articular gymnastics in arthrosis of an ankle is aimed at preventing ligament atrophy and muscles of the limb, an increase in mobility and stimulation of blood circulation in articulation. Simple exercises are capable of performing even patients with arthrosis of 3 degrees, with pronounced restriction of articulation mobility possible use of passive movements, manual therapy.

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