About the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis


  • Symptoms - symmetry, stiffness and… Sleepiness
  • Treatment - traditional
  • Treatment - alternative
  • Treatment - innovative
  • Without the right to mistakes
  • It is important to know!

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an erosive lesion of the joints - erosions are formed on the joint surfaces, which gradually these joints are destroyed.

    The reasons for its occurrence are still not clear. Patients typically bind the origin of the disease with colds, stress, angina, abortions, and even bad heredity. Indeed, rheumatoid arthritis is quite often found in relatives. There are people, from the birth of prone to its development. However, today, doctors believe that the disease causes some viruses, but what kind of science is not known. Suffers from rheumatoid arthritis no more than 2% of people on earth. And women among them are 3 times more than men.

    Disease can begin at any age. Rheumatoid arthritis is also found in young children and in very older people, but most often amazing a person in the most active and able-working period of life - from 20 to 40 years. Each patient disease occurs individually - some can develop for years, others affects quickly and aggressively. Unfortunately, especially destructive rheumatoid arthritis develops in children.

    Symptoms - symmetry, stiffness and… Sleepiness

    About the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Perhaps one of the main criteria by which the disease can be determined is a symmetric lesion of the joints. Usually, quite a healthy person unexpectedly, without any visible reason, small joints of hands and stop brushes are inflated, and immediately on both sides. Joints hurt, drowned, swell. During the period of the acute phase of the disease, the patient increases the temperature, as in the influenza, it can feel chills, weakness, lack of appetite. Often thanks to that «cold» Symptoms man for a long time does not appeal to the doctor, trying to independently be treated from Orz.

    As a result of chronic inflammation, sick rheumatoid arthritis loses appetite and always thin. Unfortunately, asthenia - bad appetite, caustic weakness, depressed mood - an integral satellite and a concomitant symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. The patient disrupts protein metabolism, there is thinning and wear of muscles (amyotrophy), located near the inflamed joint. Often, other vital organs are involved in the disease.

    The third decisive line of rheumatoid arthritis can be called the morning stiffness. Waking up, a person does not feel pain, but it feels incomprehensible, but the incredibly strong desire does not move at all. With a pronounced exacerbation, it can fly a still hour, two or more, until the medical physical education is engaged, does not take medicine. Sometimes the morning stiffness can reach until the evening. I confess, I respect my patients. These are courageous people, every day for which - the struggle with pain. Although, as a rule, patients with rheumatoid arthritis are nervous and annoyed, since the constant exhausting pain prevents them from living, changes the psyche and character.

    Treatment - traditional

    Rheumatoid arthritis must be treated and fortunately, any doctor of general practice knows how to help the patient. To begin with, it is necessary to remove inflammation, which will help reduce pain syndrome, reduce temperature, weakness and asthenization. Next it is important to stop the destruction of the joints, help the patient to avoid a wheelchair.

    Therapy of rheumatoid arthritis is clearly designed. To remove inflammation of the patient, steroid (prednisone and similar to it) or non-steroidal (orthophene, diclofenak, ibuprofen and others are prescribed.) Anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, removing pain and inflammation, they do not affect the deep processes. Conduct the disease and suspend the destruction of articular tissues helps basic therapy, to which aminohinoline drugs (PlcoVenil, delagil), Sulfasalazine, the most widely used methotrexate and the new drug Arava.

    Treatment - alternative

    To most means of alternative (folk) medicine at rheumatologists, the attitude negative. Moreover, doctors warn about the dangers who makes themselves a man, running by healers and signs. First of all, first, most folk agents are absolutely useless and relief that sometimes experiences patient, based solely on psychotherapeutic effects. And secondly, while the patient loses precious time, the disease progresses. The articular diseases are quite a lot, and while any doctor knows perfectly perfectly than the patient suffers and treats him aiming, the meaning is trying to save a person from «something rheumatic». So neither the healer himself nor the sick concepts do not have what they fight with.

    But it is impossible to deny that the best means of traditional medicine can be accepted by medicine. Many applications, ointments and compresses really help relieve pain. However, as any other heat used in traditional academic medicine. After all, most folk compresses are based on vodka, and therefore they, warmingly affected area, relieve pain, dragged a little - suck blood and lymph from a sore place. As for other methods, for example, excessive starvation or treatment of herbs, the benefits of them are not much. Often, puzzled rheumatic arthritis with arthrosis, patients are trying to bring «Sololi», Taking broth of cornflowers or horsetails. Actually for «Sololi» take the bone bone tissue during arthrosis, which, is understandable, do not withdraw any stilts. And if it succeeded, the man would just crumble into parts.

    Treatment - innovative

    Walking patients by folk healers, in general, understandable. Until recently, traditional rheumatology did not indulge patients with rainbow hopes. Only a few years ago, a real explosion occurred in rheumatology. Fundamentally new drugs, so-called «Biological agents». This is some substances that are struggling with the culprits of the inflammatory process. While this innovative therapy is used only in a few, highly specialized and well-equipped centers. Preparations are quite expensive, as they were invented recently, complex in manufacture, require refinement of mechanisms of action and good clinical studies. But today, the rheumatologists of the whole world are confident that there is a great future for anticycinic drugs. There is hope that the disease rheumatoid arthritis will be able to reverse. Some scientists hoped to fully heal the incurable disease.

    Without the right to mistakes

    As with any other disease, the course of rheumatoid arthritis is largely depends on the patient. Unfortunately, among them often there is a conviction about the possibility of successful self-treatment. «I have chronic disease, doctors will not help, then I will be treated myself» often reason such patients. However, it is precisely people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you need to constantly maintain contact with doctors and control the degree of inflammation. After all, many drugs that they take have side effects. Say, unnecessary anti-inflammatory agents are able to cause an ulcer of the stomach or an increase in blood pressure. Only a doctor can say what medicine must be excluded and what to start applying in return.

    Often patients with rheumatoid arthritis are trying to independently be treated with antibiotics. However, doctors have no reliable data that this disease is amenable to similar therapy and no doctor as an antibiotic treatment will appoint. The patient also should not give its body an excess load.

    Next, a person should not be chasing for cheap. Self-chosen cheaper drug may not be well cleaned and will give more side effects on the already weakened organism. So the assessment of the cost of treatment must necessarily discuss the doctor.

    And the last. It is eternally suffering from rheumatoid arthritis patients often go to healers or apply new-fashioned, untested means. Special confidence for some reason, the most configured, exotic and non-standard methods of treatment are used. Of course, it is impossible to prohibit their use, but to warn your attending physician about the use of any miracle powder, you need.

    It is important to know!

    Physical activity is very important for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It will help to prevent muscle tissue atrophy and the formation of contractures (joint joints), will allow you to save motor functions. Moreover, with rheumatoid arthritis, you can even give the load even through pain. As for the diet, it is not fully developed. To support the body of the patient, it is recommended to make a sufficient amount of protein food. A, struggling with exhaustion, not limited to fats and easily friendly carbohydrates.

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